Nov 26, 2010 22:53
Sssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooo hey. Few things on the order of business.
(1) I'm uh, not dead at the moment. Or comatose. I do have a really bad crick in my neck, but I'm otherwise coherent, alive, moving around, and able to resume business as usual fairly soon. By the way, don't ever self-induce a coma. It's a bad idea all around.
(2) That having been said, I owe some people big apologies. Not just to those I worried due to my complete recklessness, but to my patients and co-workers as well. Maybe an apology won't suffice, but I know I'll need to talk to some of you eventually. I'm in the Hospital, in my third floor office. If you plan to come and beat the shit out of me, please don't damage the building.
(3) This should go without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway: if you know me at all, please do both of us a favor in the future and don't ever let me do things when I'm in shock. Not blaming anyone but myself for this, but keep it in mind.
Thank you.
((all responses typed unless otherwise specified ETA: Sleeping. Keep tagging in, I'll get to all threads later!))