Fiuh... writing the RH report took me about 3 hours... let's see how long the rest of Friday'll take me...
When we got back to the hotel,
timey_wimey_kid and some other girls were waiting for us to get some scoop of the trip, which we were happy to provide ;) Afterwards we went back to the hotel room to change clothes and transfer all the pictures we took onto our laptops. We had some time to rest, as the „La Dolce Vita“ event with Jared Padalecki, Jason Manns and Steve Carlson took place right after the Roman Holiday. So when we went downstairs again later, there was already a loooooong line in front of the entrance to the convention premises. Then we met some of our friends, who had been on LDV and asked them, how it went.
To be perfectly honest - I would've been pissed, if I had spent more than € 500 on that... I'm just repeating what they told me and that's simple like that: they had a quick brunch-kinda-thingy (if I understood correctly) and then met the actors and went shopping with them. Not... like, the fans AND the actors went shopping, but the ACTORS get to try on stuff from Salvatore Ferragamo (yes, you heard me right) and the staff buys them the clothes with the money, the fans spent on this „event“ ….......... it might be just me but I would want my money back!
I mean, isn't it enough that the actors get paid like $ 100.000 only for showing up and doing photos and autographs and panels? Of course it's a job, but I imagine they get paid all the expenses, the flight, the hotel, the food - everything!! And then fans pay more than € 500 to go SHOPPING with the actors for ~ 1 hour? No... seriously... I mean, I'm very supportive of the JIB staff and the Roman Holiday last year and this year were awesome. But this? Just lame... I mean, at RH we spent about 3 hours with 6 actors, we got the chance to talk to them, to interact with them, to take pictures with them - it was just laid back and nice, plus we actually saw some culture of the incredible city of Rome. Not just the insides of some fancy shop. My opinion.
(p.s. they went to the Spanish Stairs after that, I think, and took a group picture but still... again, that's just me, but I would've been terribly disappointed...)
* * * *
Anyway... at 3.15 pm they finally opened the doors (15 minutes late) and people started queuing for photos and autographs. The opening ceremony got cut, so we started with the first panel right away.
* * * *
Sebastian & Mark Panel
It was Sebastian's first con ever, so of course he was bathing in our applause and our cheers. I think everybody could see that he really, really, really enjoyed being in the spotlight ;) I mean, don't get me wrong - I really, really, really love that guy, but Sebastian loves himself even more XD He's such a narcissist!! Anyway... as usual fans got to the microphones and started asking questions.
Mark got asked about Doctor Who and revealed that he's gonna be in a 2 part opener.
Sebastian demonstrated his knowledge of several languages. He speaks Italian and French fluently and knows lots of words and expressions in other languages (Polish, Russian etc.)
He said that he was really happy getting the role of Balthazar, as he's exactly like his character (as I said - he really loves himself XD), even though he kind of didn't want to audition for that role at first. You see, actually Sebastian had auditioned for the roles of not less than 3 other characters on Supernatural: first Gabriel, then Lucifer and finally Crowley XD
At one point (I can't remember in what context) Sebastian mentioned that he knew exactly in how many episodes he and Mark were in!! He's such a fanboy XDDD
They got asked what it felt like when they got their roles and Mark said that he felt great - until he found out, that he had to kiss a 50-year old guy XD
Sebastian mentioned that he has a pool and that ducks are swimming in it (WTF?!???) and Mark was like: „THAT'S A POND!!!“
As I said earlier, it was really hot that day, so of course the actors started sweating a bit in the spotlights and Sebastian started singing „It's getting hot in here!“ XD
My friend MJ asked Sebastian, how he liked his first convention so far and he said it was awesome and that it felt more like a Van Halen concert! He also remembered her name from earlier (they spoke to each other during the Roman Holiday) and MJ was truly flattered when he grinned at her, saying „I'll always remember your name, darling!“
When MJ had left the microphone Seb was still grinning and started singing „Say my name“ XDDD
Someone asked Mark about a fight scene he did on Leverage and if he did the stunts himself - but I don't remember if he answered this question, because he told us, that his own SON came up with the idea for that scene! That one day he was just like „Hey dad, it would be cool if you got beaten up in your show!“ XD
At one point Richard showed up (as his panel was next) and Sebastian was like „I know this girl!! She's been following me around all day!“
Mark got asked why Crowley had a British accent when he was really Scottish (or I'm just mixing things up, I'm not that familiar with accents XD) and somehow they started talking about kilts and that Sebastian owned one and would really like to trade his pants for a kilt right now! Of course the audience approved but Mark was like „Oh, no! You don't wanna see that, especially you guys in the first row!!“
They got asked who they thought they were in their past lives and Sebastian said, that he probably was either a French woman or a knight in shining armor. Mark said he was Queen Elizabeth I. XDDD
* * * *
Richard Panel
Then it was Richard's turn to take over and he started by pointing out that this year's guest list was kind of a „dude heavy experience“ ;) He also pointed out that he felt it was boring to do this panel traditionally, so he left the stage and wandered around in the audience. The panel room was quite empty at that time because many people had left to take their photographs and autographs with other actos, so he took some time asking people where they were from.
