(no subject)

Jun 06, 2009 14:49

Aaaaanother batch /o/ Go vote in Juri's, too!

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closeddd.

Character name: Tenjou Utena
Series: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Age: 14
Canon: It starts out as a sweet little fairytale: beautiful young princess, devastated by her parents' deaths, is found and consoled by a handsome prince. He gives her his ring and tells her never to lose her strength and nobility. The princess, of course, falls in love. But the story very quickly falls off the Stereotypical Happy Ending train, as the young girl in question decides she's not waiting around for her prince to come back - she's going to school to become a prince herself. And that's about when her entire world is turned upside down. This is Revolutionary Girl Utena, an anime where swords manifesting themselves in people's chests, the Student Council vying for power to bring about a world revolution, explosive curry and incredible amounts of subtext are just part of a normal day.

Our Heroine is Tenjou Utena, the pretty princess who's decided to grow up into a noble prince. Brave, determined, honest and friendly, she can't help but leap to the rescue whenever she spots a damsel in distress - or a forlorn fellow, for that matter. She genuinely cares about people, and is fiercely loyal to those she likes. Though she never intended to become part of the fight to win the Rose Bride, she nonetheless throws herself into every duel and does her best - not to be the one with the power of the world revolution, but to save a dear friend. It's true she's just a middle-school girl for now, but if there's a way to become a prince, Utena will find it.


Oh jeez, Little Gorilla-san, don't cry. It's going to be okay. I know Marcy-san slapped you after you tried to kiss her awake, but that doesn't mean she hates you! Maybe she was just surprised. You really shouldn't have been kissing her while she was asleep, though, even if that glass coffin was filling with water pretty fast. No wonder she hit you. She probably thought you were some kind of pervert. There are better ways to wake someone up, you know. But look, don't give up! Listen, if you have to fight for her, this isn't the time to start doubting yourself. Big Gorilla-san will win if you do that! Or Medium Gorilla-san...all of you really want to win, huh? C'mon, don't cry like that. If Marcy-san's heart is as big and sweet as you say, I'm sure she'll be happy to see how much you love her...even if she doesn't feel the same way now, you can be her friend, right? So come on, show me some of your moves. Maybe I can give you a couple of tips to help you out.

Wait, you're going to fight with that? That's not a sword, that's a - a 'serious pole'? Ehehehehe...well, I guess you're right. It does look pretty serious. And I guess it's better if you fight with poles instead; you won't get hurt that way. Especially if none of you have trained at all, it's much safer. You're really worried about size, huh? I don't know why you think Marcy-san would be upset if your pole was too big or too small, but you know what? I think it's just right. It's not all about size, y'know. You're gonna need stamina and courage too if you want to keep going long enough to win. A lot of people think everything's over really fast, but sometimes you just have to take your time and wait for your opponent to get tired. Big Gorilla-san has an advantage with the length of his pole, but that doesn't mean he knows how to use what he's got.

Look, if you're really that worried, come here. If you hold it like that, you're gonna drop it the first time Big Gorilla-san makes a move. You need to really wrap your hand around it, like this. Not too tight - you'll break it if you keep squeezing like that. The important thing to remember is that you can't just hit him with it anywhere. You've got to stick to the rules, no matter how strongly you feel about winning Marcy-san's heart. Here, here's your training dummy. You can show me where you think you're allowed to strike at him on this...Oh, no, Little Gorilla-san, I don't think that's a good idea. H-he'll probably get really, really angry if you hit him there. Look, stick to his chest, that's probably better. Hey, hey! His chest! NOT MINE! Jeez, if you keep fooling around like this, I don't know how you expect to ever get a happy ending!

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Character: Uzaki Ran
Series: Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger
Character Age: 19

Canon: Jyuken - a martial art that uses one’s “Beast Heart,” Geki Jyuken Beast Arts is a fist of justice!!1 used by the good guys - the Gekirangers. The Gekirangers are a “triangle” of a Body, Technique, and Heart, who later add a purple and white Ranger to their team. They battle against the bad guys that use the evil!!1 version of Jyuken - Rin Jyuken Aku Gata. The way they transform is by using 'Gekichangers' and saying the term, "Tagire! Power of the beast! Beast on!" And so a battle full of spandex, explosions and dudes in big plastic suits ensues.

