Love in an Elevator: "L" Word Series [2/9] (Colby/OFC-Callie, NC-17)

Oct 24, 2009 16:10

Posted for the savecolby Free for All Challenge, October...

Title: Love in an Elevator ("L" Word Series, Part 2)
Pairing/Characters: Colby/OFC-Callie
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3034
Summary: There was no way in hell he was going to stop until he gave her exactly what she wanted.
Spoilers: none.
Notes/Warnings: I started with the desire to make a one shot, PWP. I ended up with series. *head desk* Please see Author's Comments for more information. :)
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.

Colby shifted his weight from one foot to the other as the elevator stopped at the first floor of the FBI Office. He’d only been there two weeks but it had only taken him two days of the crowds at the first floor before he discovered an entrance at the basement that few people used from the parking garage. He smiled rather smugly as he looked around the deserted elevator breathing in the emptiness before the familiar ding chimed and the doors opened. The flood was instantaneous - barely giving him enough time to step to the side and out of the way before as many people as could manage were crowded together in the already small space.

The doors were closing, leaving the next round of employees behind, when Colby realized who was around him… well, the only person he cared about was in front of him. He would have recognized those red curls anywhere, always pulled neatly into a pony tail at the nape of her neck or twisted up and clipped away from her skin. Special Agent Callie Walker. She was his teammate and even though he’d only worked there for two weeks - he knew that every one in the office loved her and respected the hell out of her. He also knew that more than anything - he wanted to be her friend. Well, if he were being honest with himself, he wanted to be more than her friend. He wanted to be her every thing. But unfortunately, she’d been avoiding him like the plague. Colby wasn’t sure what he had done to make her dislike him in the short time he’d been on the team - but the question haunted his thoughts at night, just as she haunted his dreams. He wanted so badly for her to talk to him, to tell him what he had done so he could fix it, and as he looked once more to the languid curls in front of him, he thought that maybe… just maybe, today would be his lucky day.

He took a deep breath, nearly gasping as the delicious scent of her hair filled his senses. The reaction startled him, even as he closed his eyes to savor the way she smelled of salt water and coconut. He never knew that such a combination could be so intoxicating, but he did know he shouldn’t have been surprised. Every thing she did was intoxicating, which certainly didn’t make it any easier on him to have her be so clearly annoyed by him.

Another deep breath later, and he was going to say something to her. Just wish her good morning, Granger… he thought to himself. Just try to get her to turn those emerald eyes your way so maybe she won’t hate you.

His lips were near her ear before the elevator jolted to a halt on the third floor, forcing her body back into his and stopping the words from leaving his lips. The instant she touched him, he felt every muscle in her body tense and as she stepped away from him, Colby knew it was a lost cause. Par for the course, really… he thought to himself. He’d been in LA for a month and he wished that this had been the first time that a beautiful woman had tensed at his nearness. Apparently there was something repulsive about him, something that only women from his hometown in Idaho could stand.

A heavy sigh later, he took another step back from her - nearly sitting on the hand rail at the back of the elevator to give her space. He watched her then, straightening herself and her clothes as though brushing off the encounter and he couldn’t help the way his heart fell into his shoes. He just wanted her to look at him. He should have known better.

More and more people started to pile out of the elevator as they ascended toward the eleventh floor until it was only the two of them. Just Callie Walker standing to the left and away from Colby Granger. Neither said a word, even though Colby kept casting glances toward her.

The truth was he was trying to work up his courage. Callie wasn’t like other women in LA. She was his teammate, and dammit… no matter what else he felt for her, they had to work together. He needed to do something. He wouldn’t let this jeopardize his career, or hers for that matter. And he certainly wouldn’t let this get in the way of the new team he’d become a part of. Today - he was going to talk to her and he was going to find out how to make this right… to at least find a way to make her tolerate him enough to share space with him.

She stepped off the elevator before him and he was sure to stay several paces behind as they walked into the FBI work space. He stopped at his cubicle, thankful that David Sinclair had not yet made it into work before he looked over his shoulder and watched Callie disappear behind her own glass wall. He’d give her a few minutes to get settled and then he’d just go ask if he could talk to her some place quiet before the rest of the team got there. Whatever this was, it was between the two of them and as the new guy, he knew he’d earn a lot more respect for handling the situation on his own without bringing anyone else into it.