Then somebody asked what his first impression on Mark Pellegrino was (or something along those lines) and he admitted, that this guy scared the crap outta him (exactly my thoughts, Richard XD) After he first met Mark, he called his wife and was like „I thought this MoFo's actually gonna kill me!!“
Someone mentioned a charity event, where Richard and other cast members from Band of Brothers jumped out of a plane and she asked if he had ever before done that. And Richard was like: „How many times I jumped out of a plane? None!“
He got asked about his Pepsi commercial with Snoop Dogg („Aaah, Snoop - my homie!!“) and he said, that even though this guy is ridiculously tall (even taller than Jared), he was one of the nicest people he met so far.
Of course he got asked about the fake porn scene we got to see at the end of „Hammer of the Gods“ and he was like „There's nothing fake about this porno...“
MJ asked him, if he could return to Supernatural, how would he like to do it and Richard suggested, that he could come back as the Trickster. So in this version, Gabriel died in some kind of witness protection for the Trickster...
* * * *
Jason & Steve Panel
Next was Jason and Steve's panel and I actually didn't plan to stay at first but due to the late beginning I had missed the chance to get Sebastian's autograph that day, so I stayed. Also I found out afterwards, that his auto wasn't included in the Angel Pass and you had to buy it seperately XD
Steve talked about his old guitar getting stolen at a convention in 2010 and told us about the fans who collected money to buy him a new one. I knew of this plan but didn't participate cause a) I'm not the biggest Steve fan and b) I think it's ridiculous, buying a star, who earns loads of money, a brand new guitar... I mean, it's a nice gesture, sure, but I'd rather spend my money on more important things ;) Anyway, he thanked those fans again and told us, that he had named his new guitar „London“, because that's where she got handed over to him ^^
Somebody asked which character they would like to play, if they got a chance to be on Supernatural. Jason said he'd like to be some badass ghost hunter. Steve said he would choose a bad guy, so Jason suggested he could hunt Steve's character, like in some weird side story, that has nothing at all to do with the main story XD Just two guys, randomly chasing each other across the state XDDDD
Only other thing I can remember was that at one point the microphone at one of the lines didn't work, so Jason understood „What's your duck?“ … I think the actual question was really about ducks. Apparantly some fans gave Steve a pile of rubber ducks on a past convention and ever since, fans keep bringing him rubber ducks XD
* * * *
Chad Panel
When Chad entered the stage, the panel room was quite empty, as almost everyone had left in order to get their Jared photo ops. So Chad was introducing himself properly like „Hi, I'm Chad... 34... Scorpio...“ XD
He got asked, what his idea of heaven was and he said, that it would be mostly about being with family and friends... also there would be dinosaurs, like walking by in the background XDDD
At one point, Steve got up to the microphone and asked, what Chad's favourite curseword („fuck it“) and non-curseword („momentum“) were. Chad then returned the question, but I only remember Steve's favourite non-curseword was „passion“.
He was asked about similarities between himself and his character Ash. Chad said, that they were both quirky (TRUE!!!) but that was about it XD Cause neither is he a computer nerd, nor does he have a mullet (thank God!!) XDDD
Oh, and apparantly it takes 1 hour to put on Ash's mullet o_Ô
I think it was MJ, who asked about differences of American and European conventions and Chad said, that European conventions were mostly more relaxing, because the people were definitely more laid back *yay* :D
A girl asked, how he liked Rome but due to her accent everybody understood „How do you like your room?“ XDDD Of course Chad decided to answer the misheard question and was like „My room is lovely!“ XD In the end he answered the real question by saying „I'm digging it, man!“
Somebody wanted to know about his best („You're looking at it, baby!“) and weirdest convention experience („too grabby people“).
A girl asked, how many tattoos (4 in total) he had, so he showed us:
1) a scorpion on his left shoulderblade
2) Chinese sign on his other shoulder, hopefully meaning „courage“ (he wasn't sure XD)
3) a raindrop on his pelvis
4) and a freestyle version of a breastcancer awareness ribbon, which he and his whole family got, after his mum defeated breast cancer. There was a respectful applause after that which made me feel really proud of the audience!
At one point he got off stage and did a sort of catwalk performance in the middle aisle XD
jiiaffa asked, what it was like shooting with Vin Diesel and Chad did a horrible impression (he said so himself) of Vin XD
Somebody wanted to know, what he likes about Ash („extremely confident, sexy“ → everybody cheered XD) and what he doesn't („that he's not on the road with the boys, kicking some ass!“)
He also revealed that his first day on set was kinda intimidating, as Ash was supposed to be a completely different character in the beginning (a psychic, able to see ghosts), so he was sort of confused, how he should play this new role.
