
Jul 24, 2009 18:32

Title: Drowning
Rating: T
Disclaimer: Oh, if only.
Summary: Written for prompts here and here. Self-harming!Kirk helped by one of the crew.

i'm carving words in my arm, baby
hey, scars are part of my charm, maybe
i need the touch of a hand
this isn't what i had planned
--"Drowning", by Jay Brannan

It was easy going back to teenage addiction, too easy, and after five years he found the urge was still there, if slightly smaller and harder to find. The healing power of pain embraced him as he dyed the water pink, red ribbons curling around his body. Peace, at last. )

self-harm, star trek, st_xi_kink: kirk, rated: t, fic

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Comments 9

sunnivaixchel July 26 2009, 18:37:16 UTC

I love you.

I can also imagine the look on Spock's face when Jim asks him "why is sex so lonely?"

and it makes me snicker.



candycanearms September 12 2009, 12:14:27 UTC
Thank you!


casey_sms July 28 2009, 08:19:14 UTC
It hit the right spots for me. Thanks for filling my prompt! <3


candycanearms September 12 2009, 12:14:44 UTC
No problem!


anonymous August 14 2009, 21:54:26 UTC
Gorgeous. As an ex-cutter, the emotions expressed really hit home. I also found Jim's coming out to Spock to be very realistic, more so than what is ordinarily seen in fic. I was an emotional wreck at the end, so I love you for at least ending it on a hopeful note ♥


candycanearms August 14 2009, 22:10:48 UTC
your welcome, and thank you! ^^

I'm an ex-cutter too, so... yeah, it was always really hard to talk about it to my friends. I tried to make it as realistic as possible.


anonymous August 18 2010, 07:54:51 UTC
yr stories about self harm ring very very true to me... thanks much for writing them!

it's been a few years since i really let myself do it, but the temptation is always there just the same. the stories remind me, there are other options.


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candycanearms September 12 2009, 12:13:09 UTC
^^ Thank you for that! I'm glad you liked it.

And don't worry, I'm too laidback to get all >:[ evil!grr! on anyone who sees a problem. ;) Just... what should I use instead of the colon?

I usually don't proofread before I post, so there are usually a few mistakes I miss. I try to reread my stuff a few weeks after I write it so I have fresh eyes... unfortunately, I usually forget! ^^;

Now, to the most confusing thing... what's a redhat?


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