Something Broken in You 2/3

Dec 30, 2010 19:37

Title: Something Broken in You
Author: candylovinangel 
Rating: R (Overall its mostly PG-13 at most points) 
Pairing: Gabriel/Dean
Spoilers: up to 6.11
Word Count: 2,593
Summary: It's unsettling how quiet the Archangel is and it has Dean on edge. He wants to help but it seems there's only so much help Gabriel will allow when he's not brooding and being eerily quiet.

Dean woke slowly the next morning…and the first thing he noticed was that Gabriel was gone. He sat up fast and saw that Gabriel was just coming out of the shower, a towel wrapped firmly around his waist and he snapped his fingers once, staring at the dresser in front of him. Nothing. Twice. Nothing. Dean heard him curse and try again, There was the snap then a long moment and a pile of clothes appeared and Dean leaned over and collected his boxers and put them on, looking to Gabriel but he’d already gone back into the bathroom. Dean frowned and knew that what he’d just seen, THAT was weird. Gabriel was having a hard time with his powers, but then again he’d seemed drained after their round of fun last night and even before that in the car he’d seemed really out of it.

Dean got up and saw that Sam was asleep in the other bed and he smirked seeing Sam’s back was to his bed. He saw Gabriel come out in jeans a tan jacket like the one he usually wears, and a forest green dress shirt. He’s barefoot as he walks straight for the table and he rifles through the bags there and pulls out some chips and opens them and starts munching on them, ignoring Dean on the bed. He sits there and Dean sighs. He goes over to his bags and pulls on some fresh jeans and a gray t-shirt. He looked to Gabriel who was silent but for the eating the chips and then he looks to his arm and he pulls out his medicine kit and cleans up the wound and bandages it up and puts the kit away and then he has the feeling Gabriel is watching him, but when he looks up, Gabriel is staring at the window. He’s quiet, and it’s disconcerting. He goes over and sits down on the opposite side of where Gabriel sat. He saw Gabriel’s eyes go to his bandaged arm and the Dean gets Curious and gets up, feeling Gabriel’s pulse as his neck and that gets him an a odd look from the angel.

“Why are you doing that?” Gabriel asks, the first words of the day.

“I just…well when your vessel came back he was…cold and lifeless and I just…for a long moment there I thought I’d failed in saving you…In getting you back…I don’t know what I would have done...” He mumbles and he sees Gabriel looking at him seriously for a moment.

“What I don’t understand is how you managed it…That spell can’t do that…” Gabriel mutters and Dean points to his arm.

“It doesn’t require the blood of a vessel but I put my blood in for extra strength…it seemed to help a lot…and what did you do with my coat?” He asked suddenly, remembering how it got ripped off of him.

“Used it to cross over the holy fire…Purgatory kept trying to fight me, keep me there…Good thing you’re a stubborn loudass one. Had to follow your voice…” Gabriel fell silent and Dean looked at him quietly, he wasn’t going to bring up what he’d seen happen with Gabriel’s powers.

“Want me to get you anything, or do something for you?” Dean asked, he wanted to help and he also wanted to repay Gabriel, who for all his faults had died for them, and suffered even long after it. Gabriel had every right to be mad, pissed, angry and feel betrayed. Dean knew he’d feel that way.

Gabriel fidgeted a bit and nodded, “Some candy and apple pie?” He said almost uncertainly and Dean smiled, now that was the Gabriel he knew, even if he said it uncertainly, certainly something he’d like.

“I’ll be back in a bit, tell Sam I went out to get some food okay?” Gabriel nodded even as Dean went over to the smaller man and got down so he was at eyelevel. He wasn’t sure what it was that twisted in his gut when he looked at those eyes, but he could sense a concealed sorrow and pain from the angel, and he pulled him into a hug for a long moment.

“Dean…what?” Gabriel asked in confusion but Dean kept him in the hug and he actually seemed to relax into it until Dean started to pull away and Gabriel’s hands tightened and gripped his shirt. Dean looked to Gabriel and thought he saw a flash of fear and Dean sighed and pulled him back into his arms now carding his hand through Gabriel’s hair. He was like this for another minute before he got up and out of the hug.

“Okay. I’m going to get the food and I’ll be back, okay? Try not to wake Sam,” He says as he grabs his keys and went for the door and opened it, glancing back to Gabriel who had a look on his face like he’d been betrayed or hurt even as dean closed the door and locked it, hurrying to the car and to a store, getting a plethora of candy and three pies.

