something in the water?

Nov 14, 2009 20:02

[If you are near one of the more well-traveled byways of Camp today you'll find a table set up with several large, simmering cauldrons and a multitude of small vials. The man attending it looks in a sour mood and it's probably not because of the awful fumes.

But if you aren't near the table, don't worry. His magically amplified voice carries pretty far]

Those who have come into contact with the lake water must now have the proper antidote administered. I advise haste.

[Do be mindful of the smoldering zombies nearby]

((The antidotes will take care of any toxins found in the lake water, otherwise they'll just taste nasty. Intro, usual warnings apply. ohmygod I'm playing Snape on the internet
edit: I am in need of sleep. Will pick up new and old threads tomorrow))
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