Feb 23, 2009 18:45

Me and Duskichi have had a conference, and come to an agreement that the level of mindfuck run by two people is insufficient for the glorious badtouch of AMS.

You are now going to get to run your own McMindfuck on your characters. Anyone who has been sealed may enact this on their own characters, at any point. Read them all and adhere or we will hurt you gratuitously. Once you are done reading the guidelines, you can start.

Here are the guide lines:

- It's all in your characters head. There is no physical change to the environment, what they perceive is not actually occurring. You may see that people have suddenly turned into shadows, but they have not actually done so.
- Hallucinations have no physical effect. You can hurt yourself by running into a wall, but you can't be hurt by an imagined attack.
- It's not constant. You won't have an hour of constant mindfuck, but you can have 60 momentary hallucinatory flickers. Hallucinations shouldn't exceed more then 10 minutes ICly.
- Unless it is IC for your character to shut down completely, the mindfucks shouldn't make them incapable of functioning.
- All hallucinations are solely in that characters perception. Even if two sealed characters meet, neither will see each others hallucinations.
- All hallucinations need to be tied into the dark hour and Tartarus. Seeing the sun as the Tartarus moon is good, seeing the sun as the smiling teletubbies sun is bad.
- You do not have to describe the hallucination, you can just have your characters react to it.
- It will start to feel more and more draining as time goes on.
- All mindfucks should be creepy as possible. :|

You are not limited to these ideas, in fact we encourage you to go insane with creativity as long as you adhere to the guidelines, but good starters could be seeing people as shadows, seeing Tartarus, seeing the Dark Hour moon during daylight hours, seeing the walls/surroundings as a Tartarus level, seeing shadows either directly or out of the corner of your eyes, hearing Death's chains, seeing people weaker then you with distressed status, phantom pain, etc.

Regarding the plot:

There will be a post after the sealing is completed. You are all invited. Feel free to talk, make plans, or just make plenty of posts freaking out about sudden crazyness until then.

Plot Recap for stage 1:

First sealing (Minato and Emily)
Second sealing (Vajra and Mitsuru)
Third sealing (Arinori and Shinji)
Fourth sealing (Yukari, Kira, Ray)
SEES Meeting
Fifth sealing (Guy, Akihiko, Kevin, Aurelius, Paru)

Any questions?
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