Dec 16, 2009 18:39
[At the bathhouse, there's a huge banquet set up with all kinds of delicious foods and drinks. The place is decorated with pine branches and ornaments, oddly reminiscent of a much more modern seasonal holiday.
A Roman man in festive robes stands outside, reading:]
Saturne, Ancient Father, hear our prayer!
As we untie Your woolen bonds this year,
so let the hidden seeds be brought to birth,
and let Your Golden Age return to Earth.
Io Saturnalia! Now let's eat!
[Basic Saturnalia festivities include: role-reversals (masters act as slaves, slaves act as masters), singing while naked, gift-giving, and good-natured pranks. Indulge at your leisure.]
[Edit: Break time! Will return later. Edit2: And back! Edit3: Out for the night. Will pick up tomorrow.]