(no subject)

Oct 13, 2007 06:07

GOOD MORNING, ANGELS. Here is your first round of fine, upstanding campers. ♥ These hopefuls have gathered their soul into their words and placed them up here, in hopes to play with you! LET US PARTAKE IN EXCITEMENT. It is so early

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!


Name Reborn
Age: 1
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Canon: This canon will go along smoothly if you accept everything I tell you, whether or not it makes any sense.

For you see, Reborn is a one-year-old hitman. Though there are many mysteries surrounding how the hell that works, physically Reborn really is maybe a foot high, possesses copious amounts of weaponry, and wears diapers under his black three piece. At the request of the Ninth Boss of the Vongola mafia famiglia, Reborn left Italy for Japan to teach a lazy, useless, no good, dumb, slow and worthless Sawada Tsunayoshi how to become the Vongola’s Tenth Boss. He manages this by inserting himself into Tsuna’s life as a home tutor and causing comedic pain any time Tsuna attempts to argue the matter.

Personality-wise, Reborn always appears calm and content, and speaks in blunt statements that can easily be full of honesty or blatant horrible lies, but will be treated as fact either way. He is, however, usually very honest about being in the mafia. It doesn't bother him that people almost always assume he’s just a little kid having his fun, or treat him like an infant, as long as they do what he wants in the long run. And if you don’t, then he’s probably already lying to you or someone else to get what he wants anyway. And if that doesn't work there's always bullets and fire and pain. On the rare occasions Reborn isn't hurting Tsuna for his own good, he enjoys a relaxing float in the pool with a martini, scouting out people to convince/force/trick into joining the mafia, and taking naps. It should also be noted that despite causing pain and suffering under the guise of 'tutoring', Reborn really does care about the Vongola family, and somewhere deep, deep, deep inside likes his student as well.

Note: Through cosplay Reborn maintains multiple identities he uses throughout canon, such as Dr. Borin; the genius mathematician, Master Pao Pao; the boxing guru, and Reboyama-sensei; a middle school substitute teacher. His personality and mannerisms when in these disguises do not change in the slightest.

Sample App:

Ciaossu, campers.

My name is Reboyama, and from today on I will be your new substitute counselor. I wouldn’t normally take a job dealing with this many of you kids, but since my useless student has gotten trapped here, I guess it can’t be helped. It’s important for people your age to have a strong, commanding influence in your life so you don’t go astray. I will play that part until you die.

Good school supplies are hard to find here, so I’ve brought you everything you need. Smuggling these Education Care Packages into this country was expensive though, so when they’re delivered to you, pay the bill. It’s one thousand US dollars each. If you can’t afford it, you’ll have to be indebted to me. Your care packages have textbooks and other required materials for my class. Don’t waste the revolver bullet on zombies, that’s for a trust exercise we’ll be doing later.

Now, a lot of you have been away from school for a while. This endless vacation is rotting your brains, probably leaving you stupider than you were to begin with. My job is to prevent that, so as a substitute counselor I will be substituting traditional educational values for something that can better serve your family. Read your textbook’s first chapter, Silencing and Body Disposal in Five Easy Steps by Monday. You will be applying the cement shoes theory then. Anyone who skips class will be located and can serve as a practice dummy instead. If no one skips, Tsuna already has experience being the dummy.

Since this is a summer camp, you probably all want to have something fun to do too. So I’ve prepared a special game you can all participate in. It’s called Reboyama’s Secret Training Scavenger Hunt. Looking for random things out in the woods is boring, so for this game you’ll be scavenging items from your fellow campers without them finding out. Your points will be marked based on the most valuable item you scavenge. Bring everything you find to me.

None of you have ever played Reboyama’s Secret Training Scavenger Hunt before, so I'll warn you that there is an ancient curse on this game. Whoever loses will die and everyone they know will mysteriously disappear and never be seen again.

Try hard.

Poll Vote!

Character: Kirijo Mitsuru
Series: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Age: 17

Canon: What if there was a secret hour that occurred during midnight that only a handful of people could experience? What if during this "Dark Hour," terrifying monsters known as Shadows appeared in an attempt to feed off the minds of the unlucky humans they come across? What if the only way to combat this horror was to get a bunch of kids together and make them shoot themselves in the face? Well, Persona 3 is a direct result of this excellent line of questioning. So, when humankind is threatened by monsterkind, it's up to the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (or SEES) to pull the trigger and save the day by summoning their Personas--that is, the magical, badass, anthropomorphisized version of their souls.

