Bodies From The TracksAuthor:
pigeonswerver Fandom/Genre: Supernatural
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Word Count: 29 800~
Warnings: Violence, creepy imagery, a bit of angst, language, sex
Notes: First of all, a resounding round of applause must go to my wonderful artist
sherill_ml , who did some amazing art (despite being very busy!) and for that I thank you. I also want to thank my adorable little beta,
neonmushroom , who read it through bravely and with no fear. And thank you to everyone who is even considering reading it! You all rock!
sherill_ml Art link:
Art Masterlist ![](http://i56.tinypic.com/30d8qbo.png)
Summary: AU from 5x21 onwards. Dean and a newly human Castiel wake up at Bobby’s to find that Sam has left in the middle of the night with the Impala, leaving only a vague note behind telling them not to follow him. Assuming that he’s gone to say yes to Lucifer, Dean and Castiel immediately go after him in one of Bobby’s old vans. On the way they get wrapped up in mysterious case after mysterious case, and eventually start to uncover something a lot bigger than what they set out to find. On top of that, they have to deal with their own - highly impractical - feelings.
Part One -
Part Two -
Part Three -
Part Four -
Part Five