ITP: lovely tea party!

Jan 29, 2010 23:51

[There is a boy. This boy has a mask on and a lovely frilly pink dress. Birds are chirping (even if it's night. Or day. Or whatever) and there is a tea party all set up with scones and crumpets and, yes, even tea! A (normally) yappy dog is laying at his feet.

And he's absolutely livid.]

I will fucking cut out their eyes. Who the hell do they think they are. PURPLE IS REALLY GAY, DOUCHEBAGS!

[And continuing in this fashion. Perhaps the gorillas compel you to join him? Or maybe you'd just like to laugh at this unfortunate scenario~]

((THERE IS NO SAYING HOW LONG I'LL STAY UP but it's been too quiet 8( come play!))
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