
Jun 06, 2010 19:31

The cool breeze of the summer's eve swept the fields of Camp Fuck You Die. The perils of recent weeks were the furthest things from the minds of the campers as they went about their business on this peaceful night.

But for those who looked to the sky, they would see great peril approaching, even as the laziness of summer tempted them away from vigilance. A bright light streaked across the stars, like an ominous scar in the sky.

It crashed deep in the fields, too far to harm the campers' new home, but not far enough to save them. The din of the crash rumbled windows and shook foundations. For a moment, Camp was lit by flame.

As the otherworldly light dimmed, a light mist began to creep along the ground. What was waiting for them out in the dark . . . ?

((Memory loss begin! As this is opt-in, please make a note in your subject line if you want to have your memories taken when you approach the crater. This doubles as a general reaction/exploration post! Moreover, feel free to go ahead and off-screen the memory loss at any time during this week. Explanations/questions go here or ping Zidane on IRC))

[[Edit: Oh lord slowness. I'm hitting all you memory-wipees as fast as I can. For mingly stuff I'll try to hit you up with Zidane when I can!]]

[[Edit Part II: The Revenge of Edit: Okay, must sleep. Will pick up tomorrow! And if you missed this post and don't feel like tagging in late, there will be another one tomorrow, with more plot. Stay tuned.]]
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