Dude, it's 5:35 p.m. the polls closes at 9pm, I'll going to leave as late as 6pm...-ish.
Every leader of every single party running in my riding has dirt on them, my head is hurting, but I think I'm going to go with Liberal.
You see, while Canada is in a fucking mess, I don't think it will be the end of the world if Harper wins a majority. For one thing, our Supreme Court struck me as generally socially progressive and not on the fringe, especially the two new
appointments Martin made to the bench, Rosalie Abella and Louise Charron. Both are relatively young, looks healthy enough to live through at least 4 years if Harper won and indeed goes Bush.
Canada is not at a good place, that's not new, but I don't think we are on the verge of DOOM, so after some thought I decided to screw strategic voting...and initially after I decided to toss the "a vote for Nadar = a vote for Bush" kinda thinking, I did think about voting for NDP. If I'm completely by myself, then I will vote NDP. The thing is, other than the fact that Martin is new though he was the Minister of Finance, I also have a history of being a Liberal supporter, so does a close friend of mine, and a lot of my neighbours (so many, many, red Liberal lawn signs), our MP knows that our riding is a Liberal riding, but also one that was pissed off by the ad scandal.
Online friend of mine advised me about a week ago to vote Conservative, then I can write to my Conservative MP if they win, and told them that I want them to govern like the Liberals, but without the corruption. Considering all of the above though, I think I'll vote Liberal, then get together with my Liberal neigbours and write to the MP. Something along the lines of "This is your last chance, because Martin is new." Hmmmmmn.
ETA (6 hours later): I voted Liberal, BTW.
Also, for anyone who read
this thread, especially the "I don't have that choice actually", sorry, I discovered that I was wrong when I said the Green didn't run in my riding, they ran in every riding. It was the Canadian Action Party, the other obscure alternative I considered, that wasn't available.