Oct 23, 2010 10:30
Does anyone have a list of where all the healers live? Or if you're a healer, can I put you on a list? I want to make copies to give everyone just in case we get another run of bad luck with monster encounters.
Talking about monster encounters, if anyone else is hearing something strange late at night, can you let me know? I'll keep a record and pass it around to everyone. Except if it's a bloodstained moogle in your bed saying you should have saved; I already know about that one.
EDIT: If you've heard anything strange at all, I want to hear about it too.
[THUS FAR the list reads:
Miranda Lotto - large squarish train
Raphael - Hospital, third floor, fatal injuries only.
Estelle - Vesperia cabin
Some lady who you can talk to on a frequency?
Kuja - Crypt cabin]
((OOC: NAPPING back in an hour CONTINUE TO TAG IF YOU WANT i will be back :D))