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Oct 03, 2009 23:39

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- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!
Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Leaf
Series: Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu / Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Character Age: 16
Canon: The continent of Jugdral is a tangled mess of medieval-flavored politics, backstabbing, and treachery. Seisen no Keifu is a strategy-RPG following these entanglements over two generations; Thracia 776 is a sidestory following the campaigns of Prince Leaf of Lenster. Forced into hiding since Lenster fell to enemy forces when he was young, Leaf has spent his life on the run from the Grandbellian Empire. As the game begins, Leaf decides to strike back, gathering what forces he can for a desperate strike to regain control of his homeland.

Leaf is plagued with insecurity -- that he can't live up to what the people need from him, that he's not enough of a hero to reclaim his kingdom, that he isn't worthy of the sacrifices people have made to keep him alive. However, he's fiercely tenacious and always does the best he can to repay those who have aided him, protect the common people, and live up to his father's legacy. He always considers what his advisors tell him, but nor will he take "that's a bad idea" as an excuse not to help those who need him, even when he's already pushed himself and his army as far as they can go. He still has growing to do, and his immaturity sometimes makes itself apparent, but he's conscious of his failings and constantly strives to make up for past mistakes and become the best person -- and lord -- that he can be.

Note: Thracia 776 has a number of escape missions, where the goal is to get Leaf to a certain tile on the map so he can retreat. However, if any of his allies still on the map when he escapes, they are automatically captured by the enemy and cannot be rescued until very late in the game.

Sample Post: Ah, you mustn't go back, sir, it's too dangerous! I know your arm is important to you, but the gorillas have us nearly surrounded! The Director would surely show no mercy to one who has deserted her forces to help me escape. Your life is surely more important than your arm, isn't it? For the peasantry to care so little for their own lives...I had suffered no delusions about the harshness of the empire's rule, but to see such despair even in the neutral lands of Seefud? I hadn't imagined that the effects of their reign reached so far. Even in Northern Thracia, there were still pockets of resistance, people who still had the will to stand up and fight...but I don't see anything like that here. Everyone seems so far beyond hope that they've forgotten even the word freedom, let alone what it means.

But I can't spare the time for such thoughts, not now. We can't dawdle. If one of those toucans above should spot our position, they'll have an entire legion of gorillas at our throats. The exit can't be much further, not with how far we've come already.

No, don't lag behind, please! We can't afford to dawdle, but I can't escape until I know that you are safe. Who knows what might happen to you if I leave first? I can't repay all you've done for me by leaving you to such a fate, sir. Hold it together longer for me, and I’ll do as you ask and use my brains. After all, you’re right. In the absence of my advisors, I need to use my head. I can’t allow myself to be captured within these confines. What sort of gratitude would it show to be captured, to the people who have given their lives to carry me this far? If I wait behind, I risk giving up all of that...for what? I have an obligation to restore my homeland. I still have so far to go, but if I stall here and allow myself to be taken once again, I'll give up everything I've fought for and gained nothing but to have spared myself the guilt of leaving you behind. If I put my own peace of mind over the good of my kingdom, how can I hope to accomplish anything?

I'm sorry, sir! You're right. I can do nothing but to honor your sacrifice and press onward. I thank you for everything, and I vow that you shall not have died in vain! The way before me is almost clear, if I can just break through this barrier -- ow! I should've realized it wouldn't be so easy, but -- wait, how did I...what sorcery is this?

Madam Director! This battle may be yours, but I swear by the blood of the holy crusaders that flows in my veins, I will escape from this encampment and return to the kingdom of my forefathers! But first, I have a more pressing mission to attend to: escaping from this skirt.

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Character: Date Masamune
Series: Sengoku Basara
Character Age: 19
Canon: Welcome to the warring states period, Japan, a time of strife and conflict, alliances and betrayals, fierce samurai and ambitious generals. Not to mention the explosive fights, demon lords, buxom shinobi and mechanized soldiers... Well, okay, so maybe Sengoku Basara isn't too big on the whole historical accuracy bit. It is, however, an epic tale of rivals and warlords with a thirst for conquest duking it out in the most awesome and gar manner possible.

Date Masamune is a young warrior and general who likes to do things his own way, whether it be ambushing rival armies or rushing in to be first to take on the 6th Demon Lord Oda Nobunaga himself. Brash, headstrong, and arrogant, he loves a good fight and being right at the head of whatever's going on, especially if that means winning territory and glory for himself and his lands of Oshu. He tends to come across as blunt and cocky, and often peppers his dialogue with random English (or engrish), because it's just more cool that way, you see?

