Ficlet - In That Mask - M

Jan 19, 2011 20:52

Title: In That Mask
Character(s): Philip Burton, James Lester
Warnings: BDSM themes. Implied repeat dub-con/non-con (and written from perpetrator's pov).
Rating: M (mature, sexual themes, BDSM themes)

Spoilers: 4x03 - necessary to have seen, is set right afterwards.
Beta(s): Thanks to kerry_louise for looking it over!
Author's Notes: Finally, the sequel to my ( Read more... )

primeval, fic:short, x-rated

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Comments 27

kerry_louise January 20 2011, 01:05:05 UTC
I do so love this! Now, where's 4x04 ;)


canadian_jay January 20 2011, 01:09:16 UTC
*g* Thanks! And lol, it'll come, it'll come! Demanding wretch.


velvet_midnight January 20 2011, 01:13:53 UTC
Do you know, I gasped when I saw you had posted a part 2? And my Roomie, not knowing what it was--I merely said my friend had posted another fic I'd been waiting for--said, "right, well, I'll leave you two alone." Ahaha, little did she know.

However, I really must protest: there is no porn! :P Even if Lester on his knees is hothothot enough.


canadian_jay January 20 2011, 01:20:32 UTC
Lol! That's too funny. xD I'm flattered!

Bahaha, I know, I know! But Burton rather insisted and I wasn't about to say no. *g* Kez is pestering me for 4x04-fic already, so hopefully *that* will finally have some pornz! And mm, yeah, I never get tired of that thought/image!


jooles34 January 20 2011, 01:21:02 UTC
Oh, it's really god to get this from the other POV. And it's oddly sweet. Love how much he needs Lester. Look forward to the series continuing.


canadian_jay January 20 2011, 01:23:25 UTC
Thanks! And I'll admit, I took some smug glee in having him need Lester that much. *g*


lukadreaming January 20 2011, 08:02:42 UTC
Yay for more of this pairing! Very intense. I do like the passing thought of Philip's that he could just buy up that block of flats because of the discreet staff!


canadian_jay January 20 2011, 14:39:47 UTC
Thanks. :) And heh, well, he probably could!


fredbassett January 20 2011, 10:52:03 UTC
Mmmm, very kinky :)

Love Burton's thoughts about buying the building.


canadian_jay January 20 2011, 14:42:11 UTC
:) Thanks!



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