
Aug 20, 2006 18:15

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Comments 12

palmer_kun August 21 2006, 00:42:24 UTC
Have you worked out how many drinks that is for the last week's quiz?


canadianevil August 21 2006, 00:43:35 UTC
The only alcohol we had in the house was cherry brandy so I didn't try it.

I think I should hit the liquor store tonight and try it, though.


palmer_kun August 21 2006, 00:55:32 UTC
Just do a dry run. Hit last week's quiz, and count the drinks.


canadianevil August 21 2006, 00:56:12 UTC
Ja, I should.


puredeadthingy August 21 2006, 01:04:07 UTC
Have you shown this to the LJDQ mods? I think they'd love it.


canadianevil August 21 2006, 01:05:24 UTC
I posted it to the reminder post. I hope they do!


chaosvizier August 21 2006, 18:09:42 UTC
We do!


chaosvizier August 21 2006, 18:12:51 UTC
This is now in the ljdq userinfo page, because it rules. Also because we'd like to see if anyone can survive more than two quizzes in a row of this.


canadianevil August 21 2006, 18:20:12 UTC
I feel very, very special.

And also like trying that out, because I'm possibly suicidal or in possession of a kinky stomach pump fetish.


angledge August 22 2006, 00:44:34 UTC
We suggest trying it with weak American beer first.


ysabelle_wolf October 12 2006, 03:18:16 UTC
Hihi! Tis' Chiad on my brand new lj account. Just going through my flist and letting people know I've moved ljaddys. :)

*pokepoke* Hihi! How's it going? What're you up to these days?


canadianevil October 12 2006, 03:19:50 UTC
Heyo! I'll add you as soon as I get around to switching back to my reg'lar account.

I am good although not doing much besides sitting at home. Sigh.


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