Sample Post:
Come on! Is that all you can do? It'll take a lot more than that to stand up to the head of Oshu, Date Masamune! How pathetic, thinking a bunch of idiots who can't even hold themselves together could get in my way. And you call those things you're dragging on the ground guts? Heh! If that's the best the mighty army of the 69th Demon Lord Saire Erizabe has to offer, these lands will belong to Oshu no sweat. So hurry up and show me what you've got!

Tch. What a drag. This feels like I'm doing nothing but fighting a bunch of monkeys waving sticks in the air. I didn't come all the way out here just to waste my time on a bunch of rotten low-lifes. Oi! Where is Saire's castle? I'm tired of playing games, I'll go and take this so-called Demon Lord on myself! Now outta my way, Saire's head and the lands of Shifudo will belong to me, you see? Just try and stop me, I'll give you a taste of the steel fangs of the One-Eyed Dragon of Oshu!

Aah? Now what, running away without a fight? Don't tell me you've lost what little spine you had already. Though even if you could pull together some reinforcements, it'll all end up the same... What? What's with those looks, acting like there's something behind me? Quit kidding around, I already know there's nothing but open water, no way you could be hiding forces out there! And if you think you can trick me into turning my back on you with such a lame little excuse for a-- ...shit.

Oi, oi, what the hell is this now? Some kind of water monster summoned from the deepest pits of hell? Ha! Looks like the title of 69th Demon Lord isn't just for show after all. That's fine by me, this just might make things worth my while. I'll take this thing down, and then I'll defeat the Demon Lord! You guys all hear that? Starting right now I'm claiming everything for Oshu!

All right! Let's party!!

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Character: Yachiru Kusajishi
Series: Bleach
Character Age: Physically, about five-six years old.
Canon: Bleach. Ichigo Kurosaki becomes, reluctantly, a shinigami for soul society, the big epic bureaucratic realm of the afterlife. In typical shonen style, epic battles ensue for entirely too many chapters/filler episodes about the fate of both realms, and Ichigo befriends quite the cast of quirky ragtag friends and fierce rivals along the way.

Cue Yachiru, one of the many allies Ichigo meets along the way. She’s into girly things and can be easily bribed by sugary sweets. As a baby she was adopted by big, burly Kenpachi, who she and only she is allowed to call Ken-chan. As lieutenant of the 11th Division, she adores violence and bloodshed, and grown men cower in fear at her on occasion. She also has a penchant for bestowing nicknames on anyone and everyone. Basically, appearances can be deceiving when it comes to Yachiru, especially with her ability to combine moments of surreal bloodlust with a serious sweet tooth.

Sample Post:

Hey you! Yeah, you! You’re coming to my tea party today, Zom-Zom! Aren’t you so lucky? We’re going to have tea and cake and those pretty sparkly sugar confetti candies! It’s going to be great! ♥

Hey, hey, Zom-Zom! Just where do you think you’re going? You have to wear the sparkly hat and the feather boa! I worked very hard on those, thank you very much. See? They look great on you, Zom-Zom! We can’t have a tea party unless you’re dressed up, and now that you look great you need to sit down and drink my tea! Or you can have sake! I know Ken-chan always puts sake into his tea cup when he thinks I’m not looking~

Wait a minute, Zom-Zom! You can’t leave! That’s not playing nice. Get back here! I can’t have a tea party without any guests! And Zom-Zom, you’re the only one left. That nice squid lady said she was going to get candy and she never came back! It’s not nearly as fun without her. The squid lady was nice, although those tentacles would have looked a lot nicer with these bright pink ribbons on the ends.

Zom-Zom, you need to sit down! And drink your tea, or I’m gonna get mad! You’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing!

…oh, drat. I think I just broke another guest. That’s not very good. Ah, well! I guess that just means I have to find another one! If they aren’t tough enough to handle my tea party, then that means they’re not a very worthy guest. You’ve got to be tough to handle Yachiru’s tea parties!

Wait? Where did everyone go~ooo? Oh well! I guess that just means there’s more sweets for me! That cake looks very lovely, and I think it’s chocolate! My favorite. ♥♥♥

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Name: Guy Cecil
Canon: Tales of the Abyss
Age: 21
Canon:The planet Auldrant is really keeping Score -- or is maybe kept by it; as an ancient prophecy that predicts a future of prosperity for all, the Score has a firm hold on nearly everyone in the world: Religion looks to it as a symbol, governments consult it to decide policy or orchestrate warfare, and your average citizen uses it like a daily horoscope -- the most-dependent of cases even checking it for what they should have for dinner. Unfortunately, the Score's not all sunshine and rainbows, and between those who'd kill to keep to the Score and those who'd kill to get rid of it, the world's pretty down-beat. Enter the protagonist: Luke fon Fabre, a spoiled, self-centered noble who's desperately out of tune with the world around him. Altruism really isn't his forte, until a rather traumatic brush with the Score's prophecy leaves Luke questioning his identity and right to exist. Fortunately, over the course of the story Luke learns to be the change he wants to see in the world: friendly, full of hope, and most importantly, alive; existing free from the strains of the Score.

