Five Generations (Colby, G)

Mar 03, 2007 16:36

Originally posted 01.03.08 for the numb3rs100 prompt: Generations...

Title: Five Generations
Characters/Pairings: Colby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: He's preparing for battle...
Spoilers: none, pre-series
Notes/Warnings: My friend cerisereve challenged me to try writing a story in 100 words. This is my second answer to that challenge. The first is part of a series that will soon be posted.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.

He took a long look at himself in the mirror. Battle dress uniform equipped…ID tags tucked securely under his shirt. If something happened today, he hoped the tags would still be there to remind someone of who he was - someone who could tell his family back in Idaho what happened.

He kissed the letter on the end table…a letter to his mom. She needed to know he loved her.

Another look in the mirror. GRANGER - read the name on the patch over his chest.

Five generations had worn the uniform.

Today, he hoped he wouldn’t be the last. [ original post]

fic: drabble, genre: general, rating: g, fandom: numb3rs, character: colby granger

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