
Sep 10, 2011 07:27

[an indeterminate period of time ago (mainly because i am too damn lazy to look it up) your characters may have found themselves in the strangest of places - the minds of other people. There, they could learn all sorts of interesting things about their fellow detainees, such as their horrible love for disco ( Read more... )

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bitchester September 9 2011, 23:36:03 UTC
[it's almost as if you're seeing red inside, and there's another feeling: oppressive, as if it's tearing you apart. it's hard to see up ahead, as if you're having double-vision and vertigo at the same time, but maybe you're managing. if you're not getting sick, that is ( ... )


pieta_au_lait September 9 2011, 23:45:58 UTC
[winces and puts on her glasses, looking around... and trying the hotel door]


bitchester September 9 2011, 23:54:26 UTC
[the feel inside of this room is lighter, as if you can breathe.

the inside of the hotel room has two beds and an ugly painting on the wall. there's a nightstand between them with three drawers with a Mac laptop on top. it's turned on, even if the top is closed.

one bed is made, with a neatly packed duffel bag at the side, while the other is messy, loaded up with lots of empty bottles. this bed is messy, with clothes piled randomly, as well as a couple of open condom wrappers just underneath the clothes

there are also things underneath the beds]


pieta_au_lait September 9 2011, 23:55:44 UTC

[looking around, goes to examine the laptop]


bitchester September 9 2011, 23:59:59 UTC
[the webpage is opened to this. there are also notifications for an email.

she gets no response]


pieta_au_lait September 10 2011, 00:00:56 UTC
[checks the email]


bitchester September 10 2011, 00:04:37 UTC
[it says it's from bsinger.


Don't tell me you idiots keep going back to that camp again. How many times have you done this now? Half the time I don't know what crap you're going to keep dragging in with you.

Right. Anyway. Don't mess things up too bad in there. We don't know what you can or can't handle with that wall of yours. I feel like it's a ticking time bomb going off.

Make sure to try contacting me as soon as you can. Both you and your idiot brother. Can't imagine what stupid crap you're getting into without me.

- Bobby]


pieta_au_lait September 10 2011, 00:05:40 UTC

[gets up and goes to look at what's under the bed]


bitchester September 10 2011, 00:06:15 UTC


pieta_au_lait September 10 2011, 00:06:45 UTC
[... neat]


bitchester September 10 2011, 00:09:08 UTC
[there are books! two on language (one's a Latin dictionary, the other is How to Read Encochian for Dummies!), one is on the philosophy of the self, one is on demonology and whether it should be practiced, there's a Bible, and a ratty looking journal.

one of Dean's bottles must've gotten under here, or did he place it? either way, it's a whiskey bottle, mostly empty. Jack, of course.

there is also a gun]


pieta_au_lait September 10 2011, 00:10:49 UTC
[smiles a little, and rises, going back to the hall]


bitchester September 10 2011, 00:12:22 UTC
[the oppressive feeling has actually ... become worse? is that possible?

where are you going?]


pieta_au_lait September 10 2011, 00:13:26 UTC
[takes slow, deep breaths, and goes for the regular door that's not blocked off]


bitchester September 10 2011, 00:19:19 UTC
[there is a board! but it falls right off. the inside is a ... horribly charred nursery. is that blood dripping from the ceiling? there are empty buckets of fried chicken on the floor, along with other things: a bag of dog food, pizza boxes, and different report cards from various different schools and different addresses (the most consistent occurring in Michigan).

there is also a nightstand in here, with the drawers hanging open]


pieta_au_lait September 10 2011, 00:22:51 UTC
Sam? Are you here?

[carefully exploring... what's in the nightstand?]


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