He said that if he could meet Ash, he would tell him to „get a haircut, man!“ XD
Finally a girl came up to the microphone and told him, that it was her friends birthday, so we all sang „Happy birthday“ to her :)
* * * *
After Chad's panel I went outside for the first time, to get Mark Sheppard and Richard Speight jr.'s autograph. Lining went pretty smooth, as I had an Angel Pass and could walk by the other people *strike*
On that note, I wanted to get something off my mind: you guys with Hunter, Demon and Sinner Passes who didn't let us through and/or complained about us Angel's walking past... SHUT THE F*CK UP!! What did you pay for your passes? Well, let me break something to you: you paid about 150 - 200 € less than we did! So it's our fucking right to get in front of the line!! Goddammit!! I mean, personally I didn't have that kind of trouble but many of my friends did and if it hadn't been for the incredible Julie Caitlin Brown, Misha's agent, some of my friends wouldn't have gotten their autographs AT ALL because people with lower passes were literally BLOCKING the way and wouldn't let ANYBODY through!!
* * * *
Rob Panel
Next was Rob's panel and as I already told you in the Roman Holiday report, that guy really stole my heart in no time!! I mean, the first thing he told us was that he always had to stand on a box, when shooting with Jared XD
He got asked if he thought/knew for sure if Chuck was God? And where did he go? He didn't know though but he was pretty sure, Chuck is God. He had gotten the script and was a bit confused about Chuck disappearing into thin air in the end. When he came to set everybody was like „Hey... so you're God...“ and Rob was like „WHAT??? Really? I mean... yeah... sure... I'm God...“ but he had totally missed it XD
He said his first day on set was quite intimidating, cause he knew nothing about his co-stars and when he first met J² they were talking about cagefighting. So when Jared asked, if he liked cagefighting, he quickly answered „yes“ and just hoped, they wouldn't ask him anything about it, cause he had no idea at all about it XD He just didn't want them to beat him up at the first day XD
He also admitted, that he loved the end of the convention episode, cause he gets the girl and that never happens to him XD
His favourite con moment was in Chicago, cause this was his first convention ever and it was so weird.
He got asked about things he is a fan about and he said that his favourite band is Pearl Jam. One time he had the opportunity to get backstage after a concert (a friend of a friend of a friend knew Eddie Vedder, the frontman, and got them backstage passes) so they ended up in the band's dressing room. Rob didn't really talk to Eddie but at one point he asked his friends friend if he could pass him a cigarrette and Eddie - not even looking at him - handed one over to Rob... that was the only time he interacted with Rob that evening and Rob was fanboying all over the place XDDDD HE'S JUST SO INCREDIBLY CUTE!!!!!!!!!
He got asked if he would like to win an Oscar or a Grammy (with his band Louden Swain) - he said he would prefer an Oscar.
Somebody wanted to know, if Chuck was still God in the episode „The End“... gosh, you could notice that he didn't really know but his answer was quite good. He said God only used the vision of this possible version of the future as a lesson to Sam and Dean and of course he wouldn't reveal his true identity in said vision ;) Clever bastard XD
But the next question was just as clever and difficult as this one: if Dean's amulet was supposed to burn in God's presence, why didn't it do so when they met Chuck? But Rob - sneaky bitch that he is - made up an answer for this one as well: „I mean he's God so he's making up rules as he goes, right?!“ XD
Finally Christine, a friend of mine, asked him what his playlist for a very shitty day would be and he named the song „How soon is now“ by The Smiths and practically everything from Radiohead... he also told us that he used to make mixtapes and that he's the kind of guy who likes to listen to sad music, when he's sad, so that he gets even more sad XD
I'm not quite sure what I did after that but I think I went to the autograph room to get Chad's signature! Btw, I let them all sign the report books I've made and everybody but Jensen looked through them and seemed very impressed. Well, in Mr Ackles' defense: his line was pretty long and the staff all told us to hurry up, so... I guess it's okay ;) Well, but Chad did take time (even though his PA looked at him reprovingly) to look at it and found a page describing his panel and he remembered, he was pretty drunk the evening before (he even remembered dancing with us XD) so he wrote over a photo of himself „hungover“ and signed on the other side <3 Adorable person is adorable!!!
* * * *
Since it was around 7 pm at that time, we went upstairs to rest a bit and get ready for the Cocktail Party, which should start at 8.30 pm. I had planned to wear my light pink coloured dress but my stupid cat had decided to ruin it with her claws -_- Of course I only just noticed that when I got it out of the suitcase and put it on... GRAAAH!!! Thank Chuck I took another dress with me, just in case!!
