Title: Hypocritical
Fandom: Jimmy Neutron
Genre: AU, Angst
Couple(s): Sheen/Jimmy
Warning(s): mild swearing
Fic Status: Complete
Summary: “I love hypocrisy, don’t you, Goddard?”
Notes: Challenge #08 (Inappropriate feelings) from Set A from
10_hiddenrealms. I actually had two professors who, when they got married, she was fresh out of college and was his former pupil.
Goddard whined at his master who lie stretched out on his back on the couch. In his hand was a half-empty bottle of Smirnoff vodka, but that wasn’t really a feat. The alcohol came from the leftovers from the eighteen year-old’s grandmother. (She had left a veritable bar beneath a counter in the kitchen.) The bottle had already been about a third empty before his master had given in to melancholy-driven temptation.
“I love hypocrisy, don’t you, Goddard?” Jimmy asked with some sobriety still coloring his voice.
The cybernetic canine lifted his head to gaze at his master’s glazed-over blue eyes.
The young professor turned his head to face his only friend for several years. “Tom Green’s getting married. To a student. Everybody’s uncomfortable with the idea, but nothing’s wrong with it. After all, they love each other enough to bind themselves to each other.”
He gazed back up at the ceiling. “But I’m not allowed to fall in love with a student because I can’t marry and have two-point-five kids with him. A brilliant joke, isn’t it? Hypocrites. The lot of them.”
Goddard watched as Jimmy took another sip of the strong-smelling liquid.
“Why do I even bother torturing myself over it?” the brunette asked, gazing blearily at the clear bottle and idly screwing the top back on. “I mean, it’s not like they’re going to change their minds. Might as well face facts: If I have a relationship with a student, my career is over.”
The robotic dog whined again.
“Dammit, Goddard, I don’t care about Sheen!”
A robotic hand caught the bottle as it went flying and gently set it down even though it was made of plastic. Then the dog lifted his head to lick away the salty tears that Jimmy cried.
“I don’t,” his friend and master repeated, voice choked. “I don’t.”
And Goddard didn’t believe him for a second.