One of the original members of SEES, Mitsuru is intelligent, extremely focused, and kind of terrifying. Not only is she the only child and heir to the head of the famous international corporation, the Kirijo Group, she's also the top-ranked student of her year and the Student Council president. Needless to say, her experiences growing up extremely rich and privileged have ensured a certain level of disconnect from reality, leaving her at a loss when it comes to doing certain "common" things. She ranks the pursuit of knowledge above almost everything else, and as a result, can be a bit long-winded when expositioning, while always making sure to use her best and shiniest two-dollar words. But as smug and distant as she may seem at first, Mitsuru can actually be quite vulnerable and warm--she just hides it well under her impressive exterior and habit of threatening to "execute" those that cause her great offense.

As a note, the fangirl French is canon.

Sample Post:

I must say that, as it stands, I definitely have my doubts. When I first pulled up, I was expecting to be met with a sight far different than this. After all, a resort camp, no matter how unusually named, should always present its best face to all visitors upon entry. I am aware of the term "rustic charm," but there is such a thing as taking a theme too far. At the risk of sounding haughty, there must be a proper separation between "rustic" and "run-down," or else you risk losing a large part of your customer base. If Madame Directeure would allow me to give her some advice, I'm sure business will increase exponentially. As a representative of the Kirijo Group, that sort of analysis is what I'm here for, so please listen and act accordingly.

To start with, a resort should always have a particular aura of joie de vivre about it. I am, of course, referring to the staff. It's very kind of Madame Directeure to offer jobs to... the physically disadvantaged, but they seem a little dead in the eyes, don't they? The old saying about finding a smile contagious is infinitely more preferable than finding the people around you contagious with an unknown affliction. Also, I will have to recommend offering some sort of learning programme to those on the payroll. Guttural moaning is not the height of intelligent conversation, and can really ruin the atmosphere.

And there's the other problem your staff seems to have. They are, perhaps, a little too friendly. It took quite some time for me to convince your valets that it was not appropriate for them to be pawing at me, but in the end, I think we have come out of that particular situation all the better for it. He has learned that I do not take kindly to breaches of my personal space, and I have learned the appropriate method of... well, of freezing the all-too-enthusiastic in their tracks. How? Well, it's something of a secret, but I will say that I can be quite cold if I have the mind to, and I am swift to execute my particular brand of revenge.

I must say, this has all left me quite famished, so I am glad to see that this "Mess Hall" does not live up to its name! Ah, what's this on the menu? Tuesday soup, it says! Please, good sir, I will have one helping of this local appetizer, it sounds très bien! Oh, and what's this, it comes with Pinot Noir? Well... excusez moi, good sir, but this wine smells rather off, and it seems quite thick. Almost as if it's...

...Hmm. Well, I'm not sure how many Health Code violations that amounts to, but it won't be good for business. Please take some time out to think about what you've done while I decide on the appropriate method of punishment.

Poll Vote!

Character: Sakura
Series: Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Age: 15~16

Canon: Sakura, the princess of Clow Country, has lost of all her memories due to an evil conspiracy to obtain her magical shoujo powers. Syaoran, her childhood best friend, has taken it upon himself to retrieve them. The kicker? Said memories have turned into magical feathers and spread throughout different dimensions, so getting them all back won't be an easy task. Fortunately for Sakura and Syaoran, they also travel with a badass, grumpy ninja, a gay, gay mage, and a talking meatbun that will make their journey not only easier, but also infinitely more entertaining.

Despite occasionally being a sparkly princess Sue who can talk to spirits and see the future, Sakura is a truly good natured person; sometimes to the point of absolute selflessness. Kind, endearingly naïve, and a little bit clumsy, Sakura believes in always doing her best to help those around her. She cares deeply about her friends and will go to any lengths to make herself useful to the party -- even if that involves putting her life at risk every more often than not. Oh, those wacky Jesii.

Note: Sakura is being apped from before Acid Tokyo arc.

