Got a meme off of
karaokegal and it is an awesome one, and it has turned into all sorts of fun!! I am now well over the original fifteen, I think I am actually at around thirty, but as long as you keep asking for them I will keep writing them. So go on and leave me a prompt!
You will find in the mix lots of Simm/Glenister RPS, Doctor/Master, Sam/Gene and Tennant/Simm. There are a few others, like some Remus/Sirius, Martha/Rose, Phoenix/Storm, Snape/Lupin, House/Wilson, House/LoM crossover, Tennant/Barrowman RPS, Anakin/Obi-Wan....I think that is about it. Right now though I think it stands at mostly the first three I mentioned.
The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from me. In return, you have to post this meme in your journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.
Let's see if I really get fifteen people who request. Those of you who know you want one, go on and ask for one! I am your toy, use me, LOL!! And you totally don't have to post the meme if you don't want to, but if you do, awesome!
House MD
Dr Who (New Who Only)
Life On Mars
Star Wars, PT only please!
Clone Wars
X Men
Harry Potter, anyone but the trio, please, pretty please!
Simm/Tennant RPS
Simm/Glenister RPS
Tennant/Barrowman RPS
McGregor/Christensen RPS
McGregor/Boorman RPS
So, who's first??