(no subject)

Aug 07, 2011 18:04

Second to last round! This one's a smallish one. And it's campers.

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me why I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. That'll do nicely.

Character: Tendou Souji
Series: Kamen Rider Kabuto
Character Age: 21
Canon: Welcome to Kamen Rider Kabuto, a show about superheroes who kick alien butt! About seven years or so ago a meteorite full of aliens decided that it'd be nice to slam down right into the middle of Shibuya and ruin everything, consequences be damned! So, an organization named ZECT came together to kill the aliens and do lots of property damage in the process. To alleviate the amount of property damage and kind of save the world, they decided to make a rider belt (a device that would change a man into a superhero) so a Kamen Rider (the superhero in question) could come kick some ass. Only one man existed who would be able to wear that belt, Rider Kick the aliens in the proverbial nads and save the world -- and that one man was Tendou Souji. Kamen Rider Kabuto is the story of Tendou Souji being awesome at everything, saving the world while doing it, and the people who love (or hate) him for it.

Tendou is an arrogant and aloof young man with a penchant for cooking and being the best at everything ever. He lives his life believing he is the most perfect human being in existence -- something akin to a god. Luckily enough for him, most people seem to think the same, especially about his cooking, his most passionate area of expertise. One bite of Tendou’s cooking is pretty much a gift from the gods. It's hard growing up and being god’s gift to humanity, but Tendou can do it with a smile (or smirk) and a punch to the ego to whoever defies him. He is ready to bring people down to a level below him and walk all over people -- yet at the end of the day, he’s the hero, a good guy. So despite every insult he throws or every condescending attitude he takes, he’s not necessarily bad -- just an asshole. Also he might have a Grandmother complex in which he expresses by quoting her at every waking moment he can. He just thinks she's super neat, okay!

Sample Post:

Ms. Lunch-lady, rejoice. I have come to help you prepare food for the people of Camp Fuck You Die. I won't take over your position -- I have a far better one myself, one that gifts my mind with peace and the world with happiness because of my existence. Yet, as I watch people leave this place suffering from stomachaches, I find myself sympathetic to their plea for good food. So I have come to aid you in your time of need and out of the goodness of my heart. You can consider me your guardian angel since someone with as much talent as myself would be considered a deity in some places. Grandmother once said, "Angels descend during meals. Therefore, it's a sacred time." Today, I will be that angel and you are the one who has called me.

Now, let's get to work. What's on the menu today? Lunch meat surprise? If we're going to surprise them, then I believe we must have a good surprise in store, yes? First, let's fix your attire. The gravy-stained apron does give quite a special look but I think if we're to greet the campers with a smile on our faces and a fresh uniform, it might encourage their appetites! Next we'll need to gather the ingredients. We’ll need eggs and-- unfortunately, I don't think duck eggs are quite the ones we are looking for, Ms. Lunch-lady, but that was a good guess! Leave the preparation to me. Chicken eggs, bread crumbs, lunch meat... Hm? No, I am positive we do not need that much gravy either, Ms. Lunch-lady. Your efforts are honorable but unneeded! A man like myself, who walks the path of heaven, who rules over everything, does not need that much gravy on his food. It would ruin the love I have put into it. If prepared right, the juices of the food will carry the flavor.

Okay, now we can begin. Crack the egg into the bowl-- and don't eat the eggshell either. Ms. Lunch-lady, I am beginning to have my suspicions about you. I understand that this job is tedious and dull but I don't think that excuses the amount of drool you’ve given off in the past 15 minutes. Neither does it excuse the chewing on that camper's head. ... Oh, I finally understand now. The divinity of my presence has left you mentally incapable of forming complete sentences and considering yourself as nothing more than a brainless zombie. You have adapted to become one of the local creatures because just my mere presence has shattered your self-esteem and confidence so badly. It must be hard being around someone who is such a universal treasure such as myself but, Ms. Lunch-lady, I think we can save you.

... If you stop eating that boy's arm first.

Poll Vote!

