Spock/Kirk: A Most Pleasant Distraction

Jul 12, 2009 02:46

Written for this prompt on st_xi_kink, Part Eight.
Title: A Most Pleasant Distraction
Pairing: Spock/Kirk
Rating: M

Spock was hard, and not in the I’m-being-difficult hard way, but in the I-have-an-aching-hard-on hard way. It was lucky he was not on the bridge, although luck seemed most illogical at the time as he sealed himself into his room.

Memories ( Read more... )

rated: m, kirk/spock, star trek, fic, st_xi_kink: spock/kirk

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Comments 9

triceybabe July 14 2009, 23:42:33 UTC
fuck that was HAWT!!!!!


candycanearms July 15 2009, 00:00:38 UTC
Thank you I'm glad you find it so appealing. ^^


aryas_zehral July 15 2009, 00:48:28 UTC
*grin* That was... distracting. *grin*


candycanearms July 15 2009, 01:01:21 UTC
*grin* I'm glad you approve. :)


proudcockatrice July 15 2009, 12:28:33 UTC
This was fab, don't get me wrong, but somehow, the first line is the very best sentence of all.


candycanearms July 15 2009, 15:40:12 UTC
Thank you, and yeah... it kinda just came up like that. It's quite possibly my favorit too. ^^


spirkker197 July 20 2009, 01:34:33 UTC
Yummies! I loved it.


diane_kepler July 24 2009, 04:33:06 UTC
Okay, I must friend you now :)


margarks June 23 2010, 03:45:25 UTC
wow. that was seriously hot. the very idea makes me flush, lol.


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