Neeeeeext round! Keep up the voting, guys! ♥
- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!
eta: CHECK YOUR HTML PLEASE. :((( We've had some apps get a bit borked this round due to faulty HTML, which means we have to dig through and fix it! Please double-check your HTML before submitting your app - it'll make things easier on everyone! The easiest way to do it is to private-lock it in your LJ (if you have one!) and see if it shows up the way you want it to. Thank you! ♥
Now VOTE. cloooosed
Name: Natsume Maya
Age: 17
Tenjho Tenge Canon: If you're a strong passionate fighter looking for a high school to attend to in Japan, Todo Gakuen is the place to go. The school is known best for two things: the extraordinary martial arts abilities of the student body, and its unique election process in which all the clubs on campus duel it out for the top position in the student government. The Jyukenbu, a strong (in skill, if not numbers) martial arts club, is no exception, and this year they're determined to to take the win. Tenjho Tenge follows the trials that the club faces in challenging the Executive Counsel.
Natsume Maya is captain of the Jyukenbu, which was originally started by her older brother, Shin. She grew from from following her brother blindly to being a strong, confident leader and teacher after her brother's death. Her life is focused on martial arts training almost exclusively. Perhaps as a result, she is rather confident and tends to come off as abrasive and aggressive in speech, and frequently giving out slightly demeaning nicknames like calling Bob Makihara (who is the series token black man) as "foreigner". She spends much of her time in the body of a nine-year old girl to conserve her ki . Don't be fooled by the change--she finds her size to be no deterrent in teaching people a lesson as demonstrated by the high number of successful ass kickings she's done as a little girl with one hand tied behind her back. Literally.
Sample App:
I understand that the recruitment of American exchange students to increase enrollment in the Jyukenbu is supposed to be a priority for our long term-strategy, but if this is the quality of technique these people are capable of in the West, I think we're going to be better sticking with what's at home. I know we haven't been too picky about appearances in the past, but we should possibly stick to people who actually look human from now on, previous members aside.
Ah, Urrrr, I know you're trying to show your most advanced "zombie-style" techniques here, but to be blunt, I find that forgetting you had a knife in your hands and subsequently cutting your head off to be stupidest thing I've seen in a while. Your survival afterward is pretty good, but while you claim that it's merely the result of "much seasoning in the Louisiana swamps," I'm afraid that your odor suggests that you're a little too seasoned. Possibly to the point of resembling a piece of jerky rather then "fresh meat". This suggests an even greater lack of flexibility common to zombies which will certainly be detrimental to you in the long run, especially if you keep losing tendons like that. We're also looking for people with more brains, and even though you appear to be searching for yours or a suitable replacement as hard as possible, I'm afraid we're going to have to decline your generous offer to join us.
And you, the creepy bear suit guy, while your "CP Fap" technique is definitely energetic and...strong, I'm afraid that it has the worst defense I've ever seen, plus the thrusting and commentary is completely inappropriate. It's the sickest thing someone's dared to call a technique I've ever seen. I'm also afraid that I'm not the little girl that you're looking for, since I think you'd be surprised if you knew how old I really was. I'm not sure what being "deaged" has to do with you offering me a kiss, which I'm not interested in. But I'll give you another chance if you'll let me use you as a demonstration partner for a little bit of basic anatomy. Bending over will not be necessary. I can reach what I need to from here. If the leg bone is connected to the thigh bone, and if I grasp your ankle and pull like this, what will happen? I'll give you a hint--"I came" is not the correct answer.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that "put it in" is also incorrect, creepy pedo! Let's put this theory into motion. If this is your first time, you don't want to tense up too much once I start, otherwise this will hurt you a lot more then it will hurt me.
Poll Vote! Character Name: Natsume Aya
Character Age: 15
Tenjou Tenge Canon: Tenjou Tenge is what you get when you combine 2 parts fighting with 1 part plot, 1 part violence, and 3 parts gratuitous nudity. It starts with Nagi Souichirou and Bob Makihara attempting to take over Toudou Academy, known for its martial arts and the fighting abilities of student and staff alike. After they epically fail, they join the Jyuuken group, which sets off the events for the series, such as awakening the Dragon Fist power within Nagi, which allows him to absorb the abilities of other people.
