Title: "Hockey Night in Canada"
Pairing: Jared and Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 4,392
Beta by the very lovely
marys_scribblesA/N: Written for the 2010 round of
spn_j2_xmas; for
daisiesdaily, for your prompt: "The One with the Football" (Friends episode)--turn it into a J2 Thanksgiving with friends. and since there is bonus Matt Cohen in there, you will love me forever. I had never
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Comments 16
I LOVE THIS. So, so much! I LOVE Misha's laid back "omg lets yoga dudes" attitude, it just SO describes him. Those quips about auras and meditation and the "I'll go update my Twitter now," lmao, oh man. AND MATT. ♥ ♥ Love him.
I love how you tied Kim into it too, that's so perfect. He would totally be the one to ban Jared and Jensen from competitive sports! And the bucket as the trophy! Aww!
And the first kisssss, omg. Epic. SO CUTE.
I was seriously all giggles and flails while reading this. I love it. THANK YOU SO MUCH. :D ♥
I know I missed out the dutch girl part of the Friends ep, but I just couldn't figure out a way of sliding one in. It was a fun challenge, and I am really glad it meets with your approval. Thank you.
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