Ran is given the role of captain of her sentai team, as she’s the most responsible character, always being upright, honest, and clean-handed. She keeps the team together and is motherly to them in her own way, while at the same time keeps the stupid boys she fights alongside with in check. At the beginning of the series, Ran is very straight-laced and serious; however, after training with one of the seven kensei animal masters, Master Elehan (a rather gregarious, perverted... elephant man), she began to loosen up and smile more due to his teachings and influence. However, she still takes training and Jyuken seriously, and this is why she’s known as the “Heart” of the triangle between herself, Jan and Retsu - she doesn't do anything without putting her honest feelings into it. On a negative note, Ran's weakness is "Technique" - as her Cheetah-ken relies on speed and accuracy, she overlooks details. Overall, Ran tries to be positive and keep her group organized, like a good Yellow Ranger and captain.

Sample Post:

"Important Mission for the Lovely Ran-chan!" Of course I accepted it, thinking I might be doing something like taking a special, secret weapon to a mysterious, secret location in a mystical, secret forest, like we always do. But a tree, in a camp, in a swamp? And anyway, I always thought camps had more fires and happy-looking children, not zombies and bizarre animals. I can get that maybe it's a training camp, since that would explain all the endless zombies and those gorillas that don’t touch you nicely, but... tentacles? How are you supposed to go swimming if something slimy is crawling up your swimsuit?! And the squirting flowers… ugh! Why does a magical tree have to grow in such a perverted place?! Of course Master Elehan would send me out here! Everything is so suggestive!

But, I think I understand. This camp is full of good training opportunities! Fighting off the zombies and those purple gorillas makes the body harder, better, faster and stronger, especially when there’s so many coming at you at once. And those baby vines that were blocking my way on the path, they - wait, the mother vine?! G-get off my legs you-!! Tagire! Power of the beast! Beast On!! Sheesh, it’s because I wear a short skirt, isn’t it? It’s part of my uniform! But that doesn't mean you can take advantage of it: think about what you're teaching your babies! And, you, gorilla! Stop cheering them on! By the power of heart, I'll defeat you- what, no, I can't control earth, fire, wind, or water! It's heart!

Now stand back while I take care of - hey, what do you mean using one's heart isn't an effective attack?! “Elemental weakness?” W-what? Just wait a moment, okay? One, two, and three! He's down for the count! That was my special attack involving "Jyuken." Would you like to learn it? Actually... I should teach all of the campers here! I see now, Master, this wasn’t just an errand, it was your way of letting me spread Jyuken to even the strangest of places. I will teach them all to protect themselves from inappropriate touching by plants and animals! As long as I am teaching, no student of mine will be "badtouched" in such a horrible way - their fist will be my fist, crushing down perversion with purity!

But first, I should find that tree. Unless maybe the tree was a metaphor for something else; perhaps the “tree” had to do with “roots,” which means growing a tree up from roots? So it means me teaching the campers the roots of Jyuken. Or perhaps it's to plant a seed of Jyuken? Or- Oh! The tree! Is that it?! Ahhh, this must have been what Master Elehan was talking about! “A magical tree that grows that which covers what my trunk cannot reach” - but aren’t those flowers there? And there? Wait, these are-

W-what?! UNDERWEAR?!

Master Elehan, you pervert!

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Character: Alain Johns
Series: The Dark Tower series
Character age: 15-16ish

Canon: The world has moved on, a fancy way of saying it’s finally keeling over after an apocalypse ages ago. In this world that mixes Arthurian legends and the old-west, mutants (called muties) are an ever-present threat and what pre-apocalypse technology remains-guns being one of the most revered-is breaking down. In the hands of the gunslingers these guns are beacons of hope, light, and civilization. Like the knights of the round table, gunslingers are the best of the best and looked on with awe. They just have guns, near supernatural skills, and a hard-edged wild west lawman spice to give them that extra kick of badass. Roland Deschain is one of the last and best. Along with two of his friends, Alain and Cuthbert, Roland is drawn into the fight to save his world.