He shifted the folders on his desk for as long as he could stand before he took a deep breath and stood from his chair. He couldn’t deny that his heart was racing as he walked closer to her desk. He’d survived the deserts of Afghanistan… he could survive the wrath of a fiery red head, he told himself just as he rounded the corner to see her sitting in her chair - an open file across her lap.

“Hey, Walker?” he began, chiding himself for the nerves in his own voice.

She didn’t even look up as she answered. “What is it Granger?”

Colby straightened his shoulders, clearing his throat before he spoke again. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“What is it?” she asked, still focusing on the file. If he had looked closely, he would have seen her face flushing red but from where he stood all he saw was the way she clearly wanted to avoid him.

“I’d like to speak to you… in private,” he answered with more confidence in his voice than before. She could try to avoid him if she wanted, but he had a job to do and he wasn’t going to let this thing between them ruin it.

He was still surprised when she looked up at him then and he saw the fire dancing in those beautiful eyes of hers. But, he wasn’t backing down. He held her gaze and waited for her answer… watching as she slowly stood from her desk, leaving the file open before she slipped past him to make her way down the hall.

He was a few steps behind her, watching as she ducked into an empty observation room - his stomach tightening as he remembered the room was sound proof and sight proof. No one would be able to hear or see anything that happened in the room… and that meant, he was in for a fight with this one. But again… he wasn’t backing down, he said to himself as he entered the room behind her - closing the door and locking it without a second thought.

“So, what is it that’s so important?” Callie asked, her arms crossed as she leaned back against the table in the room.

Colby studied her for a long moment, trying to find the words to begin… trying to find the best approach to the hurricane that was brewing behind her eyes. Best just to start at the beginning, his father always said… and with a deep breath, he answered. “I know I’m new to the team… that I’ve only been here two weeks, Walker… but I know that I’m not bad at the job and that this team is important to me. I also know it’s important to you.”

He saw her shift her weight and break the gaze he’d held, but he continued. “So… I’d like to know what I did to make you hate me so much.”

The look of surprise coming back at him interrupted his thoughts before he could say anything else. Awkward silence filled the space between them before Callie’s voice cracked, “I… I don’t hate you.” And even as she said it, he knew she couldn’t look at him.

“Really? Because it sure seems like you do…” he replied, annoyance in his voice as she once more avoided his gaze. He didn’t trust anyone who couldn’t look him in the eyes and he needed to trust her… if she would just look at him.

“I don’t hate you, Granger,” Callie answered, her gaze still focused on some spot on the wall beside her.

“If you don’t hate me then for Christ’s sake, Callie… would you at least look at me?”

And when she did, he had to take a step back. He’d never seen a color such as the one in her eyes when she looked at him. He’d never seen a determination like the one she had. Hell’s fury was about to be unleashed and he knew as sure as she was walking toward him now, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

“Look at you, Colby? Is that all you want? You want me to look at you? What else? What else do you want? Do you want me to tell you how I really feel about you?”

Another step back from her and he swallowed hard, even as she took another step closer.

“Do you want the truth, Granger? The truth is, Colby… I don’t hate you. The only thing I hate is that you’re my teammate when every night I dream about you. I dream about your smile, your touch, the way you taste. Every night, I go to bed alone… cursing my own god damned luck that of all the places I could have met you - I met you at work… where there’s not one fucking thing I can do about the way I feel about you.”

Colby’s eyes were wide and he wanted to speak, but as he felt the hard wall behind him… watching her still coming closer to him… there were no words to say - even as she continued.

“What else, Colby? Do you want to know about the dream I had just last night? Do you want to know that I saw you - walking into my house, stripping in the moonlight before you crawled into bed beside me? That you came to me and fucked me so deep and so hard, I thought surely I’d break in two and yet all I could do was beg for more? Is that what you want to hear? That the dream was so real I could still feel the heat of your cum inside me when I woke up only to find that none of it was real. And just like the night before, there was nothing I could do about it except writhe in my sweat drenched sheets and curse the day I met you. Is that what you want, Colby?”

She was close enough now that he could actually feel her breasts heaving against him; he could feel the warmth of her breath against the skin of his chest exposed under the open collar of his casual button down shirt. And he knew, her words weren’t at all what he wanted.

Suddenly, his hands were at her waist and lifting her off the ground, shifting their positions so that her body was now pressed back against the wall and his body held her hard in the position. Shock registered on her face for only a second before he dove into her - his lips crashing against hers in just the way he’d dreamed about the past two weeks. And when she kissed him back with everything he gave to her, he groaned and tightened his hold on her.

