The Hammer of Fate 1/?

Jan 07, 2011 00:47

Title: The Hammer of Fate
Author: candylovinangel 
Warnings:I like writing cooky stuff sometimes. That includes an alternate Reality suck as this one where Richard and Gabriel are cousins and Richard is a cop. Everyone here is not themselves so enjoy the ride. None of them are mine.
Word Count: 4,440
Notes: Comments are love! 
Summary: Richard always did love kids but when he comes across these two kids just recently orphaned, he cant' help but insist he adopt them, wanting nothing more but to make their lives better or at least bearable.

Part One

Richard had been on the force since he was twenty. He’d seen and heard many things and had felt genuinely sorry for families of murder victims and missing children. He would also feel genuinely happy when the family would get their missing children and loved ones back. He was the kind of cop that was in it for the general outlook of loving to help people. He also wanted to take down people who would do this to innocent people. Sure everyone had their faults, but why did they have to take it out on their fellow man? Couldn’t they find another source besides their family or their family pet? He found a punching bag and writing to be a good outlook.

There were times after a missing person’s case he would go back to the home after he was off duty, and the family would recognize him and at first ask him what he was doing there, afraid he’d want to ask more questions, but he’d just hold up his hands and say he just wanted to make sure everything was all right and after a moment of hesitation he would be let in. About three fourths of the time the children he’d helped rescue would come running up to him and say hello happily, almost as if they’d never been gone. Richard had a soft spot for kids and they seemed to have a soft spot for him. He’d stay for a few minutes and ask the kid how they were doing before he’d ask the parents if the kids had any allergies or if they could have some candy. Most of the times it was No they don’t have allergies and sure they can have candy right now, seeing as Richard always made it a point to come just after a lunchtime. He would then procure a lollipop and give it to the kid who would squeal happily and then he’d say he was going to leave unless they wanted him to stay any longer, saying he didn’t want to intrude any further. Half the time he left, the parents saying they needed to get the child to have a nap or go to an activity. Usually though he was let stay to play with the kid, the parents watching with a smile as Richard was more than happy to indulge them and then when eventually the time came to leave he’d kneel down next to the kids and tell them to stay safe and to be aware of their surroundings. He’d then give his card to the parents.

“If anything happens, call,” He had said and they would nod and thank him for coming over. The people in the department always called him the softie for Children and would tease him about it. Though the guys that didn’t tease him about it were the officers with Children, because Richard would go over to their place of the weekends when he was invited and hand out with them and happily indulge in playing with the kids. Those officers always told the others to piss off. Richard couldn’t help but smile at those times. His boss had a few older kids and Richard was good with kids up til they were adults but over the past few years he’d met kids who’d sought him out and thanked him for what he’d done. Richard would thank them and say it was his job to protect everyone and that he loved it, getting a smile out of them.

So when one night he got a call about a disturbance in a downtown residential area he took the call and made the drive down there. The dispatcher had said that a neighbor had heard screams coming from next door and had been concerned for the family there…The Winchesters if Richard recalled the names properly.

They’d said there were two kids there and they were worried and the woman was still on the line with the dispatcher. Richard had been close so he pulled up and got out, taking out his revolver and took the safety off and looked to the mostly dark house but for a lit up room upstairs and he went up to the door and tried it, locked… so he went around back quietly, getting a sense of dread as he heard movement and he dove to the side as someone tried to tackle him.

“FREEZE!” He yelled as he pointed his gun at the person but they tried to run so Richard quickly grabbed his tazer and fired it off at the retreating person who yelled and fell spasming to the ground as Richard ran over and quickly handcuffed the man. He brought out his flashlight and passed it over the man, dressed in black and covered in blood. Crap! He dragged the man over to his car and called for an EMT as he cuffed the man’s legs too and patted him down, taking guns and knives off the man, who snarled curses at him and Richard told him to be quiet as he pushed him into the car and locked him in it and told dispatch that there was a man locked in his car and not to open in and that he was going to search the house.

