(no subject)

Oct 10, 2010 14:09

Nnnext round.

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Igarashi Ganta
Series: Deadman Wonderland
Age: 14

Canon: Ten years after a great earthquake submerged 70% of Tokyo underwater, most of the city's residents have evacuated to the countryside. Instead of school trips abroad, a common school trip for students might be a visit to the Deadman Wonderland, a private prison in Tokyo. To the average tourist, the Wonderland seems like harmless enough fun, especially since everyone there is a convicted criminal, right? Actually, the Deadman Wonderland is a front for human experimentation, primarily on the "deadmen". What sets the deadmen apart from their regular human counterparts is their ability to move and weaponize their blood.

Igarashi Ganta was just a normal middle school student, until the day he got framed for killing his entire middle school class. A thickheaded, petulant, foul-mouthed young boy, Ganta starts his story as a boy who is content with living his life as simply as possible. But thanks to his bizarre situation, he has learned how to fight for his friends and his freedom. Even though Ganta says that he can't stand for a lot of the strangeness of the prison, he actually learns how to adapt quickly. Initially seeming to be a passive boy without an ounce of courage in his body, he quickly begins to realize that he won't be able to live through his stay in the Deadman Wonderland without putting up a fight. While many of the residents of the prison become more unbalanced as their stay lengthens, Ganta manages to keep his grip on reality. More importantly, he also matures throughout his stay, determined to prove his innocence and the corruption underlying the prison, all at once.

NOTE: Ganta's declaration of "his rule" is an important scene in his early development.

Sample Post: This is the worst transfer ever. I was just getting used to that crazy prison, and now I have to live in an even crazier place? It’s freaking stupid! And this place is so disorganized too. They didn't even give me a proper orientation! Someone just threw me this place's rulebook, and it's a little bit strange. Well, I guess it can’t be any weirder than some of the stuff that we were forced through where I’m from, so-

Just who the hell came up with this list? I mean, I can live without sugar most of the time, and I'm fine without people trying to tie up my hair, but seriously? Hitler is banned here? I sure am glad that I wasn't around to see the reason for that, I bet this place is crazy enough without someone like that running around. I don't remember that much of world history anymore, but he definitely stuck out, in the worst way. I don't really get this first one, though. Why would you even have to ban that stuff? I’m only fourteen, and I always thought that summer camps were for kids my age! And it's not like people my age are gonna be doing that stuff, right? But at least there's one really good thing about this rulebook, even if most of it doesn't make sense. There's nothing about a death penalty at all! In fact, it says that it's not possible to die here. This doesn't really explains how it works, but I'm not really itching to try, either.

Okay then! Now that I’ve gotten a better grasp on the rules here, I kinda want to add another one. That's gotta be fine, right? It's gonna say that you gotta make the best of your situation, no matter what it is! And I guess I could add another one about not lying to yourself. Hey, at this rate the number's gonna get pretty high ... it could even get up to 34 at this rate! That seems like a good number, right? It's kind of excessive, but they don't have to be official rules, or anything. They can just be general guidelines, stuff that you should do, but you won't get punished if you don't do them. So just get your mind out of the gutter, I don't even get why that number would be funny! I don’t have any creepy intentions, and it looks like your head has been soaking there all day, anyways!

Poll Vote!

Character: Aqua
Series: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Character Age: Not stated, probably late teens
Canon: By now most of us have heard that Kingdom Hearts follows the stories of a group of kids (and Mickey Mouse) as they try to protect various Disney-inspired worlds from really creepy guys that have a thing for people’s hearts, but where did everything begin? Enter Kingdom Hearts, Birth by Sleep where we learn that things hadn’t really changed much. Like bad feelings between rival beauty queen contestants, a great threat in the form of monsters born from untamed emotions are intent on destroying seven princess of heart. It’s up to three teenagers wearing interstellar armor (…and Mickey Mouse, again) to brandish excessively large keys to once more defeat this threat and try to figure out which creepy guy is causing it this time.