Aya holds the power of the Dragon Eyes, an ability which allows her to see the past, present, and future as well as the movement and power of her enemies in fights. Although she's inexperienced with her power and her sword, throughout the series she continues to grow and gain XP with each new encounter she has. Despite the power she shared with her older brother, as well as the death of her parents, Aya grew up as a normal, popular, kind high school student who rebels occasionally against her only family, her sister. She's protective of her friends, especially Souichirou-sama, whom she has decided she will marry. She strives to become his katana, and help him cut the fate that has encircled them all.
Sample Post:
Okay, everyone! Get in line, and stand up straight! Remember, this is straight from the Natsume school of fighting: Repetitive stress injury is serious business! So you should be more careful using your wrist like that. I know pump action works with a shot gun, but that has nothing to do with martial arts! Or marital arts, for that matter. While we're at it, you really should have taken off the rings before you started. That looks really painful... I don't know if anyone's going to be able to fix what's left of your fingers. It's not Athlete's foot, after all! Maybe stupidity.
So what I need is a few good men and women to join the Jyuukenbu, one of the strongest fighting clubs around! The kind of people who love to experience new things, meet new people, maaaybe fight with them a bit, and above all, aren't afraid to train and fight until their hands fall off! Don't worry, we usually don't mean that literally. And in the rare cases that we do... well, we offer great health care. You'll have to do your own dry-cleaning, but we also offer great travel benefits! You'll see new sights, even if those new sights include swamps in the middle of America. Sorry, but the frequent flier miles only go so far.
Although, I really should be be going. If I stay here too much longer I may not be able to find my way back, even with a little help. Earlier, I had barely taken a step in here before I was captured by a purple gorilla and hauled up a cardboard cut-out castle! I had been planning on waiting for Souchirou-sama to come and rescue me, but when the gorilla started to throw down barrels at anyone trying to climb up-- well, I had to finish him off myself. Souichirou-sama, you took too long! Don't worry, that kind of thing happens to everyone, but you'd better try harder next time!
After that, I would have already gone and left, but it looks like there's some kind of barrier in the way. I can't even see past it. No, it looks completely impenetrable. There's not even the tiniest crack in its defense. That's a little lame, how am I supposed to fight anyone or get past this barrier?! Everyone knows the best defense is a good offense, but there's nothing here to offend. Maybe, in order to penetrate the barrier and save the day, I need to fight that monster in the lake people keep talking about. This "Marcy" shouldn't be worse than anything else I've fought before.
This could take a while. Souichirou-sama, please wait for me!
Poll Vote! Character: Jiroubou
NarutoCharacter Age:
14 Canon: Let's face it, the shounen tale of Naruto, a young
ninja with a fondness for loud clothing trying to fulfill his dreams,
wouldn't be half as much fun if it weren't for the villains in equally
loud clothing trying to dash those dreams. And those villains wouldn't
get anywhere without their trusty cannon fodder minions. Thus
we have the body-snatching bad guy Orochimaru and his subordinates,
including his personal bodyguards: the Sound Four, badass delinquent
barrier experts extraordinaire and Uchiha Sasuke's escort down the
road to Sound ninja-dom.
Out of a team like this, which relies on a lot of flash and attitude,
Jiroubou of the South Gate has the unfortunate task of being the one who has
to talk common sense into his all-too-enthusiastic squadmates. Trying
to get the rest of the Sound Four to calm down, behave themselves, and
stop swearing has clearly taken its toll on both Jiroubou's
methodology and his ability to keep his temper when the situation
spins out of his control; when something really tries his patience,
he'll hit below the belt verbally and emotionally, and if a fight gets
beyond his ken, he'll just hit. Hard. And with boulders. Inferiority complex, traditionalist
views on women and questionable taste in hairstyles aside, Jiroubou is
a member of Orochimaru's elite for a good reason, and enemy ninja
forget that at their peril.
Sample Post:
Let me make one thing clear: I am not a
nurturing person. Responsible, maybe, not like I had much of a choice
in the matter given my dear teammates' habits-"Jiroubou, carry this
shit while I go play a nice folk air for angry blind demons"-but
nurturing? No. If you wanted nurturing, you should have left
the next generation of the shambling undead in the hands of a woman!
Do I look like a woman? Do you see me in a kitchen? Do I have
breas-don't any of you dare answer that. What kind of idiot dumps a
crowd of brats on an obviously preoccupied ninja, and then just
lurches off?