Sample Post:

Once upon a time, in the country of CLAMP Efyudie, there lived a very beautiful and kind princess with her prince. Together, they reigned over the land and everything was prosperous. But one day the prince went out to buy groceries and never came back. The poor princess became very sad. Fearing that the rest of her people would abandon her too, she created an impenetrable barrier with the help of some mysterious, powerful magic. She also put a guardian creature in the water, and filled the skies with mind-reading sentinels to assure no one would try to escape by other means. The princess wanted to keep her loved ones close to her, always.

--Ah, that's the story I heard from the lady ghost in the showers, anyway. But she was also crying about how no one is scared of her anymore and that people have forgotten she exists, so I may have not gotten it right. At any rate, I thought that maybe the thing powering the barrier could be one of my feathers, so I would like to talk to the princess here and try to help everyone in this country to be free again. Could you please take me to her, Zombie-san?

Oh, dear! But we need to do something about your body, first. The reason why your limbs keep falling off is because they don't really belong to you, isn't it? I understand that sometimes you have to make-do with what you have, but I really don't think you're supposed to have a third leg to make up for your missing arm. Don't worry, though! I know what it's like to have a part of you missing, so I will do my best to give you a hand ... or two and help you find the rest of yourself! With such a peculiar tone of skin as yours, it shouldn't be too difficult, right?

And do you think we should get some kind of present for her, too? Something to cheer her up! I was thinking flowers, maybe... and balloons! I saw a tree full of them earlier, you know? There were all sorts of colors and sizes and I brought some with me! I think some of them are even fruit-flavored... n-not that I know this because I tried one thinking it was chewing gum or anything, r-really! Hahah!

But... what does "ribbed for her pleasure" mean? I don't think I get it.

Poll Vote!

Character: Tear Grants
Series: Tales of the Abyss
Character Age: 16

Canon: When the world needs saving, it calls on the Main Character who, more often than not, hacks n' slashes his or her way through dangerous enemies. To every Main, however, is a Second, who keeps everyone alive. That role is fulfilled by one Tear Grants, and don't let the emo-implied name fool you; Tear is one lean, mean, diva machine. Casting aside the stereotype of helpless healer, she is well-versed in both supportive and offensive abilities, the likes of which are executed by songs known as fonic hymns. Her introduction is memorable: learning of her brother's plans to destroy the current world, Tear tracks him down to stop him, even if it means killing--or being killed by--her own blood. The attempt, though, proves unsuccessful and from thereon, things spiral downhill with the state of the world. It's an internal challenge the girl must face throughout the duration of the game, as she doesn't want to kill him, but cannot approve of his plans either.

As a soldier of the Order of Lorelei, Tear was trained from an early age to have a firm grasp on her actions and emotions. This gives the impression that she's a callous sort of person; she was even called a "cold bitch" at one point (by Luke fon Fabre, a boy to whom Tear would later become a mentor.) However, this assessment couldn't be farther from the truth. Tear cares strongly for her friends and allies, going so far as to step in harm's way to protect them. Many times, she will take on the role of Big Sister, being both caring and stern, not pulling any punches with her comments on what was done wrong and how to improve it. She also carries an undeniable love for all things cute, though this is a fact she will protest if brought up. If one is paying attention, though, the under-the-breath comments of "so cute" and "want to hold" are definitely catchable.

Sample Post:

This feels silly, but I suppose it's just like every other observation report. In any case.

Report #1: To say that today was strange would be quite the understatement. I've found myself in a foreign land with no idea of how I got here nor how to return home. It's...a swamp. A disturbing swamp with questionable wildlife and foliage. There was a tree with underwear on its branches... Fortunately, not everything is so abnormal. The first sentient--or rather, obviously sentient--being I came across was a monster that called itself a moogle and it was very cute. The moogle is the one that explained our location, this... Camp "Fuck You Die," and that I was...well, stuck here. At first I thought it a trick, but it continued with the explanation as if it were just the most normal thing in the world, so I took its words with a grain of salt.

Afterwards, it asked if I'd like my data to be saved. Apparently, a moogle's purpose is similar to our memory circles, so I saved. This appearance is an alteration that should be looked into back home. It then gave me directions to the nearest building, where I could find my "fellow campers," and finished with a deep warning that not everything was trustworthy. That even the, ah, bushes were a threat to one's life.

