(no subject)

Aug 01, 2010 10:53

[In the middle of camp is a door. A very standard front door, with a brass doorknob and a wooden frame. However, the doorframe is not attached to anything and the door really wants you to open it.

What's behind the door?]

(OOC NOTE: ALL RIGHT, THIS IS HOW THIS GOES. The door opens to a character's ~inner thoughts~. Subconscious, if you will! If ever you wanted your character's inner emo, inner creepy child or inner bizarre love for cabbage out but never had the opportunity, now is your chance.

1. Each thread is a new character's mental landscape. So the first thread is Bob the Builder swearing a blue streak after his thumb got hammered, while the second thread may be Little Miss Muffitt as an ecoterrorist against all spiders.
2. All replies to threads by outside characters are them and not a dream. So if Mary comments to Bob the Builder's thread, she is not dreaming or a part of his dream, she is actually chilling in there and is able to interact with things. Unless you want her to be dreaming. That's cool.
3. Keep in contact, use a condom, ask before shanking, you know the usual drill. Event chan is #cfuprivacy if you guys want one.

...also wow the userpics on this account.)
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