Luke's not the only one with a Score to settle, so to speak; Guy Cecil is Luke's servant, but also one of his closest friends, and as such he's a little put-upon and a lot patient -- he sort of has to be, to put up with an attitude like Luke's. Guy's friendly, reliable, and generally easy-going, but that certainly doesn't make him a pushover; he may give in on a petty argument, but will stick to his guns -- or rather, his sword -- when it's important. Cheerful nature aside, Guy's own tragic backstory has left him with a tragically hilarious, paralyzing fear of women... which gets him into a fair bit of trouble, since Guy is handsome, polite, and charming -- at least until said women come into arm's reach. He really does love women! Just... from a distance.


You know, miss, I can't say this is exactly what I was expecting, when you asked for my help rescuing your friends. You told me a bunch of guerrillas had kidnapped some hot chicks... I certainly didn't expect to find actual apes and some fire-breathing ducks! I ...don't think that's what most people mean when they talk about hot chicks, either -- here I was, all ready to give you a talk about referring to people with a little more respect, once this was all over... but it looks like it's not necessary anyway, if your little friends here were all you meant. I'm actually sort of relieved; no harm, no fowl, as they say!

Oh, please don't think I was complaining, miss. I'm glad I was able to help you get your friends back. Though, it almost looked like you didn't need my help at all -- you're definitely very striking yourself, if that blow you gave that kidnapper is any indication! I'm sure nobody could blame you for just losing your head like that; kidnapping is a serious crime, and anyone would be upset if their friends went missing. You've really put yourself back together nicely too -- I'm actually surprised to hear you don't have any experience with fighting.

Anyway, now that all your ducks are in a row, let's get you back to your cabin; I'd be happy to escort you, just in case those gorillas come back. I know they say the best defense is to be offensive, but I think they were taking that a little too far. Someone with such an air of grace and dignity like yourself should be treated accordingly, after all. Me, I'm just a servant, and even I can see that. I'm just happy to have been your temporary knight in shining armor.

...A-Ah, no, miss, don't feel like you need to give me a favor -- Like I said, it was just temporary knighthood; a kiss really isn't necessary. I don't need a proper thanks. A-And you definitely shouldn't do anything improper to thank me, either! So if you could please just-- just stay over there! I don't need to be rewarded! I-In fact, it wasn't even me who rescued them, honest, y-you've-- you've got the wrong guy!

--What do you mean, I don't have to worry, you were a trap all along? That's not comforting at all!

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Character: 7
Series: 9
Character Age: unknown, speculated to be at most around six years
Canon: WARNING: maybe some slight spoilers for the movie 9.

Life isn't easy when you're a reanimated rag doll struggling to survive through a machine revolution as it destroys all humankind in a cliched classic man-versus-robot World War II gone horribly wrong. It just so happens that when the planet's most advanced AI (aptly named B.R.A.I.N.) is seized by a power-hungry dictator and put to work mass-producing battle mechas, it doesn't take long before it decides that destroying only one sector of humanity was less efficient than simply destroying all of humanity altogether. WHO KNEW.

Most of the "stitchpunks" waited out the end of the world by hiding out in ruined churches and libraries, with one exception. 7 is a street-smart female?! doll with a penchant for ninja poses, bird skull helmets, and stabbing at evil robots from above. Fiercely independent, rebellious, and more than a little confrontational, she separates herself from the rest of her family early on to actively fight against the machines as a lone warrior rather than hide away in fear. She's most in her element while in a battle and operates on a "violence first, think later" policy when it comes to dealing with enemies or certain dolls she bears grudges against. But she has a hidden motherly side, and is the first to pull her brothers aside when they're in danger, if she's not already busy slicing the monster's head off.

note: walkers are the war-of-the-worlds-esque battle mechs the B.R.A.I.N. first built to destroy all humans. also, 5 is a fellow sack doll (with an eyepatch) who is particularly adept at sewing up his siblings when they get injured.

Sample Post: I saw what you were doing there.

So the machines didn't win yet, not completely. I'm impressed. Going from lying around and decomposing to wandering around and decomposing is a step up. And don't hide your true feelings--I for one don't support our new robot overlords, either. Just the opposite. I'm glad you've decided to join the fight, because you just can't run anymore... that was what I wanted to tell them. The others might've been fine with holing themselves up from the machines, but you're different. You're willing to finally stand up for yourselves, aren't you? Or are you still in denial?