There was no way to fight his reaction to her… no way to keep from springing to life with the taste of her, the nearness of her… least of all when he felt her fingernails clawing at his back through the shirt that covered him. And even as her lips danced over his, both thirsty and hungry for him, he felt her smiling against him, sighing as she ground herself against his hardness between them.

This… THIS is exactly what he wanted, he thought and before he could think anything further - her hands at his belt distracted him from all rational thought. This was happening… here… and now… and there was no way in hell he was going to stop until he gave her exactly what she wanted.

Her quick and nimble fingers made short work of his zipper before those same fingers were wrapping around his long, hard dick - causing him to gasp. Breaking the contact of his lips from hers, he looked down to watch her - moving over him even as he unconsciously moved into her touch and listened to her moan with anticipation. She wanted this… she wanted him… and she wanted him inside her, just like he was moving into her hand right now. As she continued to stroke him, Colby’s hands slid over her hips - grabbing handfuls of the skirt she wore, sliding it higher and higher over those long delicious legs he would soon have wrapped around him.

Only when her skirt was bunched up at her waist and she felt Colby’s calloused fingers brushing over her skin as he slipped his hands under the elastic of her panties, did Callie finally move her hand away from him. She released him from her grasp, with a groan of disapproval from Colby but disapproval that was only temporary. She needed to let him go to get what she wanted and he watched her bite her lip with anticipation as he slid the soft material off her legs.

She no more than stepped out of the panties before Colby’s strong hands were sliding back up her legs. But more than that, his strong arms were lifting her legs as he moved - spreading her wide as he positioned himself between them. Higher and higher he lifted her until with a crash, he let go - catching her as he slammed up into her, causing her legs to instinctively tighten around his waist even as she cried out for him.

“Is this what you wanted, Callie?” he rasped before he used the strength in his legs to pull out of her, leaving only his tip to linger inside her before he dove back in - rising up inside her as far as he could go and then doing just that all over again.

She had no breath to answer. All she could do was tighten her grip about his shoulders and whisper. “More…”

And more he gave, coming to her time and time again… taking her higher and harder than the moment before, giving her no time to recover before he came to her again. At the pace he was setting, both knew it wouldn’t take long. She wanted this from him, fast and hard and even without asking, he gave her just that.

In a matter of seconds, both tensed - neither breathing in that one perfect moment before the world spun out of control, Callie’s heated opening violently spasming around the twitching cock inside her - milking out Colby’s reaction to her. Her eyes were closed and her head was back as she savored this now familiar feeling - his heated seed filling her up, even as his uneven breath steamed against her already sweaty neck.

She felt him relax in finality and suddenly felt overwhelmed with fear. She didn’t want to open her eyes. She couldn’t face another night when this had been just a dream. Yet, no matter how hard she fought… her eyes came open.

Only this time, Colby’s sex-glazed eyes were staring back at her - his body still pressing her back against the wall as she clung to him.

“Callie,” he breathed, concern suddenly shadowing his gaze. “Callie, are you ok?”

She nodded slowly, once again closing her eyes as he shifted inside her… opening them to find his beautiful blue eyes still staring back at her. “This… this is usually when I wake up.”

“Me too,” he whispered, his lips now nuzzling her neck and moving higher to her ear as his hands slid up from her thighs to cup her ass.

Suddenly, reality started to settle in through the haze of great sex and Callie’s eyes widened.

“Wait… “ she gasped, pulling back from him. “If… if you’re not dreaming… and I… I’m not dreaming… then… then we just…”

There was confusion on his face as he looked back at her and before he knew what was happening - she was pushing at him, unwrapping herself from around him and frantically moving away from him.

“Callie… please,” he managed in his state of shock from her sudden absence. He watched her sliding the skirt down over her hips, bending to pick up her discarded panties - once again avoiding his gaze.

“We… we shouldn’t have… oh… god… what did I do?” she asked, pocketing her panties and trying desperately to focus on smoothing out her appearance to make her exit from the room.

“Don’t… don’t do this Callie,” Colby choked out as he moved to refasten his jeans. He could feel her slipping away from him, more so than just physically and he couldn’t help the panic that was rising within him. “Please… don’t regret this. Don’t run away from me.”

Her eyes only met his for a moment… just long enough for him to utter a final “Please” before she turned away from him and nearly ran out the door.

<< Living the Dream, Part 1      Listening, Part 3>>

rating: nc-17, fic: challenge, genre: het, fandom: numb3rs, series: "l" word, pairing: colby granger/ofc-callie walker

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