Jan 19, 2011 18:10

[There is a scratching sound, soft, so soft that it might not even register at first, crackling just at the edges of your awareness. It's a little like the crack and pop of white noise, not insistent enough to be even that annoying for those who've been hearing it for a while. It fades easily into background noise. Only if you're actually genuinely paying attention and your hearing is really good, you might hear the creak like a door opening. "Oh, that's right, this is it, isn't it."

But after that: you're definitely hearing things now--voices, people you recognize from wherever you came from, whether they're in camp or not, whether they're still alive at home or not. It's not like they're explicitly calling to you, but they're talking TO you, about things you don't understand and things you've never done and responsibilities that were never yours. And even though you should know better at this point, some of you might find yourselves following the voices, which all seem to be coming from a particular place: the dead-center of camp. Of course. "That's the best place for something like this."

There's a doorway with no door standing there. Some of you might be able to pass it by, but others . . . ]

((Passing through the doorway, whether deliberately or by tripping/being shoved through, will trigger the AU effect. For those of you who might want to have your canon selves react to the AU selves of your CR before switching yourself, feel free to handwave that you haven't gone through yourself yet and do so later. If you have any questions or last concerns, please hit me up! I'll be on IRC as Hakuren or gmail as nekokoban.

PS: Link your AU cheatsheet information here.))
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