It's the most pointless job ever. Get paid for occasionally swearing in a premier, travelling all over the world, and generally doing very little actual real work for good money.
The other day I ran back and forth through a mall bashing into people and carrying a 13lbs turkey. I managed to do it 10 times when these police officers showed up and escorted me out. I thought they were going to take me to my medal and tickertape parade, but all I got was a court date and good yelling at by some fat, smokey captain. I guess I needed to do it 68 more times to achieve hero status. Man, that would be hard...
Perhaps I should have mentioned his Norman Kwong's record of public service. How as GM and President of the Stampeders they held fundraising events and that his social/charity work has continued long after his absence from football.
Comments 18
It's the most pointless job ever. Get paid for occasionally swearing in a premier, travelling all over the world, and generally doing very little actual real work for good money.
I gotta slap my guidance councillor.
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