Character: Kell-El aka Superman X
Series: Legion of Superheroes - TV
Character Age: 20
Canon: When the 41st Century was attacked by the threat of Imperiex, Kell-El went to the past to retrieve the legendary superheroes who called themselves the Legion. However, Imperiex took this opportunity to escape to the past and wreak his havok there. Determined to put a stop to him, Kell-El grudgingly worked with the Legion to end Imperiex's reign of terror.

Cloned from Superman's DNA, Kell-El knew what he was born to do, what his entire life entailed; Beating up the bad guys and destroying Imperiex. As a result of his upbringing, Kell-Ell was harsh, caustic, without a single consideration to anyone's feelings. Completely focused on his mission, he was willing to sacrifice anything and anyone. He has ample determination and willingness to make up for his deficiencies, even though he's not the brightest crayon around. Due to continued exposure to people, he starts to finally reach out to others, trying his best to be kind and gentle. Even if he tends to step on kids.

Sample Post:

Obviously, I'm in the past since this place is a complete dump. I guess that's what happens when I listen to a Brainiac. "Oh, my intelligence is so high, how can you doubt me future boy? Are you saying you have a 12-level intellect, future boy?". Hmph, when I get my hands on him, I'll just punch all those braincells out of him. That'll teach him a lesson. Speaking of lessons, where exactly am I? Does the 21st century not believe in having signs to show people where they are? Talk about primitive. I might as well head to the Stone Age and build computers for neanderthals. Maybe that would get them started. Actually, the locals kinda resemble neanderthals. You know, if they were green and crumbling. And missing several teeth. I'm guessing they don't have dental in the past either.

So... you guys are looking to defeat this Director who is holding you captive and taken away your food supply. Sounds totally plausible... out of a horror movie. Well, guess what, this S on my chest doesn't stand for Stupidman. If you think you're going to get me to believe some ridiculous story about power-hungry directors and their desire to dominate the food market for green people, you'll have to do better than that. Maybe, you know, embellish it a little? Start screaming about how lives are at stake and millions will die, that sort of thing always gets the dumb superhero moving. And just because I'm Superman's clone doesn't mean I'm going to go running off into the direction of a trap. The thing about clones? We do it better. At least I do.

Right, now that we've made that clear, I'm going to go in the direction of civilization, assuming anyone is civilized in this century and get back home. You guys can do... whatever it is toothless green people do with their spare time. And no, I'm not going to go save you! Not unless you're in some real trouble, and when I say real, I don't mean cavaties. Seriously. Get Dental. Now, where is this place where all the people are supposed to be in... it's called camp? As in ... camp for ... kids? Tiny people who play with dolls and action figures?

Great. Just great. I'm going to end up stepping on all of them, I just know it.

Poll Vote!

Character: Brainiac 5
Series: Legion of Super Heroes
Age: seems to be in his early teens

Canon: You probably know the basics of Superman’s story. Good-hearted but ridiculously strong alien farm boy moves to the big city, where he puts on a red cape and begins using his powers to fight crime. But where did he learn to do that? According to Legion of Super Heroes, that’s all going to happen in the future. Pulled into the 31st century by the titular Legion, young Clark Kent is asked to join a team of teenaged heroes with a wide variety of different skills, everything from lightning control to psychic powers to... eating things? You can’t say they discriminate!

Like most of his teammates, Brainiac 5 is quite appropriately named. He’s the brains of the outfit, or more accurately the RAM, since he’s actually an android. But even though he looks like a robot, his feelings are very human. As a 12th-level intellect, Brainy can be a little long-winded and factual at times, but he’s also emotionally invested in his friends and dedicated to the ideals of the team, and he takes being a hero very seriously. Even his devotion to logic has a more human side, as he hotheadedly refuses to believe in things like magic or chance even when the evidence is right in front of him.

Note: Brainy is being taken from mid season two

Sample Application:

The universe is a chaotic system. Our actions, no matter how small, may have consequences that we can’t fully understand... now, or perhaps ever. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Mardruan Butterfly flapping its wings and causing a hurricane halfway across the world. Personally I’ve always thought that was bad example. The butterflies on Mardru are 50 feet tall.

Pick any insect you want though. Believe it or not, the particular species is not the point. What I’m trying to say is this: two seemingly independent events may actually be connected by a chain of cause and effect. You might only see one side of the equation, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a relationship. That’s why chaos is still a system. There’s always a link.

