Title: At the End of Time Day/Theme: January 1st - this universe we cannot control Series: Touka Gettan Character/Pairing: Touka/Momoka Rating: PG Notes: Set during the end of episode 1
♥ It's lovely and at the sixth line I definitely knew which scene you were envisioning! It works very well.
I also like how there's symmetry in each of the non-italacized lines and also in the italicized lines. My only suggestion is that the fourth line is a little awkward. Is the 'begins to' necessary? Maybe? Likewise in the sixth line. The 'her' in 'wants to ask her' is a little redundant.
Comments 2
I also like how there's symmetry in each of the non-italacized lines and also in the italicized lines. My only suggestion is that the fourth line is a little awkward. Is the 'begins to' necessary? Maybe? Likewise in the sixth line. The 'her' in 'wants to ask her' is a little redundant.
Since you asked.
♥ So very lovely ♥
I shall go to edit because I agree with the suggestions, ♥
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