LAST ROUND, ladies and gents! Info on the next round will be shared when we know it. |Db
- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!
Now VOTE. closed!
Character: Ron Stoppable
Kim PossibleCharacter Age: 16
Canon: Kim Possible is a show on Disney Channel about this teenage girl who rescues the world a whole lot. Ron Stoppable is her clumsy best friend, sidekick, and recent boyfriend. Ron is a socially inept, optimistic, awkward, and has an obsession with Tex-Mex food. He has a pet naked mole rat named Rufus who he can communicate with and who also helps him help Kim save the world, and on occasion, the conclusion is drawn that he is the secret to Kim's success. Despite being oblivious and quick to draw conclusions most of the time, he has been proven to be actually really intelligent! But you can't really tell.
Sample Post:
This is it, Rufus. This is the mission of all missions, the fight of all fights! Of all the cruel, heartless plans that we have had to foil, buddy, this one takes the cake-- or should I say, the leprechauns. Oh yes, you evil-doer! Yes, you, whoever you are! I can see you lurking in the shadows! I know you're listening to me! Understand this one thing-- I have discovered your true objective! I know what you plan to do! And I, Ron Stoppable, side-kick, best friend, and boyfriend of Kim Possible, will stop you!
There is no way I could ever-- ever!-- allow you to steal St. Patrick's' Day! You may be in it for the gold, mysterious, groaning, dilapidating evildoer, and the magical leprechauns you will use to power your luck-powered plasma ray or gigantic laser cannon or machine to bring back the dead, but the effect your nefarious deeds would have on Ireland-- no! The world!-- would be a VERY BAD ONE. I can see it: as the rest of the world watches, your evil machine will suck the luck out of Ireland, draining its' water resources, causing the grass to whither and die! Without grass to eat, the cows slowly are picked off one by one, and slowly, oh so slowly...
The dairies shut down. Ireland's supply of cheese is running low, and the worst is happening: each great, heavenly, kind, and good Bueno Nacho is shut down, one by one. The people are starving. It is reminiscent of the Great Naco Famine of 1972, only this time-- there will be no stopping it. A world with no Bueno Nacho, the GREATEST Tex-Mex restaurant of all time, is not a world worth living in. For all that is good-- for all that is sacred and great and oozing with delicious cheese-- I will stop this from happening.
As soon as I get my pants. Rufus, buddy? Do you have any gadgets on you that could make a wheezing, wriggling tree give me back my mission wear? Because all I've got on me is some lip balm knock-out gas, and it's getting kind of chilly.
Poll Vote! Name: Sarah
Age: 17 (?)
Suikoden IIICanon:Suikoden III is the tale of war between Zexen and the Grasslands, before it grows bigger to encompass another nation and another set of problems. The focus of the story shifts from the war to collection of the five true runes; which are basically Suikoden’s version of the power rangers. Only immortal.
Sarah is one of The Destroyers, and a devoted follower of Luc. She was born with incredible magic power, and befriended Luc when he came to live in the Witch Leknaat’s tower. While Sarah seems to be quiet and mild, she often speaks up in defense of Luc and The Destroyers task, going to even the lengths of threatening the life of an old woman to retrieve the fire rune. Even then, Sarah tries to minimize the death toll in The Destroyers mission. Sarah’s motivation is to have Luc’s plan come to fruitation, and to be by his side, no matter what.
Sample Post:
I do not mean to bother you sir, but could you tell me what land this is? I believe I have lost my way, and it is imperative I return to where I am needed as soon as possible.
… While I do not wish to resort to violence, I will not hold back if you continue to refuse directions. Your answer of “you are here!” is of little use to anyone, and will only serve to infuriate the questioner. It is a simple question, and one any traveler would ask if lost. I am not here to conquer your lands, or to ‘burniate’ your countryside as you say. Such a thing is not out of the question though, if you continue to act as useless as you are now.
However, if you do wish to challenge me, I will use all force necessary. Please do not think that because you have an army means you will be able to win. An ill equipped army will win no battles. I see you have made great use of your natural resources, which is laudable. However, sticks and stones may be able to break bones, but they will never be able to pierce through armor. Even with great numbers, they are ineffective. Your troops may number over nine thousand, but they could still be defeated by a single warrior.