Alain, steadfast and level-headed, serves as the voice of reason for the trio and often ends up as the peacemaker. He is soft-spoken, deep thinking, and sensitive-in more ways than one with his gift of ‘the touch’ (their world’s name for psychic abilities). And while he’d much rather be a wallflower, Alain has a knack of knowing what to say to appease tempers and deflect suspicions in social situations, at least once he’s over his initial nerves. Above all he’s loyal and brave, never shirking his duties as a young gunslinger.

Note: Alain speaks in Mid-World’s dialect which has Shakespeare and old west flavorings. Sai is “sir/madam”

Sample app:
Thankee for your hospitality, sai gorilla. That you would throw me such a banquet after... I feel I must cry your pardon again for my actions earlier, so I do. I was-well, your color and your boisterous greeting did give me a fright, to my shame. The muties you’ve tamed to serve you set upon me all of a sudden as well. Mayhap you could consider giving them some sort of badge to set them apart from the wild ones here? ‘Twould help folk in knowing which ones to shoot or run from, say true. But I fear I’ve let my nerves hold the reins to my tongue too long. I’m humbled that you would give me both food and fine clothes after I drew on your servants. And nay, you needn’t apologize for the stains. Given the unhealthful shade of the water here I’m surprised they stayed so white as it is.

Why with guests so well treated among you ‘tis only natural praise for your kindness flows from every mouth, even when they lack tongues to speak. Leastways I think the muties have been talking about how I will receive mercy, though it sounds more like marcy. The big-beaked birds are talkative as well, even without speech. They are certainly fond of telling folk what they think, no matter how rude. My throat still burns from choking when they started talking about admiring my. . .bottom. Not lying is a fine thing, say true, but some things-nay, sai, you needn’t grip me round the middle again. The first time brought up the mis-swallowed bite well and true and thankee for it.

Aye, here I am talking long on things you already know. It’s just that I would beg off this speech I’m meant to give if I could for reason of nerves. I know you’ve your custom and part of it demands I speak but my mind goes a-blank when I try to think of what to say. Overhearing yon birds talking about the ritual afterwards helps me none. I’ve the touch, you see, and they were being overloud-Aye, the touch. I think you mistake it for something else. ‘Tis not that manner of touch, nor do I need a doll to show you. And I’m mystified how having the touch marks me better for mercy-marcy as you say here.

Nay, sai, I’ll neither stand nor sit for it. But I think I’ve found the words to say for the speech you desire now that you are finally showing your true colors-as unnatural as your fur, they are. I’ve touched your minds, or the lack thereof, after the birds made their blunder by coming too soon-none with the touch didn’t hear their excited palaver- and your intentions were made clear. I’ll not be led innocently to the monster’s lake, nor am I as innocent as you take me for. I am a gunslinger, sai, and no mercy, or Marcy if that’s its name, will be stealing my heart and more. I’ll be keeping it dear, for as is said, and said true, the man who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart.

... Nay, I don’t remove my heart from my chest and use it as a weapon.

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Character name: Suu
Series: Clover
Age: 13-14

Canon: Clover is mostly CLAMP's admirable attempt at creating a cyberpunk society. It takes place in a dystopian future, in which the government is attempting to control sorcerers, or "clovers." Clovers have the ability to manipulate technology, create material out of thin air, and do other wonderful, magical things. Clovers range in skill and ability, from one leaf clovers who have minimal psychic power to the rumored four leaf clover, who has enough power to overthrow the government and take over the world. Because of the danger that they pose, clovers are often isolated and lead a lonely existence. They can never be with the ones they love, because the ones they love may use them for world domination plans.

Suu is the four leaf clover. She knows she could pwn the government and feels enormous guilt and responsibility because of it. She has remained willingly in solitary confinement since she was four. However, she longed for human contact and the simple happiness of love. When the one friend she was allowed to speak to, Oruha, dies, Suu asks to be let out of her cage and escorted to Fairy Park by Oruha's lover Kazuhiko, so that she may be with him. But the day she exits the cage is the day that she dies, because she can never belong to anyone else. Thus Suu is reluctant to use her powers and careful about getting close to people, because she doesn't want to see them hurt over her. Since she's spent most of her life alone, she is a quiet, observant person, and very blunt when it comes to interacting with others. She is innocent to the world but eager to meet new people and learn new things, having an almost childlike fascination with the every day. Suu also has a strange affinity for all things innocent and cute, like animals, and loves singing. Most of all she wishes simply to be happy. She has just allowed herself to be killed when Fairy Park is destroyed, in order to discover that happiness.