The only female of the trio, Aqua is by no means any less capable than the other two. Though often quiet and thoughtful, she too has trained hard to become a keyblade wielder and is not afraid of challenging and encouraging others if she feels it’s in their best interests or is the right thing to do. Kind, caring and compassionate, she often worries about her friends while being mindful that they also need the opportunity to face challenges on their own. Yet when it seems like one of her friends are in danger, she is the first to come to their aid, willing to wade through any adversity and accept any consequences.

Note: Master Eraqus is Aqua’s instructor and one of the strongest keyblade masters of his day.

Sample Post

I… actually think I’m stumped to figure out what to do next. It’s this place, I think. It’s very rare that I find a world that makes itself so difficult to unravel as this Camp Find Your Darkness. Usually the way the world makes itself known if you take the time to understand it with a little observation and understanding, but this one is different. It actually seems to try to keep things hidden away just so it can spring things up at you at its’ own whim. If I didn’t know better, I would say it even delights in keeping things confusing. Maybe it’s the name, but I can’t shake this feeling something is… wrong here. The cat-calling toucans were one thing, and easy to ignore, but the tentacle monster on top of the silo? How does she even breathe? Not… that I’m particularly keen to ask her… I think that her strength might make Master Eraqus nervous… And she also proves that there’s more to this place that what it seems, and not knowing what it is hiding is-a scream!? Don’t worry, I will be there in a moment! Just hold on!

Well what do we have here? It’s a couple of young gorilla children. Are you both alright? I heard yelling. Oh, you both were playing? …one of you is nodding and the other is shaking his head. Well, since one you say that wasn’t playing, let’s hear what your side of the story. …OK, if I’m hearing this right, you’re brothers and he was picking on you by threatening to burn your collection of… ah… men’s magazines unless you let him beat you up? That’s not very good, either of you! Brothers should be supportive of each other and… you really should find other interests. Really, what would your mother think if she were to see you like this? Actually, where is your mother anyway?

Ah, she’s gone to find you both a father at this club of the night… So you both where probably bored waiting… Well, I suppose… if you want, I could stay a little while to keep you both company for a little while. Or better yet, we could play a game. Have you ever heard of fruitball? It’s a game sort of like tennis where… Oh, your mother has banned you from any games that include fruit? No, no, I don’t want to know what the story behind that. I’m already pretty much convinced that it is perfectly valid. Unfortunately, most of the rest of my games require a game board or are training. Maybe you know a game that you can play?

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes? Oh--! I think I remember that game from when I was a really little girl. Alright, if you guys think that is fun, then I have no problem playing. Alright, let’s begin. Heads and-hey, wait, where are you two going? What are you doing to that zomb-

…you meant that litarally?! I think I found the part that's wrong…

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Character: Nami
Series: One Piece
Character Age: 18

Canon: One Piece is the whimsical story of a plucky idiot who sets out to become the Pirate King and find the great, legendary treasure, One Piece. He starts out with only his strange power to stretch like rubber thanks to a magical fruit, and over time he assembles a crew of equally wacky pirates, promising to help them achieve their dreams as well. Together they face dangerous foes as they sail from place to place, included but not limited to: fish-people, cyborgs, amazons, terrorists, princesses, and some drag queens with superpowers. Yeah, they get around. Of course they would have more trouble getting around if not for Nami, their lovely and talented navigator.

Compared to her superhuman, magically empowered shipmates, Nami is just a girl who can hold her own in a fight. Then again, Nami never had much of an interest in fighting. While the heroes and villains punch each other to death, Nami is busy sneaking around cleaning out the vaults and chests of those pesky valuables. That's right, in addition to navigator, Nami plays the valuable role of thief. Preferring nuance to force and reason to raw power Nami is clever, calculating, and more than a little tricky. She'll lie, smooth-talk, and double-cross her way out of any situation she needs to. Don't be fooled though, underneath that sweet-talking guise, Nami actually has quite the temper. She has little patience for idiots or people who keep getting in her way. The closest thing to a soft side Nami has is the affectionate pragmatism she uses to look out for her crew. Other than that she's one treasure loving, plot hatching, drink swilling lady-pirate.

