Title: The Idiot and the Weirdo: A Travel Through Time
Series: Merlin
Rating: T
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur with a side of Morgana/Gwen
Disclaimer: dis- (not); claim- (mine); -er (no, really)
Summary: Written for
prompt in Kink Me! Merlin: Merlin is a mad scientist who invented a time-machine. He decides to take Arthur along on his adventures.
It was like that one time he'd had that nightmare after watching Jurassic Park, only he didn't have a hangover at the time and he wasn't sitting on a sofa next to a madman. The idiot couldn't seem to stop smiling. )
Comments 9
My cheeks hurt.
The best thing about this fic, bestest than everything else in the universe of all the fandoms in the history of ever, is the MAMMALIAN DINOSAURS.
I have no idea where half of this came from. lol
That was utterly brilliant.
Arthur catching on, and mumbling about the bathtub... LOL! And all curled up lovey-dovey together.
What an adventure! And I loved that they found out from the village that they had many more trips together... really together...
The pacing in this story was top-notch too. Love it!
(and i love your icon)
and it's always good to keep smiling :D
Great Job! ^_^
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