Have you already forgotten what those robots have done to you? They used poisonous gasses, and they poisoned your asses... actually, your lungs, same difference. But you've been lying back and taking it for too long, and now's the best time to strike hard. I've been scoping the area and it looks like the newest machine models are a lot less dangerous than those walkers, back then. Their armor is lighter and much easier to penetrate. They don't even seem to have any weapons! If they're scouts, then they're epically failing at it; generally, they just stand around, moo, and sometimes pass slightly less poisonous gas. I don't know if the machines are running out of scrap metal or anything, but that doesn't matter. This is the perfect opportunity to attack, when their defenses are down and they're least expecting it. You agree with me, right? It's obvious! Just open your eyes!

--Huh, I didn't know they could just fall out like that. Here, I've got this one. Don't know where the other rolled off to, though. No worries, if we can't find it, you could always wear a patch. You'll get used to it after a while. Now give me a hand so I can put your eye back, I can't reach up from all the way down here... ah, I didn't mean it literally! How can you expect to fight if you keep falling to pieces like this? If 5 was here, he could stitch it on again, but I don't know how. You can have this back, see if you can reattach it somehow, but I hope the rest of you aren't as delicate as this. If we want to shut down the machines for good, everybody should at least be able to hold a weapon without dropping it or any other body parts. Pull yourselves together! It's time to finally fight back.

I'm going to go launch the first sneak attack, so you might want to stay away from the fight while I do some damage. Oh, and take your eye back. I can't help you, you're too big. Do yourself a favor and put it in on your own.

Poll Vote!

Character name: Misumi Hifumi
Series: Nightmare Inspector / Yumekui Kenbun
Age: Late teens
Canon: The Silver Star Tea House is a cozy place in the Taisho Era that is most popular with its patrons in the evening. Most of them rarely go just for the tea; they're here for the resident baku who will eat their nightmares and supposedly send all their troubles away. A young man by the name of Hifumi pays the tea house a visit, not as a paying customer or someone with a nightmare problem, but as someone who just wanted to see this so-called baku out of pure curiosity. Instead, he finds himself staying in one of the rooms for rent after becoming lovestruck by the owner, and thus began his stay at this strange tea house.

Misumi Hifumi is the "lazy rich guy" who has nothing to do in his spare time but spend his father's money. Thanks to that cash, he can enjoy life to the fullest by gossiping, smoking, drinking, and buying some of the weirdest, most useless shit you have ever seen. Hifumi is self-centered, nosy, loud, and arrogant. Let's not forget that he is more than capable of carrying a conversation with himself. He's the kind of guy who says exactly what's on his mind, no matter how harsh, and jumps the gun by making some of his own wild assumptions. Beside being obnoxious, Hifumi sincerely does care a lot for his friends, both the ones he mingles with at the bar and the ones at the tea house. He's also a dreamer who tends to get caught up in strange fantasies.

Note: Hifumi meets up with his friends in the rumor club to--you guessed it--discuss and spread rumors.

Sample Entry:

This is the place? Geez, I didn't expect it to be this dingy and ugly looking. Camps are about being in touch with nature, yeah, but this is too much. It's the grass that's supposed to be green, not the lake! Don't tell me these people seriously hold swimming activities in that thing. Yuck. The guys in the rumor club didn't say anything about a gross lake or diseased people strolling around in broad daylight. What the hell, is this camp a sick joke?!

...hey! Hey, you! Yeah, you, get over here and show me around a little! I can't spend all day here with nothing to do, especially when I thought I'd see something cool by now. My time's too precious to waste standing around a cruddy place... like... this. Whoa. That's some interesting costume you're wearing! This camp has a really different atmosphere from those other ones I've heard about; even though it looks looks and smells like an abandoned wasteland, it has tour guides dressed as purple gorillas! Now that's what I'm talking about! Maybe this place isn't so bad. It could just be the lousy atmosphere you guys have that's throwing everything off. By the way, you know there are bugs crawling in your fur, right?

So, do you want to tell me where I can buy a costume like that for myself? I'd love to wear one~~~ ...no, wait, I can just buy some souvenirs later. Right now's the time to learn about this disgusting place you guys call "home". C'mon, show me around a bit! I want to know the highlights and why this place is so damn popular. See, I heard there were a lot of people here and none of them seem to want to leave. At first I couldn't believe it--hey, don't tell me you wouldn't! Honestly, who in their right mind would want to stay somewhere like this? It's a camp gone wrong, with the exception of the awesome, purple gorilla suit you're wearing. Anyway, there just has to be something extra special here and I don't want to miss out on it. That's why I called you over; I want you to tell me the ins and outs of this joint!

...wait, what exactly do you mean by "see for yourself"? I want to see it now, why else would I call you over--HEY, NOW YOU HOLD ON A SECOND! DON'T JUST LEAVE ME HERE! Wait, why are you ditching someone like me in the first place?! Get back here and face me like a man, don't... don't turn your back and walk off! How else am I going to know why nobody ever leaves this place?!

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