* * * *
Cocktail Party
So when we were all dressed and Krista put on her killer heels (really... they were kinda creepy), we went downstairs, just to wait for another half an hour. I had the chance to meet the lovely
anastdean and take loads of pictures with all of my friends <3 Fortunately MJ and I could sit at the same table (our AP numbers were 84 and 85 <3) - fortunately, because all of the others at our table were Italians (and one girl from the UK) XD
Soon everybody was seated and the guests of honor entered the room! Unfortunately Misha wasn't there but I guessed he'd be at the hotel with his wife and son... They sat down at the Prophet Pass table and talked to the people there for a while, then Daniela welcomed everybody and passed the microphone around, so that every actor could say „hi“ himself.
Richard decided to walk around the whole room, from table to table, while he was welcoming us, Rob and Chad climbed on chairs, so that everybody could see them XD But it was Mark who said the most moving words. He told us that he loves conventions because this is the possibility for himself and the other actors to experience an actual reaction from the fans, similar to the applause from a theatre audience and that it was a wonderful experience. „Cause in the end we're all just fans!“
First one to join our table was Richard. I can't really remember, what we talked about because he wasn't sitting very close to me and was talking to other people most of the time. But that was okay, because once he left the table, that seat got taken away by one of the staff members, so the only free chair was right next to me XDDDD *evil grin*
Sebastian came next but it was kind of disappointing, as he was only speaking Italian :( Even when I told him, that MJ, I and the British girl didn't understand a word he kept on going in Italian... well... I still managed to get a pic with him <3 Also he made sure to hug and kiss EVERYBODY goodbye! And by everybody I mean EVERY. BODY. Everybody on every table in the whole room. ALL MY LOVE FOR THIS GUY!!!
The next guest was Jason, who was incredibly nice and witty. I just love this guy so much!! He's such a sweetheart! We told him that we were excited to see his concert on Saturday and he asked if we had any requests. So I thought, what the hell, and asked if he could play some up-tempo songs and maybe „The Way You Make Me Feel“ and he promised to do so <3
We got Steve as well but I can't really remember anything as I'm not really that much into him, so I let the others talk and just stuck to my drink (Giuseppe, a friend of MJ, had insisted on buying us drinks, so I had a rum coke and I was prettttttttty drunk :D) …
So when Rob joined our table I was so happy, I couldn't stop grinning (I guess I'm a happy drunk then :D) and I'm so sorry if I stole everybody's time but I just couldn't not talk to him all the time!! He's such a puppy, I just wanna hug him forever!! He also instantly remembered me and told me he really liked my pink sunglasses earlier but that I would look beautiful tonight! Okay, fangirl moment everybody!!!! *swoon*
Next was Chad but I don't remember anything, sorry T_T As I said... I'm an easily drunk bitch...
At that point I had to go to the toilet so fucking bad and as there was no other actor in sight, I decided to run for it! No, seriously - I literally RAN outside which was kind of dangerous, as I was staggering like crazy XD
When I came back I heard loud noises and cheering and clapping, so I hurried up - and came right in time to see Jared and his wife Genevieve Cortese (who played the second Ruby in Season 4) enter the room!! Everybody was going nuts about their arrival and I was so so happy that the fans cheered for Gen as well!! I mean, the fandom can be pretty cruel when it comes to her, there are a lot of people who hated her Ruby but that doesn't give them the right to hate on Gen as well! Some people just can't see the difference of a character in a TV show and a real person...
I felt kind of bad for Mark, who joined our table in all that chaos, so that nobody really took notice of him, so I offered him gummybears, which he gladly took. Like... 3 packs of em XDDD And of course I forgot to ask him for a picture... AGAIN!! It makes me appear like I don't like Mark but that's just not true T_____T
Oh, I forgot to mention, that I had brought the gummybears I had forgotten to take to the Roman Holiday earlier, to the CP and offered everyone a small pack. I think Rob and Jason ate one each and Chad saved one for later. And, well... Mark kind of ate the rest of 'em XD
When we had already had every guest on our table, people were slowly taking off but MJ and I were still so excited, that we decided to stay a little longer. We met up with some friends, took pictures and then looked for the remaining actors. And since we both were kind of drunk, we crossed the whole room, first asked Julie for a photo and then stalked Rob, who was taking pictures with other fans. When we had the chance, we asked him for a photo and - I have to say it again - we were pretty drunk!! BUT we asked him if this was really, really, REALLY okay exactly THREE times!!
We tried to get another pic with Sebastian as well but Julie was hurrying him off to bed so we didn't get the chance :(
So when we were pretty sure, all the other actors had left, we went upstairs and crawled into our beds, dreaming of a wonderful, perfect first convention day <3
Photo credits go to
elsiecat ,
kreespa ,
jiiaffa ,
mj_on ,
AirickaJane & Angels-C