He went up around back where he saw the intruder coming from and he turned on his flashlight, going through the house, searching every corner of the downstairs before going upstairs and he started at the master bedroom where he blinked as he saw the bodies of the couple that liked there, the blonde woman slashed across her belly and throat and the man…he had been stabbed repeatedly in the heart.

He then went through the other room and he got to one of two of them and swore he heard a faint whimper come from the closet and a soft ‘Shh!’ Richard turned on the light in the room and put the safety back on his gun and put it in his holster as he opened the closet and saw two kids huddled sacred in there. One was probably around nine and the other five. He saw the terror on their faces and he instantly felt for them as he held a hand out to them.

“Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you two, I promise,” He said in a soft voice, the voice he always used for scared children. He saw the older one look him over warily even as his brother started to go for Richard and the older one panicked.

“Sammy!” He said in a loud voice and the little tyke that had come to Richard looked back to his brother.

“He nice, Dean! He good guy, see?” Sam said, pointing to the badge on Richard’s uniform, “He please officer!” Sam said happily and Richard smiled down at him.

“Sammy its police, not please…” Dean said as he came out from the shelter of the closet and looked to Richard, who had picked up Sam.

“Where are my mom and dad?” Dean asked and Richard looked at him with sad eyes.

“They didn’t make it Dean, I’m sorry,” He said in a truly sorry voice and he saw Dean’s eyes tear up and he sniffled and of course Sam didn’t know what Richard meant, but Sam just seemed glad to be held. Richard put a hand on Dean’s shoulder and went back down the stairs with him and Sam.

“Don’t go into the back of the car, I have the man who hurt them back there, okay?” Richard said, watching as Dean’s eyes lit up somewhat.

“You caught the mean guy?” Dean asked and Richard nodded, “He won’t be hurting anyone else,” He said as he saw something close to respect or trust in the kid’s eyes, maybe it was comfort at knowing the man couldn’t hurt him even as a ambulance pulled up and Richard went up to them, still holding Sam.

“There are two bodies in the upstairs master bedroom,” He told them and they nodded and went in through the front, which Richard had unlocked and come out from. He radioed dispatch saying he needed another person with him, telling him he had two kids and the killer and he’d rather not have them in the same car. Within four minutes another car was there and out came Officer Misha Collins, who took one look at Richard and gave a dry laugh.

“Of course, Richard, of course,” He says as he kneels down next to Dean and smiles.

“Hey, I’m Misha, what’s your name?” He asked Dean who blinked and went over to Richard, clutching the older man’s leg, even Richard was surprised at that.

“Dean, be nice, say hello to Misha, he’s one of my friends.” He said as he saw Misha pulling a fake pouty and hurt face. Sam from Richard’s arms enthusiastically said hello and Misha smiled at the five year old and said hello back before looking to Dean who let go of Richard and went over to Misha and said hi.

“Hey Misha, can you take the violent psychopath? They seem to be your type,” He says with a slight smirk and Misha rolls his eyes.

“As you wish your majesty,” Misha says as he goes over to the car that’s Richard’s and pulls the man out of the car roughly and shoves him into the back of his car. Then Misha spent some time calling for the investigators and so on. Richard got the boys to get in the back and he drove them down to the station after giving Misha the weapons the man had on him when Richard had stopped him. Richard glanced to both boys in the mirror at a stoplight and then he let out a sigh. This wasn’t the first time he’d seen something like this but…he found himself already attached to the kids and he didn’t want to hand them off to an orphanage… As he drove up to the police station the kids got antsy, especially Sam as they got out.

“Mister please officer? I need to go pee pee,” Sam said, squirming and Dean rolled his eyes but Richard smiled at them.

“Come on I’ll take you two to the bathroom then, come on.” He said as he led them in and Richard saw the other officers throw him smiles and looks of amusement. Richard smiled back at them and lead Sam into the bathroom, the five year old very visibly uncomfortable before he went to the closest urinal and unzipped and then let out a sigh. Dean decided that since he was there he might as well go. Richard came out with them later and took them to a holding room and told them he’d be right back and he locked the door and went to his boss.

“Sir…The Winchester boys…I want to take custody of them,” He said, watching as his boss looked up from his desk in shock.

