(no subject)

Feb 15, 2009 08:54

LAST ROUND! The next app date announcement will be up soon. o/

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me if I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!
Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Kayashima Taiki
Series: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
Character Age: 16-17

Canon: Hana Kimi follows the story of Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese girl from America who has a crush on a high jumper named Izumi Sano, a student at an all-boys high school in Japan. Mizuki is so taken with him that she disguises herself as a boy and internationally transfers to his school, Osaka Gakuen, where she finds herself surrounded by a vibrant and varied cast of characters, schoolboys with distinct personalities and intriguing backstories. Nearly every side character in Hana Kimi, no matter how small, gets some time in the spotlight, and Kayashimi Taiki is no different.

Introduced as Nakatsu's psychic roommate, Kayashima first shows up to do "aura reports" and take pictures of people with their ghostly ancestors. Although he likes to scare his dorm mates into thinking there are ghosts around them, he is generally a slight, quiet boy with a mild temperament and an affinity for yoga. He often shows off the positions he can get into, ignoring that the contortions freak out his friends. Friends, by the way, are a semi-new development for Kayashima. Teased for his abilities when he first arrived at school, Kayashima is a very loyal friend to Nakatsu, who defended him and cared about him when no one else did. More comfortable around others, these days he's deadpan and bluntly honest, confronting people with the truth as he sees it, sometimes offering unsolicited mysticisms and aura readings to do so.

He also dislikes the color purple.

Sample Post: Hmm, this place is just like the brochure said. A chocolate spring, an underwear tree... but I came to feel the aura of this place, and the best way to do that is to find where the spirits gather. The lake, maybe? If at all possible I'd like to meet this tentacle monster, I'm certain she has a powerful presence -- an aura in earth tones. Something consuming... speaking of, maybe I should bring a gift. What do tentacle monsters eat? Ships lost at sea, full of sailors with broken souls, little more than ghosts and monster themselves. Of course it's that, you can hear their spirits moaning from her belly when she rises from the water............ but I don't have any of those. Maybe she'd like some flowers? I think I saw some back in the woods.

Flowers must be the right choice, since the spirits of the forest are leading me. Honestly, I'm not crazy about their choice of anatomy to lead me by, but the flowers are pretty, even if they seem to be eating squirrels. Maybe the monster would like that sort of thing. If I pick a few, will I get bitten?

A rustling -- who's there? A dirty brown aura, they're hungry and insecure. You can come out, and maybe help me pick some flowers? I could use a second opinion. See, what do you think of these for a tentacle monster that eats sailors lost at sea? It looks like she's chewed on you a bit, too, are you alright? Dead counts as alright, it's just another state of being. But you know, with all that stumbling, I bet you could use a bit of alignment and balance training. I can teach you some yoga while I'm here. Turn and face me... with your face on straight, please. I think we can try the tree position. This one is tricky, but we'll give it a shot together. Take a deep breath and tuck your foot up just above your knee... it's cheating to take your foot off, for the record, there's no point in falling to pieces if you can't do the pose. Bend your leg, yes, just like that. Now bring your arms together and raise them above your head, stretching up as high and straight as you can.

Not bad for a beginner, really, and it's never too late to learn. You may already be dead, but I'm pretty sure the jocks in Dorm 1 have fewer brain cells, so don't let a post-mortem lifestyle discourage you from doing what you want. Now you practice, I just need to go free some sailor's souls -- I'll be back in an hour to see if you've made any progress.

And before you ask, the corpse pose doesn't count as exercise.

Poll Vote!

Character: Cuthbert Allgood
Series: The Dark Tower Series
Age: Around 15

The world is slowing down. Technology made by the Old People has left the world full of mutants (muties) and a lot of grief. Here in the wastes where civilization barely clings, the barony Gilead has found itself in a desperate struggle. Gilead is home to the world's last Gunslingers; an epic breed of fighter known around the world for their prowess. Roland, the most talented apprentice gunslinger, is in a hurry to grow up. So to keep him safe his father sends him and two of his friends on a supposedly simple errand far away from home.

Roland's best friend from childhood, Cuthbert Allgood, is faithful, loyal and a credit to the Gunslinger tradition… if only he could stop running his mouth for a bit. Bert is as quick to a jest as he is on the draw, even when the jokes are at his expense. He is even fine with putting himself down, if it makes him a source of amusement. His jovial nature often rubs against his friends, but it has its uses. Even in situations of life and death, he has a smile and a laugh ready beside his weapon. Running deep under his vein of humor is a boy who will do absolutely anything for his friends, including giving them a good punch when necessary.

Note: Bert has a "Midworld" accent, which sounds almost Shakespearean but with hints of the old west. "Sai" is high speech for "sir/ma'am".