I will be brief. I am here merely by accident, and the sooner I am able to return home, the sooner we both will be continue peacefully. This is my last warning: Please show me the way out or-
… Camp Punk’D You Die? I am unfamiliar with the term.
Poll Vote! Character: Cagalli Yula Attha
Gundam Seed/
DestinyCharacter Age: 18
Canon: Cagalli Yula Attha is the Princess/Representative of Orb depending on who she's talking to. Gilbert Dullindal was always referring to her as 'Princess' in the first episode of Destiny despite her apparent dislike for the "professional" courtesy that he showed which he probably used to irritate her. She took over her father's position after his death in Seed. Her character is a "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality due to her inability to hold her emotions in check whether it is directing her anger at someone like Athrun when she thought he killed her not-yet-known twin brother Kira or her sadness over Shinn's harsh words concerning how her late father handled Orb's situation in the first war.
Her tomboy-ish nature also contributes to the fact that while she is a girl she does NOT like to play the part of the girl by always voicing her displeasure anything feminine whether it is ribbons in her hair or wearing dresses. Despite this her character takes on a more realistic change when she chooses Orb over her love interest - Athrun - much to the displeasure of the Asucaga fans BUT this does show she has the leadership and decision-making qualities to run a country dedicating her life to keeping the peace between ZAFT and EA at Orb much to Shinn's probable dislike since he now works at Orb.
Sample Post:
Compared to the chess game of politics where you have to manipulate the pieces without being manipulated yourself, this swampland could grow on me. The only worries around here for me seem to be avoiding certain areas considered hazardous to one's health by the other campers and avoiding a certain crimson-eyed youth who I think still harbors a dislike for me. Considering I usually have to deal with the dim-witted Jona and the rest of my cabinet, political engagements, and so on, this is like a vacation to me.
At least with the zombies you know what they want from you unlike other people. Take Athrun for example: he's sometimes so indecisive that I applaud the zombie's approach to take what they want until they either die or, err, die. With Athrun it seems like he needs a zombie to literally bite him in the ass before he finally figures out what he originally thought was right. I just can't see how Lacus always talks sense into him time after time. Maybe she bites him, too.
Though no doubt the minute I step foot in this place Kira will come in, be a show-off and save me from the perils of me eating my own brain…and in Freedom no less! And it's not that I don't appreciate being saved but I can take care of myself thank you very much! I didn't go through a childhood of scrapes and bruises to just have my younger brother save me whenever it is convenient for him.
At least this time when he does I won't be wearing a dress playing the perfect damsel-in-distress.
Poll Vote! Character: Jack Spicer
Xiaolin ShowdownCharacter Age: Mid-teens (15-17 years)
Canon: Jack Spicer has always aspired to take over the world since the second grade. He refers to himself as "Evil Boy Genius", although he hardly seems like the epitome of "evil". In fact, he is quite a pansy. He's afraid of the dark, can't stand being away from his mother, screams like a girl when he's frightened, and is easily pushed around by people smaller and younger than him (AKA his cousin Megan). He is usually teamed up with Wuya, a Heylin witch, but their relationship as a team is always shakey. In his quest for becoming the "ultimate evil villain", he tends to look up to many of the actual evil villains in the show, such as Chase Young. He fan boys after him regulary, and bugs Chase to let him team up with him.
Despite his role as comic relief, he also is very intelligent, mostly in the field of robotics and machinery. He creates bots and gadgets to fulfill his dastardly deeds, such as stealing Shin Gong Wu. Sometimes his intelligence gets to his head, and tends to go into theatrics when announcing either his inventions or arrival.
Sample Post:
Oh boy, oh boy! I love camp, and this time, I have some good company with me. This time, I won't be bullied and have dirty toilet water rising into my ears because I'll have my ultimate camp buddy! My Jack-bots will cover me in any embarrassing situations, and take care of all those mean bullies. In fact, I think I'll enslave a few elementary kids while I'm at it. HA, HA, HA, I am so evil and wonderful, all hail Jack Spicer, and his perfect robots! Yes. Praise me!
