May 18, 2010 22:37
[ZEX is speaking from his ship, broadcasting his voice as far as he can with the small amount of power his ship has left]
People of Camp Fuck You Die. I am Admiral ZEX.
If you are a combatant, report to the Intruder-class spaceship on the far edge of the Eastern shore, that we may organize. I have an arsenal of weapons at my disposal should they be necessary.
If you are a non-combatant, I ask that you go toward the hospital and barricade it. It is the safest place at the moment, and we will send a defense corp to look after you.
If you identify as "other," please see me personally. This happens now.
Also of note, do not approach the lake. Marcy is now armed.
[The transmission ends.]
((IC planning post. ZEX will be tagging all over the place, but please mingle. People in the basement are fine too.))