Sample Post:

Heat? Aye, I know heat. And wet, too, just the same. But rarely have I been in a place graced with such an abundance of both. Why, I may as well abandon the horse and swim my way out of this strange forest. Swimming would certainly be faster than walking my mount through this muck. And wouldn't I be a sight to see! Ah, but my luck being what it is, if I were to swim, there would surely be sharks. Land sharks. I can almost sense them now. Land sharks sneaking up on their prey with all their tricks and wiles. Land sharks with a terrible reek about them and… purple fur?

Apologies, sai, I mistook you for someone else. 'Tis a lucky thing for both of us I have my irons tucked away safe. You could catch your death of hot lead sneakin' up on a man like that, especially when my brains were off swimming. Sadly, until my thoughts return everything 'neath my hat is in the care of my tongue, which has its own love of wandering, so it does. Had I not lost track of my comrades to this damnable forest, they would surely affirm that point for me. Indeed, there must be enough people who've told me to 'shut my trap now and again' to fill a whole town!

Now that all my parts are back in their places I can see you are neither lion nor tiger, nor shark. Oh my, no. Nor are you like any mutie I've seen before, if I think on it. No extra eyes, heads or even appendages. Though I dare say you have been gifted with one outstanding appendage any man would be jealous of. I would be lying if I said I wasn't somewhat humbled myself.

On second thought, and I am as surprised as you to know there's more than one thought rolling around my skull, perhaps you are not a mutie at all. You may just be a native creature here. Certainly, as this forest is unusual, and you match that description fairly well indeed. Aye, so you do. Your outrageous fur makes for no cover, nor does it instill fear in your enemy. I do believe the only vocation left for someone of your tint is a joker. Oh, now why so serious? I myself am a man of many humors and I find it to be a very worthy pastime!

By the face of my father, it seems I am in the presence of a true master of the trade! I bow to your skills, sai, for this is impressive to say the least. It must have taken weeks of work, and trouble besides. You have a true dedication to the craft. Tell me, if you might, how did you manage to hang so many fancy undergarments in this tree?

Poll Vote!

Character: Rokubungi Gendo
Series: Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days
Age: 16
Canon: Evangelion, the series that set the animanga precedent for unstable teenagers saving the world in human-shaped fighting machines, is the canon that never, ever ends. The main series examines the struggle of a small group of children who must strive through apocalyptic conditions in order to find themselves. Angelic Days is a lighthearted, romance-focused version of this story. In this version, "dating the right girl is more important than saving the world."

Enter volume five of Angelic Days, set more than two decades before the main plot of Evangelion. Rokubungi Gendo is a troubled middle-schooler with serious abandonment issues. Due to his bitterness regarding family matters, young Gendo turns to delinquency and sports an antagonistic and depressive attitude that frequently gets him into trouble with his peers and adults alike. Gendo is very much your modern major teenager -- he is defiant of authority and wary of affection, afraid of being hurt. Lacking in social graces, Gendo is awkward and defensive when spoken to. His only interest seems to be literature; instead of socialising with others or paying attention in class, Gendo reads. He reads everything, from 'deep' poetry to information texts on mundane subjects, occasionally managing to reflect his hidden, studious personality through his constant attention to books.

Note: Gendo is extremely attached to his 'girlfriend' Ikari Yui due to a series of epic and hilariously shoujo events!

Sample Post:

This is stupid. The library's supposed to be right here, but obviously someone either gave me some really bad directions or the whole thing's just moved. Or it's beneath the dingy lake. Which wouldn't surprise me, considering all the other shit that happens to me all the time! Damnit, this isn't funny. I'm going to give that guy a piece of my mind if I see him again. He seemed to want it real bad, now that I think about it. Geez. You'd think they'd at least believe I wasn't here to cause trouble after I explained that I was here with permission. But I guess doing library duty for punching a guy's lights out doesn't really make me that credible.

Not that "credible" is a word I'd use to describe this place, but stuff like that really shouldn't surprise me anymore... s'the last time I agree to do anything for that guy. Shoulda never let him be a teacher in the first place, that bastard. What's wrong with giving a guy a knuckle sandwich he deserved? Feh. ... uh, I guess I promised I wouldn't say things like that again. Stop looking at me, toucan! You don't need to agree with me either!

. . . well, in comparison to disappointing Yui, I guess doing library duty isn't that bad. Whatever. If I can't find the place it's not like I can do the job. It's not skipping out if I tried and failed. I really don't have time for this-- I mean, it's Valentine's Day and I haven't found Yui a unicorn yet and she said she wanted one real bad--yeah, keep laughing. I don't know why anyone would ever want ever want one either, and from what I've read apparently you have to be pure as driven snow to even get near the things, and with my luck they'd be the key to destroying the world, but I've got to at least try.

