(no subject)

Jul 30, 2006 00:02


- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Clooosed!

Character: Kanda Yuu
Series: D.Gray-man
Character Age: 18
Canon: D.Gray Man is based on a world where an Evil Fat Guy(tm) is trying to Destroy Humankind with his minions. The obligatory group of heroes are the exorcists of the Dark Religious Organization. The exorcists are special people who can use Innocence, a strange substance from an ancient society.

Foul mouthed and foul tempered, Kanda Yuu is an exorcist. He's cold, proud and hates people who he thinks is stupid or silly, which is mostly everyone. Kanda sees the world in a negative light, convinced that sacrifices are necessary if someone or something is in the way of his mission's completion. He's easily angered and if he had a gun instead of a sword, would be considered 'trigger happy.'

Sample Post:

How incredibly annoying. What was it Komui said? 'Your mission: bring Allen, Rabi, and Rinali back,' I believe were his exact words. Yes, and I'm sure vanishing into thin air is 'waiting for their safe return'. Where am I supposed to bring them back to if no one even knows where he is? As it is, I'm currently in the middle of a swamp that Komui might have last been seen in. There are plenty of other people that could have been chosen to come check out this lead, so why me?

What a pain in the ass...and that's not meant to be taken literally. Those primates are easily classified as a sight I never want to see again. At least I managed to get this laptop off of them...do forgive the mess I left behind. They were a bit, shall we say, reluctant to relinquish this machine. They seemed to enjoy surfing the network available here for pornographic photography. Needless to say, a few dead bodies and making the acquaintance of my sword was enough to persuade them to make the healthy choice, though this laptop may need a thorough cleaning out once I find the camp. Ugh, I swear, heads will roll when I get back and find out who decided to send me here...and they won't be able to put themselves back together. Zombies. Why zombies? Che. You'd think the leader...what was she called? The 'Director'? You'd think the ever loving Director would have better taste if she's gone through the trouble of creating this place. Gorillas acting like middle-aged men and zombies...

...She really does hate you all, doesn't she? Heh. On second thought, this Director seems like someone I'd enjoy speaking to; she recognizes idiots for who they are. Still, though. Someone ought to do something about the zombies. They smell terrible and fall apart in such a sloppy manner. They create so much trouble for those that want to destroy them, it's disgusting. At the very least, the walking undead should have the courtesy to die with less of a mess. That would make destroying them much less annoying, especially the clean up afterwards...although I'd be the first to admit, the gore is, in itself, somewhat amusing. Never knew an undead liver could fly that far...

So then, people of Camp Fuck You Die, I'm looking for four morons dressed like me. If you've seen them, I'd appreciate being told immediately so I can leave as soon as humanly possible. For the love of god, I've yet to leave the woods and already, I've had enough of this place.

Poll Vote!

Character: Tracey Sketchit
Series: Pokemon
Character Age: Mid-teens
Canon: Tracey is a Pokemon Watcher, which
means he travels around observing Pokemon in their natural
habitats and drawing them. Apparently this also includes
observing beautiful women in their natural habitats and
drawing them, such as the Gym Leader Cissy. He greatly
admires the famous Professor Oak, and when he met Ash and
Misty in the Orange Islands and learned that they were
Oak's friends, he immediately invited himself to join them
on their journey in hopes of getting to meet his idol.

Tracey is usually kind and soft-spoken but he can be
aggressive, usually when encountering people mistreating
Pokemon, and easily excited when it comes to Pokemon and
his other interests. He's also kind of goofy, and easily
embarrassed -- when first meeting Professor Oak, he
blushed and shook and couldn't speak straight.

Some notes for the app: The Safari Zone is a refuge for
rare and endangered Pokemon, and telephones in the Pokemon
world all have video to go along with them.

Sample Post:

Oh, wow, Professor Oak never told me the Safari Zone would
be this... this weird! I guess it makes sense,
since it's a place for rare Pokemon, but I've never even
dreamed of some of these species before! --that ivy there
is a species of Pokemon, right? Because normal ivy doesn't
crawl up people's legs. I hope it's not
poisonous. And how am I supposed to sketch those
creepy things that just hide in the shadows and peek out
with those disturbing glowy red eyes...?

Actually, I think I'll leave those ones alone.