Sample Entry:

Oh. This isn't at all what I imagined the afterlife would be. Was my death and the destruction of Fairy Park a dream? No. I remember it distinctly. Finally finding my happiness with Kazuhiko. Being able to visit Fairy Park with someone else. I'm glad that I was able to be happy, even if it was only for a moment. It was what I had always wanted. But, if this is the afterlife wouldn't Oruha also be here? Why can't I see her? And I'm not sure, but I don't think that there would be as much mud, or interesting trees, or a troublesome looking lake like that. In any case, I've never seen so much nature all in one place...

For instance, those must be real, live birds. Maybe it is paradise here, since those would be so expensive at home. Even the replicants can be pricey. And they're all so friendly too. Ah, hello, Mr. Toucan. I like animals...would you like to talk with me? I was able to at least say "hello" and "goodbye" to the animals in my world. Oh, you can sit on my shoulder, but please don't...please don't peck at me like that, it hurts. I've never heard of a bird that likes to eat meat, but I guess I haven't met very many birds. Well, here, on the ground...a piece of meat. Do you want it? Is that better now? Although it looks a lot like something that could have come from a person...

Oh, no. Mr. Toucan, it looks like that might have fallen from one of the people in front of us. I didn't notice them before, but they are pretty badly decomposed. I wonder what's wrong with them? I've never seen someone look like that and still be able to move around...and it looks like they're coming even closer to us. What do they want? Look, that one is even missing an arm. Well, miss, I might be able to help you. I can make you another arm if you'd like. I don't think the government is here to see me use my powers, so it should be safe. The arm will be mechanical but it works just as well...there, isn't that better?

I can appreciate you wanting to thank me, but you're holding me just a bit too close. It's nice to be able to hold your friends, but unfortunately I'm a little uncomfortable. We are friends, right? Well, why don't we sing together instead? What would you like to sing? Hmm, "The arm bone's connected to the head bone"...I don't know that one, but I'm not sure that's exactly how it goes...sorry, miss. Maybe we can try another song later...

Well, this place is strange, but at least I'm not alone. Maybe I can find happiness here. Isn't that so, miss? And Mr. Toucan? Let's spend some time together.

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Character: Labrador
Series: 07-Ghost
Character Age: Unknown, looks maybe 18-20ish
Canon: When Teito, an amnesiac former slave, suddenly regains a piece of his memories, his life is quickly turned upside down. He quickly finds himself on a quest to learn both the truth of his past and combat the greatest evil the world has known, down a path lined with secrets, sorrow, revenge, and repentance.

One of Teito's first stops is the church in Barsburg, where he soon meets and befriends several bishops, Labrador among them. Labrador is gentle and kind-hearted, fond of gardening and seeming to have a special affinity with plants, at times even conversing with them. Though often quiet, he's hardly shy, merely polite and perhaps a little aloof. He's also prone to having premonitions, his prophecies tending toward a typically unerring accuracy. But mostly he's just a truly good-natured young bishop who wouldn't even wish his worst enemy to come to harm.

Sample Post: Ah, more tea, Gorilla-kun? No, it's no trouble at all, I'm glad that you like it. I was a little worried that I couldn't find the right herbs here, but I managed to make do somehow, even if it took some time to be sure it came out right. It wouldn't do to use the wrong herbs and accidentally brew something that could knock you out, after all. Besides, it's the least I could do after all the trouble you went through to try to help me, even if you didn't have to. I'm sure that tree was just trying to be friendly. But I want to thank you for your help, anyway, so please, enjoy.

Oh, and of course, you showed me which way to go to get to the camp, too. I was a little worried... it didn't seem like this was the right way at all. I was sure that the others were at a strange "camp" somewhere, but I didn't think it would be in the middle of a swamp... Although, this forboding feeling, like being watched by someone wherever I go... surely this must be the right place after all. Even so, this place is surprising. There are so many interesting new plants I've never seen before, all in one place. It's almost as though they were planted here, perhaps the person in charge of this place meant it to be like a bit garden... And they're all so affectionate, too. If the plants are this friendly to everyone, surely this can't be so bad a place after all.