I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't take this warning very seriously.

On the way, I saw a light, thought to be a fire, in the distance. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed a bonfire, but...there were bunnies around it. Dancing. They were so cute... O-Of course, as a soldier of the Intelligence Division, I had to investigate. It appeared to be some sort of celebration, but before I could approach them directly, they approached me. It was rather odd to hear a bunny squeaking at me. After introductions were made, the chief --socute-- invited me to stay for dinner, explaining that the new arrival of food was the reason for their celebration. I...accepted, of course. How could you not...

As soon as I took a seat, they surrounded me, now chanting and raising their carrots in the air as if they were staffs. I was so blinded by their - illusionary innocence that by the time I realized what was for dinner, I was nearly overtaken by their sheer numbers. Fortunately, I was able to put them to sleep with a fonic hymn and escape, but...

To think that I would be so careless as to ignore the warnings of a natural inhabitant of this cursed land. This "camp" is horrible, twisting such adorable animals into carnivorous monsters. One could hope that the rest are not like the bunnies, but that has already been my downfall and I'll not allow it to happen again.

Still... Should we meet again, I'll...try to remind them of the benefits and nutritional value of consuming carrots and other vegetables instead of using them as weapons. After all, they're still bunnies... Though perhaps I'll take to carrying some jerky with me from now on. Precautionary measures.

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Character: Aoyagi Ritsuka
Series: Loveless
Age: 12
Canon: Loveless: it's that show about catboys. Aoyagi Ritsuka is an amnesiac twelve-years-old child with a pretty face and a lot of issues. When he was ten, Ritsuka forgot everything about himself, changing in personality from an average popular kid to a withdrawn and serious straight-A student. Suddenly thrust into a life where he wasn't wanted and faced with his mother's constant physical and psychological abuse, Ritsuka is damaged goods, convinced that taking pictures is the only way to "make memories" and prove that he exists. Believing that the "other Ritsuka" will come back to replace him one day, Ritsuka is reluctant to trust or get close to anyone. The only exception to this for a long time was his beloved brother Seimei, whom Ritsuka loved, trusted, and practically worshipped. But then Seimei caught a bad case of the dead. Tangentially, he may have had it coming.

After Seimei's death, Ritsuka meets Agatsuma Soubi, an "adult" without his cat ears (the Loveless equivalent of a visible hymen for girls AND boys~) who likes to touch Ritsuka inappropriately and tell him he loves him. Together, Soubi and a vengeful Ritsuka begin to seek out the secrets behind Seimei's murder. More importantly, Ritsuka begins to grow as a person, thawing a little and dropping his caustic, irritable mask . . . though that means being a little spastic, temperamental, and easily embarrassed, especially when it comes to sex. A soft-hearted pacifist, in a lot of ways he's just a normal kid that wants to have fun with his friends, although he does tend to be a sarcastic bugger and reads Nietzsche in sixth grade. Despite living a life of lies and constantly being waylaid by his mother's "tests" to prove that he's not the son she raised, Ritsuka is learning how to be okay with himself and trust the people around him-or rather, who to trust when everyone seems untrustworthy, and what it really means to love.

Sample Post:

Whoever heard of a summer camp in October? No matter what Mother says, I don't think this is the sort of place the other Ritsuka would like. I don't think it's the sort of place anybody would like-just look at everyone! These people are shambling around like zombies. They're not having any fun at all. The only ones who look like they're alive are those people lined up by that rack. "Get Taller Here?" Who do they think they're kidding? I want to get taller too, but I'll grow tall like Seimei was on my own time-you have to do some things slowly, you know. Besides, who'd use a medieval torture device? Masochists.

Whatever. I'll have to stay here for at least a week, though, until the schoolbus comes back to pick me up. If it comes back-the frizzy-haired driver didn't seem to be a particularly reliable adult. She drove so fast I thought I was going to be sick, and when somebody complained, she just exclaimed that we were here to "take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" I hope all the adults here aren't like that, especially not after she suggested we "take a trip inside" me if I coughed up a furball. I am not a cat. And what does that even mean? It better not be anything perverted.