Ah, sorry to just barge in like this! My name's Tracey
Sketchit, and I'm a Pokemon Watcher! I've been sent here
by the great, glorious, and wonderful Professor Oak to
observe, sketch, and take notes on the local species of
rare Pokemon. Just, ah, i-ignore those
sketches there of Nurse Joy and Cissy and Officer Jenny
and Pr... I assume that the rest of you here are
all researchers or Watchers also? It's definitely an
honour to be in your presence! And, ah, sorry to intrude,
but is there someplace I could stay until I'm done? I know
camping outside is supposed to help a Watcher get closer
to nature, but the nature I've already seen seems to want
to get a little too close.

Also, can someone direct me to a telephone? The only one I
could find was an old audio-only model, and when I tried
dialing the number I got a message that said "The number
you have dialed is imaginary. Please multiply it by itself
and try again." ...and when I did that I just got a
foghorn in my ear. Ow, I don't think the ringing in my
ears is ever gonna stop... and this time I'm getting a
weather service? "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs?"

...did a meatball just fall on my head?

Poll Vote!

Character: Tenma Tsukamoto
Series: School

Character Age: 16
Canon: Tenma, for the most part, is a typical high-school student,
and an eternal optimist. She has friends, does her best in school, and of
course, has a crush. This is where the "typical" falls out and the "manic"
takes its place. Tsukamoto is head-over-heels in love with her classmate,
Oji Karasuma (more commonly referred to as 'Karasuma-kun' by Tenma). Upon
finding out he was going to transfer out of school, Tenma attempted to write
out a letter confessing her feelings. However, it ended up as a long scroll
saying, "Don't go! Please don't leave!" over and over again. Naturally, she
forgot to sign her name. Regardless though, it worked, and Karasuma managed
to stay another year.

This is just the beginning of many failed attempts, awkward situations, and
downright silly scenarios Tenma finds herself in, thanks to her debilitating
crush. She's dressed up like a kappa to emulate Karasuma's unique rain gear
and disguised herself as a nurse in hopes of getting Karasuma's data on
health inspection day.

In the simplest of terms, Tenma is a cute ditz. Despite her somewhat
telekinetic ability (she bent a spoon in the first OVA), she is prone to
flailing, dorking out, and just all out spazzing, especially when it comes
to screwing up her chances with Karasuma. All her attempts thus far have
ended in failure as a result.

Sample Post:


Seriously. A rabid penguin just tried to eat my hair, and I don't. Know.

Oh, sorry. Um, my name is Tenma Tsukamoto, I'm sixteen... and I'm highly
confused at the moment. I know (not sure how, but I do know) I'm here
because someone thinks I murdered someone else, which is absolutely
ridiculous! I can barely chop up a tomato in the kitchen without cutting
half my finger off, so how could I possibly kill another human being
and get it right?! There's no way!

And to the headmaster, or camp mistress, or whatever you call yourself, did
you absoluetely HAVE to bring me here by having me trip and fall through the
classroom door?! I know I'm clumsy, but that's... like... exploitation.
you know!

Oh, and the whole letting me fall on a sleeping zombie? Thanks a
heap. I need a shower now...

I don't understand any of this. I mean, what is this country? America, I
think someone said? I'm just judging that by the sign (which took me forever
to read, by the way): CAMP FUCK YOU DIE. Lovely. Obviously, there is
something wrong with this country, especially if the lake has the ability to
burn through a stick. Yes, I tried it, and almost set the forest on
fire. I apologize. Are all lakes here like this? I heard America had
a pollution problem, but seriously, that's just ridiculous. I am officially
afraid to drink the water!

Oh, not to be a total downer, one last annoyance: KARASUMA-KUN IS NOT HERE!!
How am I supposed to survive without sitting behind him every day?! FATE,
YOU SADISTIC... Is there at least a classroom? I mean, I could fake sitting
in front of him at least, right? Delusion IS a good thing. Really.
Especially here, I'm guessing.

Maybe this has an upside. Maybe, by some chance, I may actually learn
something in this camp besides how to NOT test the lake water.

Poll Vote!

