Title: Consultation
Author: Leia/Camshaft22
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/ Sanctuary
Rating: NC-17
Notes: For kink bingo. I don't own anything, not even my car. Thanks
clwilson2006 Pairing: Alison Porter/LauraCadman/Nikola Tesla
Word count: 1300
Square: Suspension
Consult )
Comments 4
I really need to stop breaking the "Whitney isn't allowed to read smut at work rule." My brain goes all mushy.
*breaks that rule all the time*
just so you know, until you had her cut him down, i was picturing tesla upside-down.... i don't know which would be hotter... is fucking with my brain... and... and...*nose starts to bleed*
*is dead*
Thanks so very much!!
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