So in conclusion, if I hear “oh, it’s just camp” one more time, I think I may scream. It is not just camp.

Everything that has happened to you here must have done so for a reason. Every person you’ve talked to, every creature you’ve fought. We have all been caught in the same web. We must examine the links. How is a purple gorilla related to that giant squid? I don’t know, but that’s a part of this tangled mess too. The symbolic tangled mess. Not the actual giant squid, no matter what it may be doing right now. You know what? Nevermind. I’ll start somewhere else. Forget the squid, please, it doesn’t matter. From the talking birds to the inedible soup, it all has to be connected, one way or another. After I see the big picture I’ll know how, and I’ll be able to stop it.

But I can’t do this alone. I need your help. I need to know about everything you’ve seen and heard while you were here, each and every one of you. I need passwords. I need to access your network. And most importantly, I need someone to tell me what a varnish error is.

Once I’ve figured that out, friends, we will all be free.

Poll Vote!

Character: Twilight Sparkle
Series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Character Age: Pony
Canon: What would you expect from a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Ponies, friendship, and magic, certainly. What you might not expect is for this latest installment in Hasbro’s long-running toy commercial to be surprisingly smart, well-written, and fun for all ages and genders. MLP: FiM follows the adventures of a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle and her circle of friends in Ponyville, as she studies the ~magic of friendship~ with them. Whether they’re fighting a dragon, planning a birthday party, or ushering spring in, Twilight can always take some lesson about friendship from it to report to her mentor, Princess Celestia.

Studying is what Twilight does best - and it’s a good thing, too, because friendship wasn’t exactly her best subject. Bookish, socially awkward, and a bit naive, she once eschewed social contact in favor of spending all her time in libraries. Thanks to her friends, however, she’s come out of her shell a good deal. She may still be learning what to do in a social setting, but she’s confident enough to make up for it, and her natural curiosity makes her game to try just about anything if there’s fun to be had and something interesting to be learned.

Note: In the world of MLP:FiM, natural processes such as weather and seasonal changes are done by ponies.

Sample Post:

Dear Princess Celestia,

You’ll be happy to hear that I’ve arrived safely at Camp Fillies’ Unlimited Delights! I still don’t understand exactly why I’m here, but I’ll do my best to continue my studies on the magic of friendship while I’m away from Ponyville. Thank you again for arranging my accommodation at the library, it’s sure to be a great help. Of course, the first thing I did was to look for books on the subject of camping. And would you believe it, CFUD has its very own camping guide! I’m sure that if I just follow what it says, this will be the best camping trip ever!

The first thing the book said was to set up your shelter, but you were kind enough to do that for me already, so I guess I can go ahead and check that off the list. It’s almost too bad- the book says the very best place to camp out is at the top of the grain silo. I bet the view up there is spectacular! I’ll have to check it out sometime. Anyway, with that part taken care of, there’s all kinds of activities to do! It’s too bad I missed “pin the mistletoe on the gorilla”, but there’s still plenty of things to try. I’m really looking forward to the Tuesday special lunches - I think it must be some kind of special book club - the flier said “increase your intake of brains every Tuesday”. I can’t wait!

But since it’s still a few days until Tuesday, today, I decided to try “cow tipping”. At first I really wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean - there’s not exactly a lot of restaurants around here, and why is it just cow tipping? Did they mean that if the waitress was a pony instead, that I shouldn’t tip her? But then I realized, they must mean “tip” as in “advice”! There’s a lot of robot cows around here; they must be the ones in charge of changing the seasons and the weather in CFUD, so that the campers can take a break. But even if they’re robots who never get tired, everyone needs a little help sometimes, right? So I went out to see what the cows were doing, and help as much as I could. They were all just keeping the grass short, though, and any foal could do that without help. But it was fun just talking to them. They don’t get a lot of company, I guess, so they were happy just to stop and chat. We talked for hours, sharing jokes and telling each other stories until the sun went down. I learned from them that friendship can be found in the most surprising places. By just being with your friends, and making believe with them, anyone can live in harmony!

Your most faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

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