“Seriously, Richard? You want to take two orphans into your custody, be their legal guardian?” Richard nodded.

“Yes sir, I do. You know I’ve always been fond of kids and well…I’ve been considering adopting some for a while now…” He says with a smile, his boss however frowns.

“Richard, you’re a police officer, you won’t be home long enough to take care of them!” He says, getting up, “You can die in the line of duty and those kids would be orphans again.” He says firmly. Richard looks at him with determination in his eyes.

“Sir, I really want those two as my kids…it’s...It’s something about them. I want to take care of them,” Richard says, sounding somewhat helpless as he said that. His boss saw his longing to do this and he sighed.

“How about I make you a part time officer then, instead of full time? And that cousin of yours uh…Gabriel right? He can take care of him when he’s there?” Richard’s boss asked and Richard nodded.

“He’s a graphic designer so he doesn’t need to leave the house,” Richard says calmly and his boss relented.

“Fine, take them home with you; I’ll take care of the paperwork.” He says calmly as Richard thanks him and goes to the room with the boys and he smiles softly at them. They both had stayed close to each other seeming scared of being left alone.

“Well, my boss said I can take you two to my home, and that I can be your legal guardian, how does that sound?” Richard asked both boys, kneeling down next to them. Sam went up and hugged him while Dean looked at him with some suspicion before nodding. He leads them out of the room and back to his car in the lot out back, not the police car but his actual car, a four door 2009 silver Honda accord. He let them into the back and got in the front and he smiled at them.

“I’m really hoping you guys will like my place. I have a cousin, he looks like me actually it’s kind of unsettling, but he’s gonna love meeting you, he’s a candy junkie.” He says with a chuckle and he watches both kids suddenly get more interested. He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up and he starts the car and looks back at them.

“All buckled up, boys?” He asks, looking to them to see they were and then he smiled and put the car in reverse, backing up and then going home, talking to the boys, but he knew Dean was sad, he was old enough to know his parents were dead and gone, and thus he was quietly grieving, Sam though didn’t get it, and well, he didn’t ask any questions about it, he just asked what they were going to eat.

“I was thinking maybe some pizza; I don’t feel like cooking tonight, unless Gabriel’s made some food. He’s an excellent cook.” He says with a smile and that got Dean’s attention as Richard pulled into the driveway of a rather nice looking condo and he gets out, letting the kids out and he locks the car, then goes up to the door, passing a nice green lawn and opening the white front door and immediately he was assaulted by the smell of something burning.

“GABE!” He yelled, startling the kids as he closes the door and he goes stalking into the kitchen and what he spots there has him yelling again.

“Were you trying to burn down the house again with another crazy recipe?!” He snarled, and there at the kitchen table staring at a plate of food like it were committing some sort of unspeakable act was Richard’s cousin Gabriel, who basically looked like Richard, but he was shorter and had blonde hair and amber colored eyes as he looked up. Gabriel is twenty four while Richard is thirty. Gabriel had been living with Richard for four years now. Richard unclips his belt from around his waist and turns off his remote dispatcher and he looks to Gabriel for an answer, waiting.

“Well, Cuz, I was trying to see if I could make cheese flavored ice cream.” Gabriel said with a smirk as he tasted the monstrosity that was once ice cream in front of him and he gags on it.

“I see it was a failed experiment,” Richard said dryly. Sam then came up to Richard and tugged on Richard’s pants.

“Mr. Please Officer I’m hungry,” Sam whimpered and Richard picked him up.

“It’s okay Sammy, let’s just wait for Gabriel here to clean up his mess and then we’ll eat.” He says fondly to the little boy in his arms.

“Oh geeze Richard you brought some kids home?” Gabriel said and Richard just smiled before looking to Sam, “And you and Dean can call me Richard, and that is Gabriel. He may look a lot like me but he’s a runt.” He says with a smirk and Gabriel scowled at him as he cleaned up.

“Yeah well…at least I can cook. I’m the reason you get fed well,” Gabriel said as he tossed out the failed experimental food.

