Wank Round Up!

May 02, 2010 00:07

Three fics so far! Read 'em, rec 'em, write your own and let me pimp it out for you! All fandoms welcome, it's all good in my book :)

So far:
Star Trek:

severinne wrote A Cracky Ficlet In Which Aliens Made Them Do It Kirk/McCoy, implied Pike/Kirk/McCoy. She also wrote a kinky bit of Bones suggesting Bones/Khan McCoy, Implied McCoy/Khan

Want some more Karl? You can find that with joanne_c's Karl, Karl/Anton Patience Pays Off

At this rate, I'm gonna have to pass my title of Wank Mistress to Sev. Just saying. The girl is bringing the pretty, that's for sure ;)

norfolkdumpling made some pretty, PRETTY Karl wallpaper Bones. Guh.

candesgirl wrote It's Just Emotion Taking Me Over Implied Dean/Cas, implied Dean/Crowley.

kimboosan wrote angsty John Winchester Angst Wank

Life on Mars:
severinne wrote Chris Wank with Sam/Gene on the side which really does just what it says on the tin ;)

my_daroga wrote Bill with a voyeuristic Len (and wow, just wow.) The Observer Effect

joanne_c wrote a dirty little bit of Adrian Pasdar RPF featuring Adrian/Hayden Taboo

I'll keep updating this list as it goes :)

pervy corner, party pants, i touch myself

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