Sample Post:

It may look like a bunch of corn and walking nightmares, but I knew this place had to have treasure worth stealing somewhere. I just never guessed there would be a bunch of maps in the Mess Hall. It's a bit odd that they're on the back of these boxes, but who cares? Just look, if you follow this maze through the cornfields, you'll get a bunch of colorful things called Lucky Charms! Those are sure to be valuable. Everyone needs luck so I can sell them, if nothing else. And there are tons of other treasures just waiting to be found back in the Mess Hall. Trove after trove of Golden Grahams, and the treasure of Cap'n Crunch and Count Chocula! How lucky can a girl get~?

Now let's see... The entrance to the maze is here in this cornfield. If we just follow the trail, taking a right, another right, a left, and-- Oof!! Don't just push people over you big ape! Oh, hello Mr. Gorilla. I was just commenting on what a big, strong creature you are. It's very impressive to such a meek thing as myself! Don't be bashful, I can tell that it's all muscle underneath that purple fur~. Hm, I bet such a powerful fellow practically runs this camp. Surely he could tell me how to get through the rest of this maze.

Why do I want to get through the maze? For treasure, of course! And if you were to help me, I would be happy to split it, with me taking the larger share. So we have a deal? Wonderful~! I'm sure this will work out for both of us. Lead on, I'm right behind you. The map? While I suppose you can see it, but give it right back. After all, I am the navigator. Here you go, it's on this strange box, I'm not sure-- COME BACK HERE!! Just because you have thumbs, doesn't mean you can go grabbing a girl's new map! And eating it is just stupid, now you can't use it either! Damn, people have no respect for the craft of thievery anymore. I don't care how 'magically delicious' those charms are, that box was mine! Gorilla or otherwise, what kind of man just takes a girl's box without permission and starts eating out of it?

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Character: Fukami Retsu
Series: Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger
Character age: 18-19

Canon: Fukami Retsu is a student of GekiJyuKen: a martial art that uses the power of animal spirits. Its last five remaining students became a team of superheroes called the Jyuken Sentai Gekirangers. They train under their teacher, the giant talking cat Master Shafu, to fight an enemy school of evil martial artists. Retsu’s personal style is Jaguar-ken (Jaguar Fist) and his speciality is “Fantastic Technique”, which focuses on flashy moves in battle.

He gave up being a painter to train in GekiJyuKen and avenge his older brother, also a student of JyuKen, who was missing and presumed dead many years before. Retsu tries to incorporate beauty and style into everything he does, and he likes to overanalyze things and focus on the small details. He tends to have a pretty short temper, often giving the first impression that he doesn’t really care about other people. Underneath, however, he honestly wants to become the strongest fighter he can be and save the world from the bad guys. He’ll put himself through just about anything to improve himself as a student, and he has enormous respect for all Masters of GekiJyuKen, no matter what kind of dangerous or stupid thing they ask him to do. Even if his teammates drive him insane sometimes, he loves them too. Crazy superpowered heroes have to stick together!

Sample Post: Canada -land of towering trees, majestic glaciers and breathtaking natural scenery. The kind of beauty that inspires people to create masterpieces of art. It should resonate with something in your soul and make your power blossom from within. At least that’s what I used to think, before I got to Camp Full of Ultimate Doom. Then I found out it’s a desolate wasteland of the undead. Nobody’s going to make any great art out of that. A paintbrush is for painting with, not for sticking in someone’s ear and trying to scrape their brains out with it. That hurt, you know? I’m not lending other people my stuff ever again.

I didn’t come here to paint, though. I came to train my Fantastic Technique. At first, your Gorilla-ken looked amazing. No, I don’t know why it makes you turn purple, but then the student isn’t supposed to ask questions. Anyway, it’s not me that was the problem. It was all the other students. It’s hard to train with people when their arms and legs are flying off and hitting me in the face every time we learn a move. And GekiJyuKen has to come from within you. Dancing is a great way to develop your power, but you should find your own style. I don’t care if you’re a real live - real dead - whatever you are, you can’t just copy a Michael Jackson video. It’s cheating!

