Comfort and Family 1/1

Feb 23, 2011 10:24

Title: Comfort and Family
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: PG
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel Dean/Cas if you squint
Spoilers: None: Just know who Gabriel is
Warnings: Crack from me
Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Summary: Gabriel runs into a few problems when dealing with a witch shortly after Changing the Channels. Much to his despair he has to try and find the three muskateers and try and get them to help him with his situation.
Word Count: 3,926

He had been hunting a witch on his own just a week after Sam, Dean and Cas had interrogated him. He was still mad he’d been left in such a vulnerable position trapped in that fire. He’d gone out and started slaughtering monsters...A witch wasn’t exactly a monster but a witch is a bitch so…time to kill her, especially after she was harassing some of the local children. He wasn’t going to let a witch fuck with kids… that was just one of the few things he hated the most, when people screwed around with kids.

He’d gotten to her house and found her in the middle of a spell and he attacked her, pinning her to the wall where she smirked at him and continued her chanting and finished whatever spell it was even as Gabriel killed her. There was a flash of blinding harsh purple light and when it cleared, his eyes immediately went fuzzy and Gabriel started cursing. He looked around and tried to find any sort of book that could have been the spell book and he spotted something large and book like even as his eyesight failed him and he started cursing and grabbed the book thing even as he heard someone starting to unlock the front door, his other senses had kicked into high gear immediately and he could sense the soul of the witch’s husband even as he fled blindly. He didn’t know where he was going but he kept himself flying as he slipped whatever the hell it was he grabbed into his jacket and he landed in the nearest town, made himself sunglasses and put them on…They were his favorite ones too… He had to use all of his senses to find an alleyway, and he easily avoided the people on the streets, seeming to accurately gauge where they were just from sound and from being able to sense their souls even as he made his way to the nearest alley. He didn’t sense anyone there so he fled…He knew of three certain people that could likely help him but…Well why did it HAVE to be them, especially after what had happened? He would have slammed his head against the wall if it would have helped at all…but well it wouldn’t. He was going to have to find the mooks…Blind. Fuck.

He let out a long and miserable sigh as he spread his wings and vanished from the spot….Flying around now and trying to sense those two damaged souls and damaged angel…

He lost track of all sense of time as he searched…He just knew he was annoyed with the lack of finding them…He wasn’t aware of what he looked like now…Wasn’t aware of how the hazel of his eyes had become colorless and dull…Didn’t help Gabriel had those sunglasses on constantly…

He finally came across something, after what seemed like searching forever… It actually surprised him to sense this…A flare of Castiel’s waned grace. He immediately was there and he could sense his brother and hoped he wouldn’t be able to sense him until he’d led him to the brothers… one thing Gabriel had learned was that he could ‘see’ what was around him by feeling out the area with his grace and it would give him a brief picture of what everything looked like…kinda like sonar… so he ‘saw’ Castiel going to a door and going inside. He could hear the boys talking angrily even from this far away…Dean was saying something about not wanting to go on their next job because of some two women dying or something. When Gabriel got to the door he quietly felt it over and the number was 902…

“Dean, listen to me! I don’t like the idea of going out so soon after Jo and Ellen died…but we need to save people, hunt things, the family business, you know?” Sam was now saying a tired weariness in the younger Winchester’s voice. Gabriel wasn’t sure if it was nighttime or daytime…or if they’d even help after what Gabriel had done to them, had tried to force on them…They had every right to try and kill him now…
He finally knocked on the door and he heard the voices go quiet and then the door opened and he had to keep himself from falling through the doorway.

“Gabriel?!” Dean yelped before suddenly the door was slammed in his face again. He’d expected that and let out a sigh and started to leave when the door opened again and he recognized Sam’s soul and knew the youngest Winchester had answered the door. Gabriel turned back toward the door and consciously turned his head to look at where he knew Sam was at.

“Gabriel…You look…uh…different…Come on in, so long as you don’t go killing any of us…” Sam said hesitantly and Gabriel couldn’t help the smirk.

“I don’t plan on hurting you or Cas…and well I guess I won’t hurt Dean for now,” He says with a chuckle as he hears the rustle of clothes and knows Sam’s gotten out of his way. He got inside and reached out with his grace again to get a bearing for the hotel room and then he headed over to what he could tell was the empty bed. He sat down on it and splayed his hands out over the covers. Not the best fabric, but better than nothing but thin air…

“Dude…you have sunglasses on at night and you’re looking like you’re trying to sport a beard...How long has it been since you shaved? Did you forget you’re not in a tv show anymore?” Dean asked as Gabriel quirked a smile and brought his hand up to feel the former stubble and now impressive amount of longer facial hair and he brought his hand away.