“Yeah well look at that gut you’re sporting. If I didn’t actually work out I’d be looking like that cause of you. I swear you try to shove a ton of food down my throat…Don’t over feed these kids okay? I don’t want them getting fat like you.” He said with a good natured smile and then he poked Sam’s nose and Sam giggled and hugged Richard. He swore he saw Dean smiling and then he went over to Gabriel.

“Can I call you Gabe?” He asked, looking shy all of a sudden and Gabriel looked down to Dean and smiled.

“Sure,” He said, kneeling down next to him, “and what’s your name?” He asked as Dean decided to poke Gabriel’s stomach as if testing if there really was a gut and Gabriel let out a snort of laughter and Dean smiled and did it again, Gabriel’s reaction was the same. Gabriel’s gut was really just a round bump. If Richard had to compare it to anything though he’d say it was like his stomach was the size of a three months pregnant woman. It pushed at Gabriel’s shirt and honestly? Richard was sick of not doing anything about it or more or less not pushing Gabriel to do something about it.

“I’m Dean and that’s Sammy that Richard is holding,” He says with a small smile as he pokes Gabriel’s stomach again and Sam squirmed in Richard’s grip and Richard put him down and went to join Dean in poking Gabriel. Gabriel’s clear laughter filled the room as the two tickled Gabriel and Richard smiled, taking advantage of this to go and change out of his uniform and lock up his equipment.
He came back out in some tan slacks and a white t-shirt. When he looked in the kitchen he saw the boys still tickling Gabriel, who was red in the face and still laughing but weakly now and Richard noticed they’d moved onto his side.

“You two enjoying abusing the cook hm?” He said with a smile as he snatched up Sam and put him in a chair and then snagged up Dean, who yelped and pouted as Richard set him in a chair. Gabriel got up rubbing his sides and he smirked at the boys.

“Well you took your sweet time, Richard,” He says, poking Richard’s stomach, but Richard raised a brow at him. He actually was fit and had abs unlike the man standing in front of him.

“Of course I did. I haven’t heard you laugh like that in ages,” He says as he messes up Dean and Sam’s hair and they smiled at him. Gabriel watched with a smile.

“So what do you two want to eat?” Gabriel asked as Richard sat down at the table, a happy smile on his face, he was glad he could save these two from a depressing orphanage.

“Pizza!” Sam said happily and Dean seconded it, Gabriel looked to Richard who smiled.

“Oh boy you two, you’re gonna love his home made pizza,” Richard said with a chuckle as Gabriel got this gleam in his eyes as he started pulling out ingredients from the fridge and cupboards.

“What do you boys like on your pizza?” He asks before he chops anything.

“Pepperoni, cheese and mushrooms,” Dean recited and Sam bobbed his head.

“Yup yup! Mushyrooms!” Sam said with a happy grin and Gabriel and Richard both laughed at how Sam said mushrooms. They went into the living room while they waited for the pizza to finish baking, the kids were trying to poke Gabriel again and he was retreating to hide behind Richard who snorted as the boys started attacking his sides with their fingers and he found himself laughing like he hadn’t laughed in ages and before he knew it he was sprawled out on the couch laughing and the boys were having fun and then Gabriel joined in with harassing him.

Richard’s eyes were watering as he gasped for breath, feeling like something inside him was coming out from a tight curl that he hadn’t even realized was there…It was like…like an unrestrained happiness went flooding through him as whatever it was that was being reawakened or maybe just barely woken. Either way it felt…it felt great or he supposed it had to do with the kids. He looked to Gabriel who seemed to be having the same kind of happiness wash over him even as the oven dinged and Gabriel was jumping up to go get the pizza out. Richard lay there and grinned at the boys who had just tired out as he sits up and pulls them both to him.

“I’m glad I got you guys instead of you two going to an orphanage. I think you’ll both like it here,” He says softly, hugging both boys to him and Sam smiled and Dean smiled but then it faltered, though Richard didn’t notice as Gabriel called them over to eat and they got up, going to the table where the boys tasted the pizza Gabriel had made, the younger man watching the two to see if they liked it. They both took bites of it and Dean’s eyes widened and he let out a muffled kind of happy sound whereas Sam’s was full blown and the five year old promptly started trying to devour the piece of pizza and Gabriel smiled happily.

