(no subject)

Jul 28, 2007 10:54

1sentence claim~

Fandom: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Pairing: Kamina x Yoko
Theme set: Epsilon
Rating: G-PG-13
Spoilers for the series up to episode 17
These are in no particular order, see the notes for more info

#01 - Motion
Leeron winked, making a suggestive motion with his hand that had Yoko flushing and Kamina reaching for his sword.

#02 - Cool
Yoko carefully loosened the strings of her top before removing the scarf and arm guards; sighing in relief as the night breeze began to wash over her, she barely even noticed Kamina's appreciative glances.

#03 - Young
Dayakka couldn't help but smile as he watched Yoko attempt to impress Kamina with her rifle skills.

#04 - Last
Lightly running a finger across her lips, Yoko smiled as she watched Kamina rush down the hill.

#05 - Wrong
The rain obscured her vision and hid her tears; Yoko desperately wished that she could wake from this nightmare.

#06 - Gentle
Even though she had initiated it, Yoko had only meant for it be quick kiss, nothing more - never had she expected Kamina to gently pull her back and kiss her senseless.

#07 - One
Kamina took one look at Yoko and decided that the surface world had been very good to the women.

#08 - Thousand
Stepping into the Gurren, Yoko felt a thousand memories wash over her; with a pained smile and a bit of encouragement from Boota, Yoko grabbed the controls and vowed to make Kamina proud.

#09 - King
After the battle, Yoko approached Simon with a smile, "Kamina would have been proud."

#10 - Learn
Yoko quickly realized that a good kick in the head was almost as effective as her rifle in waking a sleeping Kamina.

#11 - Blur
One moment Yoko had grabbed Kamina's arm for balance, the next she was lying on the ground with a dumbstruck Kamina practically on top of her.

#12 - Wait
Kamina rushed off in the Gurren and Yoko stomped her foot, shouting, "Must you always be so impatient?!"

#13 - Change
The poncho, Kamina decided, did not fit Yoko's personality at all.

#14 - Command
Yoko lazily stretched out behind Kamina, ignoring his shouts about the cramped space.

#15 - Hold
Fidgeting with the ends of her hair, Yoko tried to refrain from jumping up and chasing Kiyal, Kiyon, and Kinon away from Kamina.

#16 - Need
Yoko quietly approached Kamina as the sun rose, gathering up the courage to kiss him once more before the battle began.

#17 - Vision
Yoko couldn't help but smile whenever she watched Kamina and Simon.

#18 - Attention
Leeron sighed as Kamina's eyes began to wander in the direction of Yoko - it was such a pity the boy couldn't realize the magnificence of the person standing next to him.

#19 - Soul
Yoko admired the way Kamina fought with everything he had.

#20 - Picture
Yoko firmly slapped the pictures out of Dayakka's hands before he could show them to Kamina.

#21 - Fool
Yoko hated the way Kamina would rush into anything without thinking, but most of all, she hated the fear that welled up within her whenever Kamina made up his mind.

#22 - Mad
Kamina quickly learned that a mad Yoko was not a very pleasant traveling companion.

#23 - Child
Kamina was impressed by Yoko's patience with Gimmy and Darry - until he realized she was teaching them about the importance of marksmanship.

#24 - Now
Yoko lightly brushed the pair of glasses for good luck before heading into battle.

#25 - Shadow
The cocoa was cooling, but Yoko hesitated just a bit longer before gathering her courage and approaching Kamina.

#26 - Goodbye
Carefully clipping the skull pin to the cape, Yoko smiled sadly.

#27 - Hide
When the melancholy feelings would rise up, Yoko retreated to the back of the Dai-Gurren and looked to the sky, a wistful smile on her face as she wondered what might have been.

#28 - Fortune
Yoko knew she was fortunate to be alive, but that did little to ease the pain of Kamina's death.

#29 - Safe
The feeling of Kamina's arms around her made Yoko feel as if everything was right with the world.

#30 - Ghost
There were times it hurt to look at Simon and see so much of Kamina in his actions; politics had never interested her, but they made a fine excuse when the time came to leave Kamina city.

#31 - Book
Dayakka paged through the album with Kiyon, smiling softly as he pointed out a picture he had taken of Kamina and Yoko while they were arguing.

#32 - Eye
Yoko could only laugh as she watched Gimmy and Darry attempt to steal Kamina's shades while he slept.

#33 - Never
Yoko waited for Simon to return to the Gurren-Lagann before she turned to the marker and whispered, "I'll never forget."

#34 - Sing
Yoko could only hold her head and sigh as Kamina began to sing loudly and off-key, the rest of the Dai-Gurren crew eagerly joining in.

#35 - Sudden
When he had promised to repay the kiss ten times over, Kamina had never expected the sound of laughter to greet him.

#36 - Stop
Yoko sighed in resignation as she watched Kamina rush into battle; there was just no stopping him once his mind was made up.

#37 - Time
Days quickly turned to weeks and soon a year had passed; the thought of Kamina no longer pained her, instead making Yoko smile.

#38 - Wash
Yoko refused to let anyone see her break down after Kamina's death; the sound of the shower did little to hide her muffled cries.

#39 - Torn
Kamina tore a bit of cloth from his cape, proudly wrapping it around the cut on Yoko's finger; Yoko held back her sarcastic comment after seeing the proud smile on his face.

#40 - History
Nia quietly listened to Yoko as the older girl shared the story of how they had all come to form the Dai Gurren Brigade; Yoko's voice cracked at one point and Nia gently placed her hand upon Yoko's arm, silently offering her deepest sympathies.

#41 - Power
Kamina would complain that the Gurren was too crowded for the both of them (or rather, her fat ass) but with a little persuasion (a rifle was good for so many things), Yoko always managed to win that little argument.

#42 - Bother
Kamina's hand lightly tugged at the end of Yoko's hair before she slapped it away.

#43 - God
Yoko had cursed everything she could think of after Kamina's death.

#44 - Wall
With a grin, Kamina pulled himself to the top of the wall separating the hot springs only to meet the end of Yoko's rifle.

#45 - Naked
She felt uncomfortable without the familiar weight of the scarf around her neck, but Yoko smiled at her reflection, silently promising Kamina that she would see his goal through to the end.

#46 - Drive
Kamina had to admit that it was certainly more lively whenever Yoko accompanied him in the Gurren.

#47 - Harm
Rossiu could only look on in shock as he watched Yoko and Kamina bicker; Simon placed a hand on his shoulder, pulling him to the side as a rubber bullet strayed off course, and explained that this was all quite normal.

#48 - Precious
The cape and sword had been left as a marker, but Yoko had kept the glasses.

#49 - Hunger
The kiss deepened and Yoko clutched Kamina's shoulders to keep from falling as her knees started to shake.

#50 - Believe
Kamina held Yoko close, silently asking her to believe that everything would work out for the best.



- The sentences can be divided up as so:

Arc 1: Episodes 1-7
#'s = 1-3, 7, 10-15, 17-23, 29, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41-42, 44, 46-47

Arc 1b: Episode 8
#'s = 4-6, 16, 25, 35, 49-50

Arc 2: Episodes 9-16
#'s = 8-9, 24, 27-28, 30, 33, 38, 40, 43, 48

Timeskip Years (set before Arc 3: Episodes 17-current)
#'s = 27, 31, 37, 45

- #'s 24 and 48 go together, with 48 happening first.

gurren lagann, 1sentence

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