Character: Inoue Orihime
Series: Bleach
Character Age: 15
Canon: Crack in the Bleach canon abounds, and one of its regular sources is Inoue Orihime. The girl is about as eclectic as a box of chocolates, as long as the chocolates have fillings like banana-flavored miso and peppermint bean paste. She has the imagination of Edvard Munch on LSD: her "future self" shoots missiles out of its chest and her romantic fantasies end up in assassination attempts. Living alone, she takes it upon herself to concoct "creative" meals out of commercial goods that her friends don't dare to taste. In trying times, her main weapons are hairpins that eject potty-mouthed fairies.

Behind her silliness, though, is a fierce loyalty to her friends, a hidden insight into what others are going through, and a need to protect the people who help her. She knows that she isn't as powerful as the people she cares about, so she tries to help in little ways, like beating up shinigami to obtain disguises or starving herself (and punishing her protesting digestive system) to leave more food for the others. Rescued from an abusive household and raised by her (quite tragically) deceased brother, Orihime has had her share of angst, but she tries not to let her problems show so as to not to trouble or hold back her friends. Instead, she's a glowing ray of sunshine with a penchant for handicrafts and pissing off angry pixies.

Sample Post:

Ahh, no, I mean no harm, Mr. Tentacles, I come in peace! Live long and prosper! Take me to your leader! All your tentacles are belong to you- Oh! I must have drifted off for a second.

...Which isn't really that easy, I mean, being in a place like Camp- Camp Something You Die, but I tried my best! Even if the environment is a little creepy, Super Camper Inoue can handle it! See, look, I even have a mess kit and a reversible sleeping bag; I'm prepared for anything. And I admit that I was a little shocked when my relatives sent me to a swamp in the middle of the U.S.A., but the locals have been so hospitable when they're not looking for human flesh, and I made a trip to the supermarket before I left, so I've got some ramen cups and fishsticks. I'm fine! I can survive!

And at least I'm not being a burden to my family, right?

But it does seem that a murder's been committed, and that's kind of scary. I've been trying to help out in any way, and Ms. Director must be so upset, but it's hard to find clues and things when there are zombies and toucans and other creatures wandering about chewing on random objects...

Anyway, where was I? The toucans aren't that bad; they're so cute from a distance, and they're always singing! And I've already made myself some things to help me blend in with everybody else; see these faded bloodstains? They'll help me avoid certain death, since otherwise I could be pinpointed as an outsider and burned at the stake. And the stick is disguised as a hot iron! To tell you the truth, I'm really proud of it deep down inside! I have all I need for survival and safety, so really, really, I'm fine.

Actually, I was thinking about what my friends might do in my situation, and I've been trying to communicate with the lake monster because I hear it's actually a spaceship but it's hiding from a genocide on its home planet and it needs to flee because the aliens are hunting it down as we speak, but I'm starting to think that the rumors are a little silly. After all, tentacles aren't aerodynamic at all, and if its fuel is lake water then it'd be out of luck in outer space. Ha, I've done it again! Inoue Orihime breaks away from the common flock and finds truth in her ubermensch existence! I get the feeling that the campers need my help, in that case. After all, if I'm the only one here that can see the harsh reality of our situation, I'm afraid that most of the others aren't that well off.

So that's my story, Mr. Gorilla- hee! Your face looks just like Ichigo's when he's angry. Mr...Mr. Gorilla? I'm sorry, but what are you doing to my skirt? No, no, I mean it! If you come any closer, I'm going to have to use my karate skills...Mr. Gorilla, do you see this? It's a hot iron!

Poll Vote!

Character: Will Turner
Series: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and Dead
Man’s Chest
Character age: 20 or so
Canon: Pirates of the Caribbean is full of swashbuckling action,
drama, fantastic enemies and even a little love story thrown in for good
measure. Will Turner, our hero, is a blacksmith and sometimes pirate with a
knack for getting into trouble. But he’s a good lad so off he goes, risking
his neck again and again, to save his lady-love, friends and family.

Loyal and noble to a fault, Will works very hard and doesn’t back down,
doing everything in his power to keep his promises and see everything set
aright. He’s clever and brave, sometimes at a complete disregard to his own
life, with moments of brashness and cockiness. While not above engaging in a
little piracy or trickery to help his friends Will is an honest sort and
generally polite. . . And always very earnest, like a puppy.

Sample post:

Hello? Anyone? Hello! My name is Will Turner. I hate to intrude but could
anyone- Could anyone alive tell me where, exactly, I am? I could
swear I was on a boat a moment ago. And there wasn’t a hoard of undead after
my head.