“Gabriel,” Cas’ voice is sharp and there’s a hint of worry in there.., “You act like you didn’t know this…” Gabriel couldn’t help the bitter laugh as he consciously closed his eyes and took the sunglasses off and set them aside.

“That’s the thing bro…,” He says slowly as he takes out the book and sets it aside, even with his eyes still closed.

“I was hunting a witch shortly after you mooks left. She was picking on some kids and well…,” He opened his eyes and heard the intakes of breath and felt the shock even as he continued, “The bitch blinded me as I killed her…I snagged what I really hope is her spellbook…I’ve been trying to find you guys since then…I don’t know how long it’s been.” He said as he ran his hands through his hair.

“Gabriel…it’s been three months and…your eyes…They’re nearly colorless…” Came Sam’s voice as he got close and sat down next to Gabriel.

“Why should we help you?” Dean asked, his voice harsh and condemning, “You were trying to get us to say yes to Michael and Lucifer!” Dean said, clearly still pissed about that and Sam shifted away from Gabriel.

“How do we know this isn’t some trick?” He growled and Gabriel twisted his hands around and let out a somewhat defeated breath.

“You don’t know, but really? Why would I fake being blind? Seriously, there are better way to screw with you mooks,” He mutters as he gets up.

“I figured you two wouldn’t help…but thanks for pointing out to a fucking blind person that they need to shave!” and with that he storms to the door but finds having to come to a sharp stop as he sensed Cas appearing in front of him.

“Move Cas,” He growled.

“See, you don’t act like a blind person, fumbling around, trying to figure out where things are,” Dean said with a growl to his voice.

“Hm oh I don’t know I’m an archangel I’ve got tons of abilities to make up for not being able to see!” He snarls, looking back in the direction of Dean’s voice, “So screw you Dean, I would rather go out there and get away from you than stay here and be told I’m faking something when I’m not!” He yells as he pushes past Cas and goes out the door. He was so pissed that he forgot to map out the area again and he ended up walking right into a car, and he cursed fluently and in several languages and he got away from the cars and went walking briskly in the night…realizing he’d forgotten the sunglasses and the book back there he cursed again but he decided he’d leave them behind. He didn’t want to go back. He then walked past a group of men and instantly sensed something off…and then realized…Demons…Not to mention they decided to follow him. He let out a growl and took his sword out and turned and stabbed one of them through the heart. He needed something to kill anyhow, and he sent the other three flying against the walls. His attention was focused on the demons and the demons only as he put his hands to two of them and with but a thought killed the demons and spared the poor victims and let them drop.

“How did you know?” The last one asked with a snarl and Gabriel rolled his eyes, “Your stench and well, how could I not? You radiate evil and contempt constantly,” He growls before killing the demon and then letting the poor person fall to the ground. He wiped off the sword and then he put it away.

“Gabriel…” It was Cas…And he could sense Sam with him.

“What do you two want?” He snapped and he could tell they exchanged looks and two hands were suddenly on his shoulders. Warm large hands and Gabriel found himself being pulled into a hug from Sam.

“I’m sorry we snapped at you Gabriel…It must have been hard travelling blindly and trying to find us…even if you knew there was only a what 50% chance we would help you…” Sam muttered as Cas seemed to be watching as Gabriel returned the hug quietly. He knew he didn’t deserve this…That they should have let him wander off to die, but then Sam was steering him carefully back to the hotel…Sam’s hands were gentle on his shoulders. It was then that he realized Sam must know how he felt in a way…to feel so alone even with his brother nearby, with that demon blood addiction taunting him... Gabriel felt so…vulnerable and yet so safe with Sam there, gently guiding him. He didn’t point out that he had managed before…

“Gabriel, that book you gave us…it was a dictionary,” Sam says at last and Gabriel sighs.

“Wonderful…I’ve been carrying that around for three months…” He muttered in defeat. Sam patted his back.

“Lucky for you it had the witch’s name,” He says as he opens the door to the hotel room.

“Dean and I will go and try to find the spellbook in the witch’s home. Sam will be staying with you since you two seem to be getting along.” Cas said before he started to leave but then stopped.

“Do you remember where the house was?” Cas asked and Gabriel nodded and he pictured the house, one of the few clear pictures he could see out of his memory and then he snapped his fingers, got Dean in a suit with a badge…and then he snapped again and sent them away to the home. When they were gone he sagged against Sam.

“Wow you’re beat aren’t you?” Sam asked and Gabriel nodded, not bothering to move away from Sam, it felt nice to be up against him and Sam fidgeted before he pulled Gabriel into a hug.