...fine, apparently a zombie idiot. That doesn't change the
fact that when any self-respecting person is confronted by a teacher
allowing his students to play with a bushfull of other people's
undergarments, it's only natural to speak up in protest! The
proper response to that is not to dump said brats on the
protester. I understand that he's your teacher and that a teacher must
have free reign over his students, but just look at this field trip
itinerary the idiot's left me with! I certainly don't think it should
include "Brain Eaters' Gentlemen' Club", especially when some of the
students are impressionable female children! Little zombie girls do
not need to learn how to pole dance!
I hope for your sake you did not just refer to me as "Mommy". I'm not
doing this for my own health--speaking of which, stop eating your
classmate's brain! It's not only unsanitary, it's probably unladylike.
Or at least use a napkin.--I was accosted by your moron of a teacher
while in the middle of quite an important mission, thank you very
much. My master sent me to make diplomatic overtures to the Director
in charge of this territory, because I happen to know how to behave
like a civilized human being...would you brats stop staring at the
lake? I know your eyeballs occasionally sag out of your head, but
that's no excuse not to look at me when I'm speaking to...oh.
...I sincerely hope that isn't the Director. I read that mission brief
very carefully, and nowhere were prehensile tentacles and cow-shaped
flotation devices mentioned.
Its name is Marcy? Fine. Stop blubbering and moaning like a pack of
weaklings and make yourselves useful by fetching me some big, sharp
sticks, an industrial-strength flame broiler and a supersized bag of
breadcrumbs. I don't want to hear a word about brains when there's
perfectly good calamari at hand.
Poll Vote! Character: Yuuno Scrya
Series: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Character Age: This character is taken from the 'timeskip' period between A's and Strikers, and is age 16.
Canon: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is a modern take on the magical girl anime. Beginning with what seemed like a whimsical adventure with a talking ferret, Takamichi Nanoha (cheerful daughter of assassins and martial artists) quickly found herself dropped into a full-time job working for the Time-Space Administration Bureau (TSAB). Over the next few years of her childhood, she spent her time making friends and allies while defusing attempts by criminals and terrorists who used powerful relics from other worlds called 'lost logia' to create calamities. Bringing rivals and enemies around with her kindness and endless inner strength, she becomes one of the most powerful mages history had ever known.
Yuuno Scrya was the ferret that started the whole thing. Or to be more precise, he was a young archeologist from the parallel world of Mid-Childa who had disguised himself as a ferret. He granted the weapon 'Raising Heart' to Nanoha in their first encounter. Since, has been her moral, emotional and physical support. Practically a savant, he maintains the Infinite library in the TSAB despite his young age, and persists in the archeological job he excelled in since childhood.
Although he's educated and wise, Yuuno's biggest problem is his tendency to get in over his head, mainly due to his weakness in combat. He maintains an open rivalry with anyone who tries to belittle or control him- especially his de facto superior, Chrono Harlaown. He also has a strong fondness for Nanoha and an inability to express this very well. A mage, like many people in the TSAB, he personally excels in the field of shielding and healing magic. Unfortunately, when it comes to facing down six-legged abominations of ancient magic... well, you can see why he spends a lot of time in ferret mode.
Sample Post:
Administrated World #97, Earth! Louisiana! Somewhere in the south! 'Camp Fuck You Die'. An ominous name is... usually a good start. I mean, the big name archeologists always found interesting things in the Mines of Terror and the Temple of Cold Fear. I've seen quite a few lost technologies in my time, and I'll bet sweet potatoes on there being some forgotten ancient relic being something to do with all this.
I mean, just think. There are zombies everywhere, just like the cursed guardians of the Valley of Ruins. A barrier, like the Diamond Shield lost logia that was said to be the perfect defense of any villain's fortress. And somehow, people are being pulled in from all across the multiverse, which means there must be some kind of powerful machine here, like a ship that could sail through dimensions.
I'm... going to have to think this through. I can't just walk up to someone and say 'hello there, have you seen any strange items of otherwordly power in your local dark cave or strange abandoned temple?' ...I don't even know if there are temples in Louisiana. I should have really asked Nanoha for more information on this place before she left... assuming she even knows anything about America in the first place. I also should have maybe worn different clothes, considering what the weather is like here. And I definitely should have brought a tourist's guidebook. Oh...
So, let's review. Louisiana is a part of America, on Earth. Louisiana has swamps and is home to a variety of insect and reptile life, including crocodiles. Crocodiles probably eat ferrets, from what I've seen of them, so that's worth remembering.