I hate this place! I never thought I'd say it, but it's worse than home and even weirder. What the hell am I supposed to do now? I mean, it's not like the freakin' library's just going to appear out of nowhere along with a herd of "unicorns," right next to some purple gorillas. See, no unicorns, no purple gorillas, like I s--

Oh. Shit.

I think the unicorn in particular wants to kill me. N-not that I'm scared of it or anything. It's not a big deal, I can handle this. It's just a horse with an extra sharp horn, right? But maybe I should start running just in case--FIVE FOUR THREEtwooneOWSTUPIDROCK--NOW IT'S LAUGHING?! --SHUT THE HELL UP, I MEANT TO DO THAT!

Poll Vote!

Character: Himemiya Anthy
Series: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Character Age: Appears to be in high school
Canon: Revolutionary Girl Utena is a heartwarming* shoujo story of a girl who wants to become a prince, the girl she wants to save, and a series of mysterious duels in the forests behind Ohtori Academy, each containing enough symbolism to entertain generations of English majors. Sometimes the symbols even come with little blinking hands pointing at them! The prize for victory at the end of these duels: Eternity.

* Heartwarmingness not guaranteed. Incest, mindfuck, treachery, ruthless manipulation and dubcon do not necessarily invalidate the heartwarmingness. No refunds will be given should you find your heartwarming unsatisfactory. See series for details.

Anthy is the Rose Bride, the trophy of whoever won the latest duel. At the moment, that is Utena, who just wants to protect her, but that isn't always the case. Her role as Rose Bride is to be utterly passive, accepting the blows or the love or the indifference of the current victor with scarcely a blink. She is extremely politely blank and submissive, and everyone projects on that blankness their own way. Whether someone views Anthy as a submissive victim, a quiet and polite good person, or a creepy witch is far more a reflection of how they interact with people than it is her. Personality-wise, those who call her creepy are most accurate. She's generally cheerful and encouraging when dealing with people, though there's frequently something off about the way she does it. When she's alone she usually reverts to being creepy, with a bit of a childish streak. And she tends to be a tad passive aggressive. You know. Just a tad.

Sample Post:

♪ Ta-dun ta-dun ta-dun ♪
♪ Birds flying overhead ♪
♪ Following your tread ♪
♪ Picking through your head ♪
♪ Ta-dun ta-dun ta-dun ♪

I suppose I should start on dinner. Perhaps some curry, but there's no one else here to share it with. That's no good. What do you would you like, Chu-Chu? I'm sorry, I don't have any bananas. Here, have some cookies. As for myself, I think I'd like some shaved ice. I like the coldness and a little fruit syrup makes it very tasty, don't you think? Now, where did I leave the chainsaw? You can't make proper shaved ice without it. The best part is the sharp little shards of ice hidden in the larger chunks.

Oh, Zombie-san's here. I wonder, I wonder…have my books arrived? Ah, they have. Here, I'll take them now, thank- Oh, I forgot I had the chainsaw! Your poor hand. I'm sorry, I've put it down now. Let me see, there's Emotionless Dolls: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals. Except Goals Require Emotion So You're a Liar, 100 Ways to Screw Your Brother, and The Care and Feeding of Man-Eating Roses. Ah, did I order all these? And you brought some bananas for Chu-Chu. Thank you, Zombie-san.

Hmm? Payment? But I paid already. Brainsdlkfj? I've never heard of that currency before. I- Nngh! Please, sto-

Oh my! Your leg fell off. It looks like you just barely stepped on that banana peel. Really, Chu-Chu. You should be more careful where you leave them. Don't worry too much about it, Zombie-san. I don't mind the mess, and corpses are good for roses. Actually, if you'd like to lie down after losing your leg like that, there's a soft bed of dirt that I haven't planted yet over there.

Poll Vote!

Character: Sanji
Series: One Piece
Character Age: 19
Canon: One Piece is a man's romance! With pirates fighting for their dreams and willpower breaking through all obstacles, one might wonder where the giant robots are. Their ship already pierced the heavens, however, and then they punched God out. Serious. The ridiculous is common-place: it is a world where walking skeletons and powered suits made of spaghetti are possible, but Amazons and mermaids aren't always the feminine beauties of lore.

With strength surpassed only by his ability in a kitchen, Sanji is a world class chef who hates wasting food. However despite all his strengths (be it physical or culinary) Sanji has one major weakness: Women. If they're beautiful, he's putty in their hands, and he'll try to charm them- even in the middle of a fight. Even if they're not as easy on the eyes, he'll go out of his way to help them. Sanji's habit of calling things shitty gives him a bit of a rough edge- something men will see more often. However, he's quite sophisticated: no simple ruffian knows the difference between a merlot and a pinot noir, and what dishes it would best complement. How many cooks do you know that can just as easily topple a dinosaur with a kick as prepare it in a delicious meal- not to mention compete over who can slay the bigger dinosaur?

