Original meme gacked from
yoshikochan & slightly modified:
List five things about your NP character that other players/characters might not know. Write a drabble for each, then tag five more people to do the same.
Five Things You Might Not Know About Gillichu
1. Gillichu's first "pet" was not a dog, but a crow.
At three he's lost and scared. He got distracted and now he can't find his Mum. He sits down and tries not to cry, because Mum doesn't approve of crying and Gillichu tries hard to please his mother.
A tear slips down his cheek. He can't help it, he's afraid that he'll be forgotten and left behind because he's a Disappointment.
Movement catches his eye, and Gillichu watches in wonder as a crow lands right in front of him, looking him in the eye. Suddenly Gillichu no longer feels alone - it's hard to, when you've just been made someone's pet.
2. Gabriella Richards is not Gillichu's first crush. That honor belonged to Victoria Bloom, Amaury's mum.
Gillichu watches his sister with his parents, and he wonders what it feels like to know that you are loved. His mother thinks him a disappointment, his father's head too filled with gadgetry to pay him any mind, and the truce he shares with his sister tenuous at best.
He doesn't learn what it's like to be loved until he meets the woman. It's strange - she shows true concern for his well-being, and Gillichu is so surprised that he invites her to come along with him and Bird.
He thinks that he may've loved her before she ever loved him.
3. Gillichu can see thestrals.
Approaching the coaches, Gillichu isn't surprised to see the skeletal horses that wait patiently for the students to fill the carriages they are harnessed to. Gillichu has always known he would be able to see a thestral, should he ever encounter one.
He clambers into a coach, other boys from his year right behind him. They're eager to reach the castle and only Gillichu is quiet during the ride. Patience is a lesson he learned early in life, and while it isn't one he generally follows, the sight of the thestrals has served as a sharp reminder of it today.
4. Working well with animals is not Gillichu's sole talent, just the only one he exercises.
They start when he is small, and he does poorly. The tea is bitter and staring at the sludge in Nimuë's cup makes his eyes water, looking at the crystal globe causes his head to hurt, lurid pictures on the cards frighten him. Eventually, his mother stops trying.
He never tells her that they're tears in his eyes because of what he sees in the sludge, that his head hurts from the complicated pictures in the globe, or that the stories the cards tell him terrify him more than any picture.
Nor does he say her lessons teach him nothing.
5. (Okay, not quite Gillichu, but...) Gillichu and his sister aren't actually at odds with one another.
The cousins torment him, and he is quick to leave the room - he's no match for them, and there's no reason for him to remain and suffer their abuse.
She waits until he's gone before stalking over and glaring at them all viciously. Though she's the next-to-youngest of the cousins, they all shrink back from her gaze. Unlike Gillichu, Nimuë radiates power.
"You will not do that again," she growls at them. "You will not taunt him for being different, you will not tease him about his name. Or else you'll answer to me."
He is, after all, her brother.
I tag:
hannah_salix, &
frene_lisette Edit: Jean tagged Tim as well, so I'm editing to change my 5th tag to: