The meme: 10 songs / 10 ficlets, aka Why Take Fic Prompts From Your Friends When You Can Take Them From Your iPod, last seen at
The method: put mp3 player on shuffle, note the first 10 songs, write a drabble/ficbit inspired by each.
musesfool did all one fandom and posted in one big batch, but I'm not as rigorous as that
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Comments 22 have no idea how much trouble I've had figuring that out. ("But if they're attached! That means hot wingfic! But if they're not, there could be hilarity if they bust out! Ack!")
I guess it's more of a swan-tutu than a swan-cloak, but! "Swan-tutu" sounds pretty retarded.
!!! The crossover of my dreams, it has come to pass. ;___; Go with him, Ammy, he is the imperial master of tummy rubs! Gouran can vouch!!
Re: Odin Sphere
Swan cloaks! I see that Norse reference there.
And the Ren piece makes me happy. ;__; ♥
My Norse mythology is pastede on <3
Please be advised that I have been working very hard on GyouTai pr0ns that I hope will cure what ails you.
Ammy can hold off on teaching him certain other techniques (I'm looking at Golden Fury and Brown Rage here). I really don't think he's interested.
Basically I just know "cows + giants + smelly bearded warrior men + horse mpreg = Norse!" and go from there. It gets me surprisingly far. (How far have you gotten in Odin Sphere, by the way?)
♥!!!!! It'll cure what ails me and whatever ails anyone in a twenty mile radius! It'll speed the recovery of cancer patients! For the good of humanity, continue!!
Horse mpreg: MY FAVORITE PART oh Loki, stay sweet never change.
In Odin Sphere I'm in Armageddon, trying and failing to get Velvet to climb up the a;lskjflsakjdlfkjking Cauldon without falling off. ;_; Any tips?
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