A New Kind of Family

Aug 16, 2009 22:48

Title: A New Kind of Family
Rated: M
Pairing: Spock/McCoy
Disclaimer: Not yet.
Summary: Written for prompt here. Basically, a prison AU where Spock makes McCoy his bitch. Er... sort of followed that.

Unknowingly why, Leonard looked up, eyes meeting dark brown across the room, the same predatory eyes he felt earlier, he was sure. Spock, it seemed, was staring at them. )

rated: m, slash, star trek, st_xi_kink: spock/mccoy, fic

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Comments 8

miss_bonesmccoy October 18 2009, 02:58:32 UTC
This was so good. I was a little surprised at Spock in the beginning, but your middle and end was so sweet. I liked how you included how they were all in jail because they were protecting their families. A good fic all around. :)


mmm, yummy!! anonymous January 15 2010, 22:11:51 UTC
om nom nom... yeppers, this was much fun!

Greywolf, heading towards his bunk for a while ;-)>


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