Once I reign supreme in this camp, they'll grovel at my feet and call me "Jack Spicer! Evil Boy Genius", with the exclamation points and everything. I am so glad I'm here. Just when I thought my summer would start sucking, because Chase Young stood me up again for an evil meeting at The Evil Cave, I get invited to go to this great summer camp! So, like, I need to find a place to pitch my home away from home, and get some shut-eye. You won't believe how crazy the hailstorm was on my way here. The heli-bot actually made it here with minor damage, until I found a decent landing spot, and kinda crash-landed into a tree… but uh, a bee's nest was hanging on that tree, so yeeeeeah. BUT, luckily my Chase Young beach towel protected me! What a symbol of luck, he must be watching over me and protecting me, so that in the future when we meet again, we shall be the evilest villains ever! TOGETHER. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!
Chase Young is just so cool, and so evil, that I just wann-
OW! Hey, what was that? Wow, look, an arm …wait, an arm?! Eeeeeeek, why is it here, and how did it fly halfway down my ear?! Loook here arm, I already have enough parts for my inventions. I don't need you, you rotting, fleshy thing! Ew, it's disgusting and smells, and- AH! IT, IT MOVED. M-Mommy save me, it's alive! Get it off me, I-I… I don't like the way it's crawling up my pants!
Poll Vote! Character: Claire Bennet
HeroesCharacter Age: 16
Canon: Claire Bennet is a parent's dream. She gets decent grades, she's popular, co-captain of her high school cheerleading squad, and Homecoming Queen. But she also has a very special ability that she's kept secret, for fear of being labeled a "freak show" or being treated like a guinea pig. Claire can spontaneously regenerate any wound to her body. Even death can't keep this cutie down.
She has no idea why she has this ability, and it frightens her that she can't die. She'll do whatever she can to avoid being discovered, be it changing the subject, denying she's hurt, or shielding her damaged body parts while they regenerate. Once the injuries have disappeared, she'll play down whatever caused them in the first place, making the witnesses question what they actually saw. Or she'll just run away.
Claire is well-mannered and kind to practically everyone, and especially loyal to her friends. She's not the most outgoing girl in her school, and she's most comfortable avoiding the limelight, even going so far as to let her friend take the credit for her heroism. Because of recent events, Claire has learned that almost everything in her life so far has been a lie, and her beloved father has been anything BUT the perfect daddy. She's determined to learn the truth about herself, even if she has to sneak behind his back to do so.
Sample Post:
Something is NOT right. There's no way this could be the cheer camp. Where are the chaperones? Where are the other... Okay, this is so not the time to freak out. Those... things can't be zombies; they don't really exist. Well, except for in old movies and Scoobie Doo cartoons, but who would send their kid to zombie camp, anyway? Not MY dad! Oh, thank god, people. And with all their body parts intact... Holy shit, now where'd I put my my hand?
Oh, hi. Um, my name's Claire, and I think I took a wrong turn somewhere on my way to a cheerleading camp. My cell phone's dead and my car got up close and personal with a tree back there. And I just got it; Dad's gonna ground me for life! So can I borrow someone's cell phone to call a tow truck? And where exactly am I? Camp Fuck You Die! Are you sure I... what's this? Oh, I'm all right; it's nothing. I probably scratched myself when I was getting out of my car, but I think it's mostly mud. You know, some of that red clay that's everywhere. I guess it does sorta look like blood.
Oh yeah, you might want to talk to your welcoming committee. At first I thought they were the camp's host cheer squad, but once they got closer, I realized it was just a bunch of... purple... gorillas. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with them; they're actually pretty coordinated! Although they could have demonstrated it in a different way other than bumping and grinding all over me. Now I understand why the school board says we can't do things like that in our cheers anymore.
So anyway, does someone have a cell... my hand? Oh, it's a birth defect and there's my prosthetic! Excuse me a sec while I put it back on. Yeah, it's amazing how realistic they are these days! Now could I please borrow a cell... yes, that's the car I was driving but I think the new compact cars are supposed to look all mangled like that. Yeah, I see that it's on fire; some neighborhood punks must have started it, and really, I'm FINE, now what about that CELL PHONE? ...none of them work? What about a regular phone? Do you have Email? Snail mail? Telegraph?
No, I don't need to see a doctor, I need to get home, and would you STOP with the questions and PLEASE JUST LET ME BORROW A CELL PHONE? WHAT NOW! I HAVE WHAT ON MY BACK?
Somebody saaaaaaave me already.
Poll Vote!