He was only gone for half an hour as he got back but when he opened the door he saw something hauntingly similar to how he’d seen Gabriel before, just minus the Holy fire. Gabriel was sitting in the middle of the room, eyes downcast and he was rigid as he seemed to be fighting something…Hell his body was shaking even as Dean closed the door and set the bags on the table.

“Gabriel?” He said tentatively, the angel didn’t respond. Dean sat down next to Gabriel and then like he had in purgatory, pulled him into a warm hold, his right arm wrapped around him and by his stomach. Dean rubbed Gabriel’s back in a pattern to try and calm Gabriel down from well…everything. He looked up to see Sam waking up and Sam mumbled and looked to the two.

He saw the forlorn, and hurt in Gabriel’s expression and then Sam saw Dean looking at him as if asking what to do. Sam just shrugged at Dean, who seemed to actually be helping Gabriel whether he knew it or not because Sam actually saw Gabriel’s expressions seeming to slide off his face.
“Hey Sam, mind getting him some candy bars from the bags? He asked for candy and pie and I got both, maybe it’ll snap him out of it…” Dean muttered and Sam nodded, getting up, in black pajama pants and he pulls on a gray shirt before going over to the bag and gets out a variety pack of the candy and opens it and he offers it to Gabriel, who looks up at him and there’s a hint of a smile as he takes the candy and starts picking through it and he takes out a snickers and starts munching on it. Dean stops rubbing Gabriel’s back and Gabriel looks back.

“Who said you could stop?” He says through a mouthful of candy, and Dean rolls his eyes and starts again.
A month in a half passed and slowly…ever so fucking slowly Gabriel seemed to be coming out of a shell he’d formed around himself in Purgatory that Dean had somehow been able to get through, to the Gabriel they knew from the start. Dean didn’t know what iwas he had with the archangel that had let him in to help but Gabriel was no longer deathly silent in a room, he’d slowly started cracking jokes again after the first day, after he’d gotten some food into his system, and had stuck by Dean the whole time. Dean still noticed Gabriel hung closer to him than he ever did Sam, their arms almost constantly brushing against each other. Neither of them had forgotten that first night. Dean thought that’s when he’d actually been able to break through to Gabriel actually, broken through and shattered the protective shell he’d made that night, if only for a little bit, but it seemed it had been crumbling for a while now.

It also became clear that Gabriel had a disturbing attachment issue with Dean now because of this. Dean still didn’t know why, but nowadays he either had to take Gabriel with him places or Sam had to go get stuff, Gabriel just couldn’t be left alone until he fully got back to being himself apparently. Dean had left the motel room without Gabriel several times and each time he came back to find Gabriel trembling and staring at the floor, looking as broken as the first day and Sam couldn’t get him to snap out of it. Gabriel never said anything about Purgatory to Sam or Dean. Dean didn’t need him to, he’d seen purgatory, he’d seen Gabriel kill himself only to be brought back again in that trap…it was clear Gabriel had been so lonely there and that he couldn’t stand being left alone again, or being out alone anytime soon…

Another clear thing was that Gabriel hardly used his powers nowadays, Dean thought it was still because Gabriel was recovering from his trip back. So Dean didn’t harass him about it, but that still didn’t mean Gabriel wasn’t still teasing him and Sam and several times Sam snapped back at him and told him to grow up, leaving Gabriel stunned and silent for the rest of those days. Today unfortunately was one of those days and Dean had had enough of it. He got up and shoved Sam against the wall and glared at him.

“What the hell Sam? He’s finally coming back to the way he was and you keep stomping all over him and his attempts to lighten the mood around here!” He snarled and Sam narrowed his eyes.

“He needs to learn to deal with it or to prank YOU instead of me all the time! I get sick of it!” Sam snarled and Dean punched Sam in the face, Sam recoiling and pushing Dean back. The two got into an all out fist fight even as Castiel silently appeared and sat down next to Gabriel, it was the first time since Gabriel first came back that Castiel had visited. He saw Gabriel sitting in his own corner and he ignored the two fighting brothers and he went over to Gabriel and senses his distress and hurt.