Gabriel actually blinked and tried to look back at Sam but he knew his face fell when he remembered he couldn’t see anything and he felt so alone again…

“Hey…none of that Gabriel…I’m still here…” He said softly, and then there was the sudden feel of lips against his. He stiffened in shock and he could almost see Sam blushing as the giant of a man moved and started to get up, and then Gabriel found himself grabbing Sam’s arm and looking up at where he thought the young man’s head was , could feel the sudden tears sliding down from his eyes. He didn’t want Sam going…

“Don’t go…” He said in a broken voice that surprised even him, “I’ve been alone for so long…it…it’s nice to know someone cares…” He says in a shuddering voice before he looks down letting go of Sam. He could feel the bed sink beside him, felt Sam tilt his head up and wipe the tears away gently before kissing him again and Gabriel kissed back, welcoming the warmth that bloomed in his chest, this gesture of caring from Sam. Gabriel pulled away after a moment and thanked Sam quietly and Sam then pulled Gabriel back close to him and Gabriel rested his head against Sam’s chest and while they waited Sam asked the question Gabriel had been waiting for.

“Are you still going to insist we say yes?” He says, his voice tense as his arms tightened around Gabriel.

“No, it’s pretty clear you two have minds of your own, and that you’ll keep fighting your destinies no matter what I say,” He says softly and he can sense Sam easing up.

“Why us? Why look for us instead of having one of your brothers help you?” Sam asked and Gabriel chuckled.

“Witness protection, Sam. To ask them for help would blow all my cover and they’d only help me if I stepped back up in Heaven again…” He says quietly.

“But…Gabriel if you went back to Heaven you could stop the fighting, stop this nonsense from happening before it’s supposed to!” Sam said and Gabriel sighed.

“Much easier to say than do,” He said quietly, “I honestly have no clue what I need to do now…you guys told me to stand up to my family…Harder than it looks, and you saw what happened when Cas did.”

“But you’re an archangel….” He starts to say but Gabriel dismisses it even as he heard a flutter of wings.

“Michael and Raphael would gang up on me, I don’t like being cornered as you and Dean found out…speaking of which, hi Dean, Cas.”

“Gabriel, what are you doing using my brother as a pillow?” Dean asked with what Gabriel could assume was a raised brow.

“He started it, not me,” He said as Sam let him go so he could sit up.

“Well, Gabriel, we have the spell and it should take effect immediately…but it requires you to drink something, and we have that drink prepared we just need some of your hair and to say the spell over it.”

Gabriel didn’t move as he heard one of the two walk over, but his did wince when the hair was pulled. He rubbed his head and waited as Dean started chanting the spell and after a minute or so he finished and then Gabriel sensed Cas coming over to him and taking his hands and giving him the galss of whatever this was.

“You’re sure this is gonna do it?” He asked nervously. He liked his vessel and he didn’t wanna screw him up more.

“Positive,” Cas said gently and Dean seconded it, and Gabriel nodded.

“Cheers then,” He says as he brings the glass to his mouth and the moment the contents hit his tounge he had to force himself not to gag as he swallowed it and he was pretty sure his face gave away how nasty it was even as finally the glass empty and he swore and shook his head.

“Someone get me whiskey or water or something, that shit tasted like ass,” He growls even as the stuff twisted in his gut and then it felt like liquid fire went through his veins and he couldn’t stop the yell even as his eyes felt like they were going to burst into flames and he keeled over, holding his head in his hands. He had his eyes squeezed shut from the pain and hell he was afraid at this point that his grace was actually leaking out of him he couldn’t help a whimper even as he reined in his grace that was reacting badly to the spell and finally the pain was gone…He sat up and straightened and then opened his eyes and was assaulted by colors he’d been pretty sure he’d never see again…and then he squinted and blinked his eyes several times as they readjusted and he saw Cas watching with something close to fear, as if scared the spell hadn’t worked but when Gabriel let his eyes land on Cas and he smiled he motioned Cas over and Cas came with some hesitation as Gabriel got up, feeling Sam let go of him as he pulled his brother into a hug.

“I’m sorry about our last meeting,” He whispered to Cas, and he reached out to his brother with his grace and wrapped it around Cas’…Cas seemed so lonely it was heartbreaking, especially with the Winchesters. He was surprised when Cas accepted the touch of Gabriel’s grace and they had a silent communication that didn’t need words, this way Gabriel could just express his sorrow for hurting one of his younger brothers. Cas seemed confused by this…Cas had never met any of the archangels save for Raphael. Gabriel pulled Cas closer and Cas let his head rest on Gabriel’s shoulder.

Gabriel was actually the nicest of the archangels, despite how bitter he’d become from the war that was going on that he hated… He could feel Cas exploring all of this gingerly and gently, as if afraid to do it to fast or he’d piss off Gabriel.

