Oh darn! Damn Spoilers...

Jul 28, 2008 17:24

Ok, so Spoilers for BD are leaking out and I'm doing my best to keep away. If you don't know what i'm talking about it's the ones posted at

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Comments 123

switchamacallit July 28 2008, 21:35:09 UTC
I'm being spoiler-free! :)

My comments on the spoiler thread (even tho I didn't read the actual posting or comments) were not well received. So now I'm going to try to keep my head down until after this weekend... I'm in too much of a fighting mood. I couldn't stand being banned from the comm! :(

Good luck staying spoiler-free! I'm afraid to post in BD quote threads b/c I don't wan someone to try to link the quote to spoilers, but I <3 the quote threads... *sigh*


candy_003 July 28 2008, 21:37:54 UTC
Oh dear, what happened in the spoiler thread? I just read the first comment and then left, I didn't want to be biased by comments and start disliking a book without even reading it. I'm so totally against spoilers even being allowed, it's too tempting.


switchamacallit July 28 2008, 21:42:58 UTC
Ah - nothing happened really as far as I know. I just started ranting about how wrong it was to post when SMeyer had asked us not to and how we should respect her since she's trusting us to make good judgments and all that... and while I applauded lion_lamb for staying active, I guess it was taken the wrong way or something and a Mod got involved and sort of told me off, which I didn't appreciate. But when I had gone to reply, the comments option was locked.

I guess the mods are going to post a thing about spoilers, but whatev. I <3 lion_lamb and I don't want to get banned, so I guess I'll keep my opinions to myself lol

It is hard not to peak tho lol Whether it's real or not. *sigh* Four days? I shall resist.


candy_003 July 28 2008, 21:47:04 UTC
I just messaged two of the mods. It's fine if people want to post BD spoilers, but I think they should stick to one BD spoiler post. That way everyone can enjoy the other posts without having to be spoiled. I hope they take my words kindly, I don't mean any harm. I love lion_lamb more than any LJ community i've ever been part of.


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candy_003 July 28 2008, 22:36:20 UTC
If the spoiler is even true. Seriously, if it's like HP's ending I wouldn't mind at all, I love that ending. We all want Bella and Edward to end up happily ever after, so why can't they?


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candy_003 July 28 2008, 22:55:39 UTC
Like the rest of the books aren't slightly cheesy? lol That's why we love Twilight!


toshi_hakari July 28 2008, 22:28:27 UTC
I also refuse to read spoilers. In all honesty, I just think it's really stupid to post them in a comm... why aren't the moderators doing anything?! Something like this, may it be true or untrue, needs to be deleted right away! What if it is true, like the ending of HP7 that leaked early?

At the moment I'm really mad >>;


candy_003 July 28 2008, 22:37:36 UTC
I managed to keep spoiler free for HP 7, so I think I can do it for this. Besides, spoilers for HP were very spread, I think it will be harder to find real BD spoilers.


dark_faerie7 July 28 2008, 22:28:57 UTC
hello! i come spoiler free as well :D
my single suggestion? *starts singing* relax, take it easy...
listen, don't pay attention nor get anxious over ANYTHING. after all, only after reading the book *yourself* you will know how you feel about it - not only by the final outcome, but how was the information transmitted to you, ergo, the storytelling, which is the most important part! ;)


candy_003 July 28 2008, 22:38:08 UTC
I know, it's just hard to not be tempted, hehe


beatlelove927 July 29 2008, 00:52:39 UTC
Live your life by Mika songs, and youll be set.


mandya06 July 28 2008, 22:30:08 UTC
toshi_hakari July 28 2008, 22:36:26 UTC
And what will you do if it's true? XDDD That's always in the back of my head when I see spoiler posts like that one. Even if there's only a 0,0000001% chance of it being true, I won't read it. Even if it sounds like total crap or a "bad fanfiction".

I just hope I won't be spoiled until the final release of the book. I want to experience everything myself...


candy_003 July 28 2008, 22:39:10 UTC
I agree with that, there's always a chance that it could be real. So i'm staying away.


mandya06 July 28 2008, 23:14:33 UTC

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