It is safe to come out! I’ve dealt with most of the undead in the area, at
least temporarily. I have no intention of harming anyone. Please come out;
I would prefer not to shout through doors. A. . . village this large, they
can’t have gotten you all could they have?

. . . I extend my deepest sympathies for any losses you have suffered.

Forgive me for being presumptuous but hiding and letting them have their way
isn’t a solution! There must be something keeping them like this! If you all
band together and find it you could finally give them a peaceful rest. You
can trust me on this; I have experience. And please pay no heed to the, err,
badge glued to my coat; I can’t get it off. I’m not a “Gay Pirate.” Very
well, so the pirate part is slightly true, sometimes. I’m hardly feeling gay
what with the undead and the tropical birds harrying me. They do get on
one’s nerves very quickly. The birds especially have some, ah, colorful
language. Pirates don’t actually say “Arrrg!” and “Avast ye!” every other
word. And being told to drop my pants and show them my booty is quite rude.
Why would I hide treasure in my pants?

So at risk of looking the fool for talking to air, I know I saw movement
inside, I am willing to help! I do have some vitally important business to
attend to, though. My friends are counting on me. And if you should want me
gone, all I need is a few supplies and directions to the nearest port. I
will come back as soon as I possibly can and repay you; you have my word!

Very well, I understand if you won’t help- me. . . Well that was certainly
an odd method of delivery. Thank you, whoever you are. You have my thanks
for the gun especially-Where is the powder?- but you can keep the clothing.
I was asking for directions to the nearest port though, not a boat house.
Well, perhaps there is someone there who can direct me.

. . . A locker. With Davy Jones scrawled on it in-is that blood? You sent me
to Davy Jones’s locker. That. . . isn’t funny in the least.

I don’t appreciate being mocked.

Poll Vote!

Character: Fuji Shuusuke.
Series: Prince of Tennis.
Character Age: 14.
Canon: Imagine a world completely different from the one we know today. A world where physics doesn't apply and where everything can be resolved by hitting a fuzzy ball with a paddle-like thing. A world of chaos and confusion. A world of... tennis. In the center of this world stands Fuji Shuusuke. Okay, maybe not so much in the center, more like a bit to the left, but he is indeed quite important here, I promise. Throughout the series, Fuji never takes things seriously (much to his captain's dismay), and generally just goes along with the flow.

Fuji is the type of person who will stand by the side and watch life unfold, specially events involving people he finds interesting. It is not that he doesn't care, more that he won't interfere unless it is his place to do so (unless you are messing with those he loves, in which case, Fuji will make it his place to interfere).

From his tennis skills to his culinary tastes, Fuji leaves an impression in every unfortunate soul that ever crosses his path. Active schadenfreuder (hush, it's a word now), thrill seeker, loyal partner and caring brother; he is the ever smiling boy-next-door that everyone wants to be friends with (if only because the alternative is way scarier).

Inui mentioned in the app with permission from the player.

Sample Post:

I'm Fuji Shuusuke, pleased to meet you all.

Normally one would start by saying how happy one is to be here, but since there is nothing normal about me being here, I will refrain. Now, I doubt all of you are present of your own volition, so it's probably safe to assume you haven't found a way out yet? Hm. I have a feeling I'll be staying here for a while. So! Does anyone want to play a game of some sort to help relax? I'd be willing to arrange something if that's the case!

If there's a pool table around we could have a little tournament. Or maybe play some volleyball, if you prefer outdoor activities. If Inui agrees, he can even make some juice for the losers to drink. It's always fun to watch the myriad reactions. Needless to say, I will definitely not lose.

Oh, before I forget, whoever it was that felt compelled to aim a tennis racket at my head back in the woods? I want to invite you personally to a very friendly game of tennis. It appears nobody took the time to tell you that sports are not meant for hurting people, and through my tennis, I will correct that.

Ah, and this may seem like a strange request, but would any of you mind helping me get a hold of a certain zombie? He seems to have taken a liking to my camera, but whenever I approach him to get it back he runs away crying. The poor thing hasn't recovered from our first encounter, it seems.

... No, you may not play monkey in the middle with the camera. That is not a valid sport.

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