(no subject)

Nov 21, 2009 19:08

[If you are in this post, chances are it is because your attention has been caught by the sound of a SUPER POWERFUL BLENDER! Or at least a homemade version of it. Operating it is a certain green crazy kid, and arranged in a row are liquefied results from previous tests: zombie parts, Mess Hall dishes, pieces of plumbing, etc.]

And now... will this blend? A-HAHAHAHAHAHA!

[But wait, what is this?! He has in his hands a Generic Adorable Critter* and is preparing to lower it into the powerful blender of doom! What do you do?**]

((* The Generic Adorable Critter can be anything from a random creature to your character's pet to a Moogle to Your Character, if he/she is suitably Adorable. CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE.
** VIOLENCING ZIM IS ALWAYS OKAY, and even encouraged! Do your worst!

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