Gabriel looked up to Castiel, who gave him a soft smile and sat down next to him. Castiel could see how feeble Gabriel’s grace is now compared to what it once was and it was only then that he realized his brother didn’t have access to Heaven. He pulled Gabriel into a hug and muttered some words of comfort to him in enochian, Gabriel now shuddering in Castiel’s hold. Castiel let his Grace wrap around Gabriel’s own and he soothed Gabriel in ways the other angel would never have allowed before. Gabriel hadn’t let anyone near his grace when the plotting of the apocalypse had started in Heaven, or when he had left. Gabriel had been alone for so long…

You love him, don’t you? Castiel asked Gabriel in their silent way of communicating. Gabriel looked up to Castiel and didn’t even bother denying it.

Yes. Ever since I first saw him, Cas… Gabriel responded quietly, shifting his invisible wings even as Castiel reinstated Gabriel’s access to Heaven then and there. Gabriel blinked and Castiel could see his older brother’s grace absorbing power from Heaven now, and fast, his Grace getting stronger and returning to it’s former brightness and Castiel actually saw the light of it in Gabriel’s vessel’s hazel eyes now with sparks of blue in them.

Then let him know, brother, I believe he too has feelings for you. He risked his life to bring you back. I’m sure he would have died if necessary to bring you here. Castiel said softly and Gabriel relaxed in the hug they’d still been in and Castiel pulled away and looked to the brothers, who were now on the bed fighting and Castiel rolled his eyes and flicked a hand getting Dean on one bed and Sam on the other.
“You two knock it off, you should be ashamed of yourselves,” Castiel said in a properly disappointing voice as he pulls away from Gabriel, who thanked his brother softly.

“Not my fault Sam’s an oversensitive ass!” Dean snarled and Gabriel watched from the corner as both boys bickered and tried to get Castiel on their side, Gabriel’s poor brother didn’t really know what to do there.

“Okay, both of you mooks shut up!” Gabriel growls and he goes to the space between the beds and looks at Sam whose already bloody and he takes a deep breath and punches him in the nose and grabs him by the hair.

“If you don’t like a joke and want to snap at me for it, go ahead but if something else happens to you…heh well you’ve been warned,” He growls, “Still, it doesn’t mean you have to fight with Dean for trying to defend me,” He growled and Dean watched this with wide eyes from his bed. Holy crap, Gabriel was actually standing up for himself again! Sam gulped and nodded frantically and Gabriel looked to Dean, whose eyes went onto his, and Gabriel’s eyes hard are hard for a moment before they soften, and Dean’s not sure, he thinks it might be an illusion or trick of his eyes but he swears there’s a flash of blue in those hazel eyes before they seem normal again and Dean can’t tear his eyes away right now and he’s pretty sure Gabriel knows this cause he vaguely, without taking his eyes off of his, sees him smirking and Dean swears he’s eye fucking Gabriel right now.

Then…then Gabriel looks away to Cas and says something, Dean doesn’t quite hear what Gabriel said, his mind in the gutter and not comprehending anything other than the thoughts, Holy crap. Next thing he knows he’s able to move again and he blinks and sits up and Gabriel is on the bed smirking at him.

“Remember when you told me to bite you?” He says with that smirk still on his face. Dean blinked owlishly at him.

“That was four years ago! How do you still remember that?” Dean asked as Gabriel pushed him back down onto the bed and then sprawled out on him setting himself up so he had his arms on Dean’s chest, crossed, and his head on them, staring at Dean.

“Easily. You forget just what I am,” Gabriel breathes and Dean feels like his heart is going to explode it’s going so fast and he’s sure that Gabriel can feel how hard he is and Sam goes into the bathroom and they hear the sink running as Gabriel card his hand through Dean’s hair and they start eye fucking again and Dean can feel how hard Gabriel is for him too, but then he gets up and Dean blinks and Gabriel’s laughing at him.

“You’re a fucking evil tease!” He snarls at Gabriel who smirks and goes to his own corner again, his moment of teasing and fun over as he slips back into his…what Dean like to think of as ‘quiet Mode’. Should be named depressing mode…But what could he do? Gabriel hadn’t spoken of anything to do with the time spent in purgatory…almost like he was afraid to…

Dean let out an annoyed growl as he waited for the physical want for Gabriel to die down…

gabriel, castiel, pairing: dean/gabriel, dean winchester, sam, fic: supernatural, cas, dean, supernatural

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