...but I've only been here five minutes, and I haven't seen many crocodiles. I've seen some zombies. And I've felt that barrier a couple seconds after I got here. But... I don't think this part of a continent is prone to volcanic activity. And... gorillas or toucans shouldn't be native to this place either! And I did't even know animals could grow to be that large on any planet. And... this plant grows pies, this plant grows utensils to eat the pies, and this plant grows fire-breathing tomatoes, which don't seem to have any connection to anything else around here.
Now that I think about it, I don't think Nanoha would have been able to help me. Of course, at this rate, the odds of finding a strange, abandoned temple have shot way up!
Poll Vote! Character: Ike
Canon Age: 17-18
Series: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Age: around 17-18
Canon:Fire Emblem: The Path of Radiance is a story set in the world of Tellius, which is inhabited by Beorc (also known as humans), and Laguz, who are animals who can shift into humans. Path of Radiance is the heartwarming tale of Ike and his band of mercenaries, who fight for their friends to put the rightful ruler of Crimea, Princess Elincia, back on the throne. There’s also Ike’s other goal of taking revenge on his father’s killer, a man only known as the Black Knight. Tracking the Black Knight would be easier for Ike if the Black Knight didn’t have godly teleportation magic, and if he knew something about him other than ‘he wears black armour’.
Ike is the main protagonist of the game, and leader of the mercenary army after his father’s death. Straightforward, determined, and somewhat blunt are a few words that can be used to describe him. Having been raised in the countryside, Ike is unfamiliar with customs and traditions, which can be a blessing and a problem. However, Ike has no problem apologizing for his mistakes, and asking for help when he knows he needs it. Ike is level headed, responsible, but lets his anger get the best of him at times. His sense of justice and righteousness sometimes leads him into arguments with people as powerful as the ruler of Tellius’s largest nation, which even Ike will admit was not his smartest moment. But even with Ike’s ability to lead and direct, he still relies on help from his friends to make the important decisions. After all, going from new mercenary to General of the Crimean liberation army is quite a large jump.
Sample Entry:
Inhabitants of Camp Fuck you Die, I am Ike, commander of the Greil Mercenaries. I have come in pursuit of the Black Knight, who was recently seen near your village recently. Reports said he was gravely injured, but still a great threat. I haven’t been able to find him yet, but I have a feeling that he is nearby. I was supposed to meet a Laguz messenger near a white caravan for more information, but I couldn’t seem the find the right one. It's rather difficult when they're all unmarked. The gorilla I met only gave me hard candies and an offer for a lodge for the night. Until we can locate exactly where the Knight is, I think the best suit of action would be to help arm your village in case of ambush. Your camp seems to be well protected from most sides by your forests and lake, but one end is severely lacking in protection. A surprise attack from the rear would devastate this place in a matter of minutes.
I understand that many of the local illnesses that have left a good deal of you with missing limbs and skin disease. I can’t offer you much myself, but I will try to help in any way possible. However, the way you treat your ill is nearly barbaric. You ignore and run in fear from zombies, and you mock others who are mentally deluded. Have any of you even tried to help the disabled? Give them a chance, treat them fairly, and perhaps then you could see how productive they could be towards your society. If you gave a one armed zombie a hoe, he could sow a seed field of crops and not have to rely on theft to feed himself. Perhaps if you saw past your differences and tried to treat Zombies fairly, they would in turn begin to harass you less. If their appearances are frightening, you should look past their differences to see what you have in common. Their faces are slightly vacant, yet also sad, like a drunk who had his last leg stolen. Surely someone who looks like that can’t be bad at heart.
Ah, did I offend you, Sir Zombie? If Zombie is an offensive term, what should I call you instead? I’m still unfamiliar with your land, and know very few of your customs. I apologize for my ignorance then, Dennis of the anarcho-syndicalist commune.
But Sir Dennis, you seem to need urgent medical attention. Your arm seems to be bleeding, and it shows no signs of stopping. And by no means is it ‘merely a flesh wound’! I know I asked you for help gathering arms, but you took it far too literally. If you don’t receive help soon, you may lose use of that arm forever. You must be in terrible pain, judging from the way you’re screaming now. Don’t move Dennis, I’ll find you a healer as fast as possible. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it’s an adult!
Poll Vote!