Interesting, as wll as disturbinged_rexSeptember 15 2014, 04:15:12 UTC
I don't much like the suggestion that it's time to get rid of over-the-air broadcasting, but the idea seems as if the CBC is trying to figure out a way to get the kind of (relatively) stable funding the BBC gets through the annual TV licence fees the Brits have to pony up for the privilege of owning a set.
God knows, stable funding for the Mother Corp would be a step in the right direction.
Re: Interesting, as wll as disturbingdewlineSeptember 15 2014, 12:12:20 UTC
Stable funding for the Ceeb would indeed be an Improvement.
I've had this idea of a one-off "point of original purchase" levy on anything capable of receiving, storing, re-sending CBC content: cleverphones, TVs and radios, computers, portable hard drives ranging from flash thumb drives up to the bigger get the idea.
I think the annual TV set ownership license fee arrangement that BBC has is a bit too intrusive and draconian, but this might be a workable alternative. And we'd leave off second-hand stores, inheritance of gadgetry, and garage sales. Too difficult to police the last two of these without that "intrusive government" charge being rightly levelled against the levy, yes?
Re: Interesting, as wll as disturbinged_rexSeptember 17 2014, 05:49:17 UTC
They're already doing it (unless they've stopped) on at least some recording media with the aim of putting them into one or more funds to compensate creators, so it certainly could
Comments 3
God knows, stable funding for the Mother Corp would be a step in the right direction.
I've had this idea of a one-off "point of original purchase" levy on anything capable of receiving, storing, re-sending CBC content: cleverphones, TVs and radios, computers, portable hard drives ranging from flash thumb drives up to the bigger get the idea.
I think the annual TV set ownership license fee arrangement that BBC has is a bit too intrusive and draconian, but this might be a workable alternative. And we'd leave off second-hand stores, inheritance of gadgetry, and garage sales. Too difficult to police the last two of these without that "intrusive government" charge being rightly levelled against the levy, yes?
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