I’m the messenger, the guardian of children and women…I’m the one who protects those who can’t protect themselves. He couldn’t help saying that, couldn’t help his deepest instincts to say that to his little brother, And I never stopped doing that brother, even after I left I still protected little ones and their mothers…Brother it was what got me in this mess, I was trying to protect the children of that town from the witch.

I know, We can never fight our instincts…our job. Mine was to guide and protect Dean…I’m still trying to do that while searching for dad. Cas spoke at last and Gabriel nearly wept at hearing his little brother’s true voice after so long.

“Uh…you guys have been hugging each other for ten minutes…” Dean said awkwardly and Gabriel looked back at him and scowled.

“What I’m not allowed to talk with my brother?” He asked in a snappish tone that got Dean wincing and Sam smirked and punched Dean.

“Told you they were doing angel talk,” He says with a smirk and Dean punched him back and the two got into a punch war as Gabriel turned back to Cas and looked at Cas in the eyes now.

You did what I never could. You actually stood up to them and straight out let them know you didn’t like what they were doing…While I? I left…You are a far better angel… He said in a whisper and Cas let his grace surround Gabriel’s and he felt Cas trying to comfort him and he was surprised by that.

I forgive you, brother, for sending me to that place…As for being the better angel, I will never claim that. At least you got out of the plan altogether, where as I? I was willing to keep going with it, if Dean hadn’t been quite so convincing…He played on my doubts and made me see what I had to do…

Gabriel laughed both with his vessel’s voice and true voice.

Yeah, the Winchesters are like that, I experienced that firsthand from Sam, he did what he could to try and save his brother. They’re an interesting pair, Gabriel said as he pulled away, but he didn’t let his grace withdraw from Cas’. He’d been away from family for far too long so he was treasuring his time with Cas as he watched the brothers wrestling on the bed.

“Come on you two, really?” He said with a raised brow as they saw he was looking finally. Sam grinned at Gabriel, who couldn’t help smiling at that and Dean looked between both with a raised brow.

“Something you two want to say?” He says and Gabriel smirks.

“Your brother decided to think I was a chick or something and kissed me on the lips when you two were gone.” Gabriel says, watching Sam pale with horror and jump off the bed away from Dean, who looked both shocked and pissed.

“WHAT?!” He yelled as Sam glared at Gabriel who chuckles and went to stand in front of Sam.

“In his defense I think he was just trying to uh…comfort me….That and well DAMN his lips were soft,” He says, grinning as Dean lunged at Gabriel and tackled him to the ground and tried to throttle him.

“It was just a kiss you moron! Take it easy!” He said, ignoring the fact that Dean was trying to choke him as he got up, “If it makes you feel better I’ll kiss you too,” He said with a grin and Dean let out a huff and walked away and Gabriel went over to Sam who was still glaring at him but he stood on his tiptoes and kissed the giant again only to hear Dean yelling as Sam couldn’t help himself and started kissing back, wrapping his arms around Gabriel as Dean let out a strangled yell but Cas went over and stopped him. Gabriel pulled away, smile then slapped Sam’s ass as he went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He ran his hand across the beard before picking up a razor…

He came out half an hour later with a shaven face, save for a bit of stubble, he wanted that look he had before he’d gone blind.

“You better have cleaned up all that hair,” Dean said with a growl from his bed. Gabriel grinned.

“Oh I did. Was half tempted to turn them into some hair monster but I decided against it,” he says as he sees Dean staring daggers at him.

“Thanks for your hospitality and for putting up with me…now I have a timejump ahead of me to do.” He says with a sly smirk, getting a blink out of all there even as he went to Castiel and patted his shoulder.

“Keep an eye on that one…and don’t overdo it,” He mutters as he finds himself giving Castiel some of his grace and the other angel blinked at that. Castiel nods and then Gabriel’s gone…

“Cas? You okay?” Dean asked the moment Gabriel was gone Cas nodded and didn’t say a thing about what Gabriel had just done. It was going to be his secret to guard…Gabriel had basically recharged Cas with a simple touch that didn’t even phase the archangel… It made Cas think that maybe after all of this…Gabriel was a silent ally on their side, not really having spoken it, but his behavior towards them had been friendly.

“What was he saying to you before?” Dean asked, pushing at the subject. Castiel looked to him.

“He said he was lonely,” He says simply, and Sam confirmed it with Dean quietly. And with that, Dean let it drop and Cas left with a flutter of wings…

gabriel, castiel, dean winchester, sam, pairing: dean/cas, fic: supernatural, cas, trickster, dean, winchester, pairing: sam/gabriel, supernatural

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