Aug 17, 2009 18:36

[Tonight, the giant pirate ship on the lake has been moored closer to shore, and the colored lights wrapped around the mast, draped over the sides, and twisted around the banisters can be seen from camp proper.

Inexplicably, you now find yourself on the main deck (which somehow seems much, much bigger than it did from shore), dressed in your ballroom best.

There are long banquet-style tables filled with every kind of finger food and dessert imaginable (all delicious), along with several punch bowls (which, for the most part, are spiked). At the end of the dance floor is an open bar, and despite the overall surprisingly tasteful decorations, there's something undeniably pirate-y about the atmosphere.

...Which might have something to do with the boy wandering around greeting bewildered guests as they appear. The effect of his fancy red vest and tuxedo is somewhat compromised by the ratty straw hat and flip flops he's wearing. His partner in crime is standing at the ready with a deck of name cards, checking you out. Yes, you. ♥]

Shishishi! Another one! Grab a drink and have fun, okay?

(( BALLROOM DANCE. ZEX is handing out dance cards for those who signed up. For any questions or concerns, ping Luffy or ZEX on IRC! AND ~*~MINGLE~*~ HOLY BALLS YOU GUYS. SECOND POST HERE. ♥!? ))
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