Sample App:

Tch, listen you shitskin, just... move along while I do my job, before I teach you a lesson in manners. Just the sight of you is enough to make someone lose their appetite. You really want to help? Then put some gloves on and start chopping those fruits for the macedonia dessert. Oi, are you all thumbs? You're going to bruise the fruit if you keep dropping- what the hell?
I've heard of having two left feet, but two left hands? You may not have much to work with, but you should take better care of them. A true chef values his hands, because without them he's worth less than a dull blade.

Oi! Don't touch that, of course it's hot! It's a cooking pot sitting on a fire, what did you expect? If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. In your case, I'd suggest you get out of the kitchen anyway, before you cross-contaminate something if you don't mind; I'm trying to prepare a dish for your lady friends. Yeah, you can have some too, I guess. I have a curry recipe that I never had a chance to try before- yeah, it's a beef brain curry recipe, stop chanting it already! The recipe doesn't work too well with fish, so I'm lucky I came across your ingredients. I had my doubts- I wouldn't normally cook for people with such shitty manners (though I would for such lovely ladies~), but you were going to eat it raw- which is a waste this shitty cook couldn't allow. You'll thank yourselves for being patient once I've cooked it- hopefully I'll curry the favor of these fine ladies as well, with the flavor of my curry.

Cuisseau SHOOT!

I went easy on you just now. This is your only warning- don't touch my dish again or you've forfeited your life and limb. Think of it as a free lesson in table manners. Now to serve it to the flowers in our midst... you can have the scraps.

Voila! Your white knight Sanji has completed his task, and even defended your meal from interlopers~ Gulai Otal l'amour~ ♥ Bon appetit, my ladies... do not be afraid to eat your fill. Does it suit your tastes? Every relationship can use a bit of spicing up, and my love is burning fiery hot! Feel free to cool off with a kiss~ ♥

Poll Vote!

Character: Mewtwo
Series: Pokémon (anime/movies)
Character Age: ... a few years? Is a Pokémon clone.
Canon: Welcome to a world filled with monsters (aka Pokémon) of all shapes and sizes, and young children travel the land unsupervised to catch them in balls and pit them against each other in battle. Of course, it's not all fun and games to everyone, especially when some greedy scientists and a megalomaniac get a hold of the DNA of a rare and powerful Pokémon... and naturally decide to try to make an even more powerful clone.

Artificially created, used as a tool, and ultimately betrayed, Mewtwo is one big bundle of existential angst and questions about his purpose in life. Though he managed to learn an Important Lesson about the value of life thanks to a certain young Pokémon trainer, Mewtwo still seeks the answer to where a clone like him fits into the world. Intelligent and coolly analytical, he's often prone to lengthy, angst-ridden internal monologues that would do Hamlet proud. Though his distrust in humanity has yet to be completely abated, he has a certain compassion towards those he sees as being similar to himself.

Sample Post:

Where... am I?

This is not the same. I was somewhere... a city? A forest? Certainly not a fetid swamp. This stench is overwhelming; I must not let it interfere with my ability to think clearly. Now then. It seems I am within some kind of force field, one of a magnitude such as even I have never seen before. A defensive barrier? Or perhaps a prison? Ah, that's right. I was deceived and tricked into coming here, and when I attempted to leave... To think they could trap me like some specimen to be experimented on! I will not be kept like a bird in a cage for the observation and amusement of others.

But first, what of this place? There is something nearby, though it does not match anything I have ever seen. What could they be? They appear to amble about aimlessly, though their very flesh rots from them. Are these yet more "specimens" lured and trapped here by the proprietor of this place? No, it cannot be but the deliberate work of that same one who created this place.

These creatures... I do not know that I can call them either Human or Pokémon, but something else, something created from some horrifying transgression against nature itself. Neither living nor dead, they seem to exist solely to torment and be tormented. What manner of hideously twisted mind could conceive of such a thing, let alone bring it into existence? Is this the true depths of the depravity of human kind?

Such pitiful beings, shambling about with no sense of self or purpose. Perhaps it would be only merciful to merely end their existence. Ah, but who am I to decide their fate for them? Meaningless though it may seem, they still struggle to continue to exist, such as they are. Would it be a kindness to end their misery, or would such an act be no better than the one who made them as they are? For I will not lower myself to the level of those who commit such despicable deeds.

But wait, there is something else here. Something with a power like mine... another psychic Pokémon? No... not one, many. I can feel them now, playing at the edge of my mind as though trying to slip into my thoughts. Is this a game to them? These ideas they try to impose, suggesting if perhaps I would just wear this for a moment, it would go so well with... No! These are not my thoughts! I will not give in to their nonsense. No, I will not do it, not even if they claim it to be my namesake. My name... my name is Mewtwo, not Mewtutu!

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