Then I found out about your Master. Master Marcy. She doesn’t actually come to train with people, apparently, because she lives in a lake. That’s how awesome her strength is. The outside world cannot handle her power! I was desperate to meet her. I went down to the water’s edge and begged her for even a tiny little bit of her wisdom. And that’s when a tentacle came out of nowhere and pulled me under the water. It’s all a blur after that, I’m afraid. Someone must have come along to rescue me, but by the time I woke up, they were already gone. It had to be Master Marcy. Who else could have defeated such a terrifying enemy? And I was unconscious, so I totally missed her. I can’t believe it!

I will stay here. I will prove myself worthy of such a powerful teacher. I’ll even learn to like eating brains if I have to. Out of great suffering comes great strength ... I think. Just don’t do anything weird with my paintbrushes!

Poll Vote!

Character: Sion
Series: Mirai
Sentai Timeranger

Age: 17
Canon: The Time Bureau is the main reason that the year 3000
is basically a utopia. Criminals are caught and cryogenically shrunken
and frozen, which saves on food and storage and possibly breaks ten or
twelve major conventions but moving right along. . . Captain Ryuuta
puts together a team to go into the past and chase a group who’ve
escaped. He’ll be TimeRed, and they’ll be TimePink, TimeBlue,
TimeYellow, and TimeGreen, Sion. Except it turns out that one of the
escapees is masquerading as Captain Ryuuta, and the four of them are
now stranded in 2000 with four Chronochangers that will only activate
if they can find someone else to be TimeRed. Enter Tatsuya, whose
resemblance to Ryuuta gets him beaten up by the rest of his team at
first, but he’s such a good guy he still joins the team.

Sion is the only one in his team who can fix Chronochangers and repair
weapons. He’s also the only one who’s not human, and the only one with
blue hair (though this is because he thinks it looks cool), and the
only one who only sleeps once every few months. He’s the weakest
fighter. This all makes him feel like the odd one out at times. Sion
declares love to a teammate early on, said teammate is mortified, and
Sion ends up getting kidnapped out of pure embarrassment. He’s
affectionate, naive, and constantly fascinated by everything and
everyone, though this causes problems with his lack of brain/mouth
filter. He’s the last of his kind, and grew up in a lab after escaping
the destruction of Krypton Hummard’s Star. The support of his
teammates, and feeling like he has a function beyond being a lab
experiment, help him become more confident and even bring out a hidden
bratty side. He’s brave - much braver than he thought he was - and he
finds it in himself to protect his teammates, protect Earth, and
protect the future from the Londarz.

Sample post: Hello there, little baby! You seem upset, so I’ll
tell you about myself, will I? My name is Sion, and it’s very nice to
meet you. I love your suppurating sores. I’m just glad they don’t seem
to hurt you. I met your foster father over there, Mr Gorilla, just a
few minutes ago. I’ve been tracking some very unusual power readings
in this area, making me very excited! It’s quite possible that there’s
some new form of life here. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Um, well,
amazing unless it wanted to go crazy and kill us all, ha ha, but
surely that’ll never happen again.

Anyway, I tried to get past Mr Gorilla to see, and he waved his raygun
at me. It was all wrong. He was pointing it at himself, which would’ve
meant that if he’d tried to fire it he would’ve given himself a nasty
burn. So I took it and fixed it up for him, then gave him some
lessons. I cross-wired junction J4 with E3, which reduced the life of
the battery by 12.3%, but with judicious handling that won’t matter.
It increased power by 78.8%, plus or minus 0.5%, which is quite good

He brought me to this little cave, which is where I met you and all
your brothers and sisters! It’s a lovely little cave. Oh, shh, shh,
baby, it’s okay, I honestly love this place. You can’t go wrong with a
good dank cave, and your foster parents have added lovely drippy water
at the back and a perfectly charming smell.

Whoops, that smell’s coming from your diaper. Right, let me help you
with that. Hm, I don’t think I’ve ever changed a zombie baby’s diaper
before. Especially not a zombie baby with gorilla foster parents. At
least I assume they’re your foster parents? I honestly didn’t think
zombies reproduced like this at all, so perhaps you really do come
from gorillas and I was just mistaken. Phew, this’ll be something for
my journal later!

. . . oh, dear, baby, I’m sorry, I don’t think that part was meant to
break off. Let me fetch my superglue and I’ll get that stuck right
back on for you.

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