It must be difficult for you, though, helping to take care of so many children here. Making sure everyone gets to their meals on time, and even waking them up each morning... it sounds like quite the ordeal. But I'm sure you always try your best, Gorilla-kun, so all your hard work must be appreciated. ...oh dear, it seems we're out of tea. If you wait a moment, I could make... ah, you have to leave now? It was very nice talking with you, but please, don't let me keep you. I hope your duties go well, and may God be with yo-

-!! Ah! Wait, Gorilla-kun! It's dangerous there! If you go that way, you- Ah, it caught him... Please wait, Gorilla-kun, I'll help you. Say, you ivy there, it's good that you want to make friends, but you really shouldn't grab on to people if they don't want to. It really isn't a very nice thing to do, and anyway, Gorilla-kun has a lot work to do, so could you please let him go?

Ah... No... Even if you do care for him, I don't think that's what it means for you to never let him down.

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Character: Azel
Series: Panzer Dragoon Saga
Character Age: somewhere in the thousands range, but appears about 19.
Canon: The Seeker tribe thinks they are messengers of the gods; the Empire believes they are demons from hell who destroyed the Ancients. Nobody really knows much about the mysterious dragons that are the subjects of the Panzer Dragoon series. Many of them are "guardians" who, like the other bio-engineered weapons dominating their post-apocalyptic and dystopian world, indiscriminately hunt down humans that wander too close to Ancient ruins. But the dragons destined with riders serve a higher purpose. Panzer Dragoon Saga is the story of two dragonriders as they struggle over the Tower and the will of the Ancients.

The Tower is an Ancient structure that has the ability to mass-produce bio-engineered monsters, a power that can allow the burgeoning Empire to take over the world. Conveniently enough, the Empire discovers Azel, an Ancient drone specifically programmed to manipulate the Tower and its weapons. Aided by her lifelong companion Atolm, she initially serves as an emotionless but deadly handmaiden to Craymen, the Imperial traitor who awakens her from thousands of years of hibernation. Eventually, she overcomes her submissive instincts, learns to act of her own free will, and takes responsibility for the destruction she'd caused. Though she picks up on a semblance of human emotion after Atolm's death, she remains matter-of-fact and logical, if more depressed. It's just that her newfound empathic sensitivity is particularly susceptible to strong emotional bonds, like the one between dragon and rider, a bitter reminder of what she lost and can never have again.

note: Coolias are the beasts of burden in the Panzer Dragoon world.

Sample Post: I didn't expect there to be a swamp on the other side of the desert, but, actually, it doesn't matter. Deserts and swamps will not stop my search. Neither will volcanoes or the legions of purple monsters... though they did present a more difficult obstacle to overcome. They had been very insistent on propositioning me, but despite their claims the process sounded too time-consuming, so I declined their offer to help me get ahead. I am sure I can do so myself.

Despite these delays, my journey had been going smoothly until I reached the lake. The coolia I was riding upon had exhausted all its energy in crossing the desert, but unlike myself, it needed sustenance, rest, and water in order to continue. I led it down to drink, yet it seemed strangely hesitant in approaching the shore. Then several tentacles slipped out from the water, wrapped themselves around the coolia, and started penetrating it. Evidently, the monster in the lake also needed to satisfy its hunger.

That is, I assume it is hungry; there are a few limbs curled around your feet as well, but it is not attacking. Does something special exist between you and the monster? It's clear to me now: there is a strong bond between the two of you. A monster of that size has a deep appetite, so it cannot be satisfied by my coolia's small body, even though it seems to enjoy playing with its food. I can sense its desire for flesh, but it seems to feel differently towards you. Honestly, it's obvious in the way its tentacles wrap around your legs, and the way you groan in response. "Brains", that's what the monster is called? To continue calling its name so continuously... you and Brains must truly have come together to become as one.

I understand the feeling; it must be similar to my connection with Atolm, my dragon. But... Atolm is gone from me. And I had to ride the coolia. If your link with Brains is truly as strong as mine with Atolm, tell it to release my mount, while it's still alive. My search must continue--oh. Brains, thank you for listening to my request, the coolia and I still have much farther to travel. And thank you, as well. My intuition was correct; this bondage you have to Brains is very powerful, and these tentacles around your chest are signs of pure respect--

--ah... perhaps they are one of hunger, after all.

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