..sure, they're cute right now......

Sep 23, 2010 19:11

[Hello, Camp!

This morning, you may have gotten a little note, simply asking you to come pick up your child outside the mess hall. Indeed, should you wander by for a meal, there is a huge banner hung on the side of the building. There are also seventy-five baby bins, arranged into rows. In each bin, there is a strange, super-sized egg, smiling in its sleep. On each bin, there is a little card with the parents' names. If you got a note? One of those cards has your name on it. If you're a dragon, perhaps your egg is the seriously gigantic one nestled into a bed of hay, off to the side.

In front of the eggbabies is an exhausted-looking teenage boy, sitting on the mountain of diaper packages.]

Come on, guys. If you don't get them yourselves, they're just going to show up in your cabin. And you really want to have the diapers and formula now. Trust me.

((ooc: Eggbaby start! Come get your eggs and Terry will detail just how screwed you are. The list of partners and some basic info is here, and the eggbaby journal is eggbreakudie, password the same as the anon journals.

As notifs are (still) down, I will be molasses, so please mingle. Isaak may pop in later to troll you. Have fun!))
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