Bwahahahaha I find it easier to write porn when I'm given non-sexual or non-romantic prompts.
I received an assortment of random fan work prompts from
genprompt_bingo but fandom content creators can
request (or even EXCLUDE) more specific prompts from among any combination of
31 different categories, including Science Fiction and Fantasy, Angst, Plot Events/Points/Twists, Crack...
BINGOIdentity Crisis Could it be Ritual? Archaeologists and their Theories. Terrible Crack Treated Seriously Teacher Hard and Soft Mystery Mentors Early Morning Child Endangerment Hardware and Software Pastel Shades WILD
CARDTaxes Dance through the Fire Alternative Professions Sensory Deprivation I Have a Rendezvous with Death Slow Build La Servante de Lucifer (The Servant of Lucifer) Ray Guns Someone / Something is Hidden / Camoflaged Oaths / Promises Fate Surprise
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