Anyway, while I'm here, I'll do my best to participate, since that's what Mother wants . . . I guess. So I've been making some memories with a couple of people I've met so far, but it's not going so well. Every time I take a picture, weird smears and white blotches show up all over the place. Not only that, but the picture I took in front of that gravestone is totally ruined-it looks like a bunch of people jumped in at the last minute! How am I going to be able to prove I was here if I don't take pictures? So if anybody has any suggestions, I'd be really grateful. But not in a weird way or anything! Don't get any ideas.

Speaking of weird things, I'm going to need a new cabin assignment, since the bed that I'm supposed to have looks like it belongs to somebody else already. I think it's a counselor bed, too. Nobody that still has their ears would have magazines like . . . t-that. "Purrfect Pleasures?" "Housebreaking For Dummies?" . . . "M-Mail Order Sex Kittens!?" Hey, wait!

. . . I think I need somebody who's not an adult.

Poll Vote!

Character: Matsu
Series: Sekirei
Age: unspecified, late teens-ish

Canon: In near future Japan, the city of Teito (formerly known as Tokyo) has become a battleground for the Sekireis, a group of 108 superhumans set loose upon it by an exuberant mad scientist. The Sekireis are charged with finding their destined human partners/masters amongst the city's population and then fighting each other until only one is left standing; this is the foundation of the aforementioned mad scientist's completely awesome plan to usher in a "new era of the gods." The protagonist, a hapless entrance exam student named Sahashi Minato, stumbles into all of this through a chance collision with a Sekirei and quickly ends up with a small harem of them.

Which brings us to Matsu, one of the more eccentric members of that harem, and probably also the smartest; she frequently serves as a planner and tactician, and is a gifted computer hacker to boot, capable of gaining access to heavily protected databases and hijacking satellite-based weapons. But when she's not being the brains of the operation, she tends to moonlight as the libido, always trying to get Minato or anyone else she likes enough to do some (wink wink, nudge nudge) "experimenting" with her--or, at times, just fantasizing about her male acquaintances making out with each other.

And as if all that weren't enough, she's a fugitive! There were some unfortunate circumstances surrounding Matsu's departure from the mad scientist's organization, forcing her to go into hiding and adding a layer of paranoia to her playful mischievousness.

Post: Helloooo? Anyone? Oh, come on, you can't tell me that there's no one here willing to offer succor to a beautiful maiden, caught out in a storm, hounded by fiendish pursuers! I'm even looking extra cute and vulnerable thanks to the rain making my clothes all clingy and translucent! Who knows what I might be willing to do to reward my dashing rescuer? Just do me a favor and don't ask who I'm running from or why--knowing would only put you in danger. Their eyes are everywhere, trust me! See, look, there're some right...over...here...uh, scratch that, these are just eyes. Human ones. Lying on the ground. Give me a moment, I need to decide whether that makes me feel better about this place or not. Okay! I have settled on "not." I mean, those eyes might've actually been on my pursuers' payroll after all. These guys are capable of anything.

So if I'm gonna be hiding from them while I'm here, I'd better find out a little more about where "here" is! Good thing I remembered my palmtop. Let's see, current coordinates go here, and...while I'm not sure how this maps site made "All hope abandon, ye who enter here" flash across my screen just now, I have to say it didn't do much for my nerves. Dismal landscape, ominous messages--have I stumbled into their hands? Is this all some kind of trap?! Why couldn't it've been the "pretty boy in a dress" kind? Those're just so much better in every conceivable way! But I guess I've got to play the hand I've been dealt, don't I. First order of business: a place to hide! Maybe those cabins over there...nah, too rickety, too obvious, too--inhabited?! So there are people out here! But why? And why didn't they answer my calls for help? Hmmmmm...

Aha, of course! This is clearly some sort of free-love commune, its inhabitants driven to forsake society and live out in the harsh wilderness because it's the only place where they're free to express their deepest, most forbidden desires! No doubt the warning message was just something meant to scare people not put off by the scenery--but don't worry, all you seekers of passion unfettered, Matsu understands. Matsu is on your side. Matsu wants to join in, or at least watch! So please, let me stay among you for a while. I'm sure I've got a lot to contribute!

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