“I take it you two like it?” He said with a happy smile, knowing how hard kids can be to please.

Sam bobbed his head, “It’s yummy Gabe!” He said in a very happy voice as he got sauce all over his face and Richard felt a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest and he looked to Gabriel who was positively beaming. They ate their dinner happily and Gabriel of course stuffed himself full and Richard rolled his eyes. The kids were staring at Gabriel wide eyed.

“Gabriel…You’re setting a bad example for them. Now put down the slice of pizza and clean up while I put them to bed and lucky for you my day off is tomorrow and I’m going to handcuff you to your bed while I take them to school and then I’m going to get your sorry butt and…gut back into shape. You have no excuse to not be exercising, you’re a graphic designer and you have the time to at least exercise for an hour out in the garage…and we’re going to have to make the office into a room for Dean or Sam. We have the guest room but we also need the room that’s ‘the office’ made into one. I can just set up my computer in my room and yours in your room and have a computer out here…another thing we’ll do when they’re at school.” He said calmly and Gabriel gave him a face but didn’t say anything as he started cleaning up and Richard took the boys to the guest room.

“You guys are going to have to share the bed, I’m sorry,” He said, but he was sure they’d both fit and they both nodded and got comfy on the bed and under the covers. Richard smiled at both.

“Everything’s going to be fine, I promise,” He said with a soft smile, looking more at Dean than Sam. Sam nodded but Dean didn’t and he was on the outside, but Richard let them be and left the room, sitting down on the couch and letting out a sigh. Gabriel came over and sat down heavily next to Richard and Richard looked to him with eyes that were sparkling happily.

“I think they’re good for us, you know? Something…just feels so right with them around,” Gabriel said after a moment of silence, smiling at Richard.

“But…what happened to their parents? I have to ask…” Gabriel muttered and Richard let out a sigh.

“Murdered in their sleep or at least it was supposed to be that way, I think their mother was the one who screamed...I found the boys hiding in a closet, they were so scared..” He muttered and Gabriel squeezed Richard’s shoulder in a attempt to comfort him.

“I’m sure that weird charm you have with kids got them trusting you like that-“ and he snapped his fingers, “You just have that effect on kids and I know you know it.” He said as Richard smiled faintly and looked to the clock. Nine pm…felt later.

“I’m gonna crash…enjoy the office while you can Gabe,” he says as he hugs his cousin, who felt more like a brother than anything and  Gabriel patted his back. Richard got up and went back to his room, not aware of the eyes of one of the boys watching him from a crack in the door. He went into his room and closed the door, changing into some green pajamas and lying down on the bed, getting under the covers and he felt the weight over everything crash down on him as he fell asleep… About an hour later though his door creaked open and then something light got on his mattress and he opened his eyes sleepily and he looked to the bed.

“Dean?” He muttered tiredly.

“Yes, sir,” Dean said softly as he goes to Richard and curls up next to him and Richard could tell the kid was seeking comfort so he wrapped a arm around him.

“You know, you don’t have to call me sir, like I said to your brother, just call me Richard,” He muttered and Dean cuddled up against Richard silently. Richard knew why the kid was here, seeking some attention from an adult…

“I meant what I said Dean.” He said softly as Dean looked to him with eyes shining with tears, “Everything will be fine. Your mom and dad are in Heaven now, they’re happy and they’d want you to be happy.” He says as the door opens to his room again and Sam comes in and comes up onto the bed. Thankfully it was a King sized bed so they all fit well.

“Thank you…for taking us in, s-Richard...” Dean mutters softly and Richard smile and hugs both of them close on both sides of him.

“It wasn’t a problem,” He says smiling as he drifted off to sleep again, Dean and Sam cuddled up to him for comfort and warmth, all of them under the warm covers…

gabriel, misha, dean winchester, sam, fic: supernatural, richard speight jr, misha collins, fic: crossover, dean, richard, the hammer of fate, supernatural

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